The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 86 Table of contents

Chapter 86




Was there a problem?

The child couldn’t even make proper eye contact with him.

“Melody, what’s the matter?”


Melody hesitated for a moment but then cautiously began her story.

“I don’t know if I should say this, but I think it might be better if just the Duke and Loretta go out today.”

Melody glanced up at him briefly, but as soon as their eyes met, she quickly lowered her head again.

After a moment of silence, the Duke sat down to lower himself to her level, his face full of concern.

“Are you sick by any chance?”

At his worried response, Melody quickly waved her hands.

“I’m not sick! Not tired either. I’m very healthy.”

Melody’s cheeks were glowing with a healthy color as she spoke. The Duke was relieved about that at least.

Children often suddenly fell ill, startling him.

“Then, what’s the reason for not going together?”

“It’s not that I don’t want to go.”

The child paused, clutching the white shawl draped over her shoulders.

“I just thought that sometimes the two of you might need some time alone.”

Melody smiled bashfully as she replied. The Duke easily noticed that her smile seemed somewhat forced.

“Loretta comes to find me once a day. While our time together isn’t excessive, it’s also not lacking.”

Melody couldn’t find the words to argue against his claim.

Now that he mentioned it, that was true.

Loretta would say, “I’ll give father some love,” and frequented his office daily as if it were her playground.

It was even famous within the mansion that when he was really busy, he would work with Loretta on his lap.

The two were genuinely growing closer, so Melody’s argument that they needed more time together seemed a bit weak.

“My point is, that is to say…….”

Melody started looking for another excuse, and the Duke, once again, did not rush her, waiting patiently.

“Being together inside the mansion and being together outside are different, after all.”

Is that so…?

Perhaps because the Duke did not immediately argue against it, Melody quickly pushed forward with her opinion.

“Actually, I met Master Claude outside last time. I’ve seen him a few times in the mansion, but seeing him outside was a totally different feeling!”

In truth, this was a lie.

Claude was consistent in his endeavors to bother Melody, whether inside or outside.

Fortunately, it seemed he had forgotten his last declaration to Melody about making flowers wilt as a form of torment.

“I thought that perhaps the Duke and the young lady might also need that ‘different feeling.'”

“That makes sense. Your point is valid.”

The Duke nodded, and Melody smiled brightly, her face asking, ‘So, you’ll go out just with the young lady today?’

The Duke fell into a moment of contemplation.

Of course, it would be simple to override Melody’s argument and go out together.

He could say, ‘Next time, we’ll go out, just the two of us,’ and then add, ‘Today, we promised to go out together,’ forcing her to join the outing.

But he questioned whether it was right to forcibly take her along.

Upon reflection, Melody had not been one to make baseless assertions about unnecessary matters until now.

‘If there’s a reason she’s speaking so desperately about this…’

He thought that as an adult, it might be necessary to accommodate her to some extent.

“Alright. We’ll do as you say.”


The Duke nodded and extended his hand.

“But, there’s a condition.”

“Anything, please tell me!”

Melody, relieved, quickly clasped his hand, ready to accept any promise.

“This is something Ronny once said.”

He recalled a wonderful thing his son had once mentioned.

“Being alone and struggling is not efficient, so if there’s anything troubling you, always feel free to ask for help.”


At his words, Melody looked a bit surprised, as if she really had ‘something’ troubling her.

Seeing her face, anxiety immediately took hold of the Duke’s heart, likely because he had just read several letters opposing Melody’s presence.

“There’s nothing like that.”

Suddenly, the girl quietly released his hand and began to avoid his gaze.

He thought, ‘It seems there is something.’ However, he did not probe further.

Melody bowed her head and quickly fled from his presence, leaving behind only her wish for him to ‘Please have a pleasant time with the young lady!’

“…I guess I’m not a good adult after all.”

The Duke murmured as he stood up, feeling a bitter sense of irony that Jeremiah had long avoided him, and now Melody began to do the same.

“It’s okay, Your Grace.”

Higgins, who had been watching the situation, smiled gently and offered him consolation.

“At least being able to say such a thing is commendable.”

“So, I’m still not a good adult.”

“There are no such adults anywhere, Your Grace.”

Really? He looked at Higgins with a puzzled expression, considering Higgins to be someone who could be classified as a good adult.

“Of course, I’m not a good adult either.”

“Then what kind of adult exists?”

To the Duke’s question, he replied with a kind smile.

“Adults are merely people. It’s unfortunate to be trapped by the mature appearance of a word, leading to insincere words and actions.”

The Duke pondered for a moment, stroking his chin. But soon, he reached an inevitable conclusion and let out a resigned laugh.

“Indeed, you are a good adult, Higgins.”

“I simply wish for the happiness of those belonging to Baldwin.”

Existing for Baldwin. That was also a mission born into anyone who carried the name Higgins.

Indeed, it could be said that without such a heart, one didn’t even deserve to bear the name.

As the Duke expressed his gratitude anew, Higgins modestly bowed his head, saying, ‘It’s my pleasure.’




Loretta seemed quite surprised to hear that Melody would not be joining them for the performance.

It was a natural reaction, given she had been eagerly looking forward to going out together.

“If Melody doesn’t go, Loretta won’t go either.”

As the child pouted her lips and said so, Melody quickly whispered into Loretta’s ear.

“But I really, really want to hear about your outing with the Duke.”

“Then Melody should come and see it too.”

That was such a logical argument that Melody momentarily lost her words.

“Uh, yeah. I want to hear the stories from Loretta.”

“Still, without Melody, Loretta will be sad.”

Loretta began to send ‘can’t you come anyway?’ glances, sparkling with persuasion.

“Without Melody, it’ll be this much despair.”


Surprised by the child’s choice of word, Loretta kindly explained its meaning.

Lifting a finger.

“Despair means having no hope.”

“…What on earth are you reading these days?”

“I don’t need to read, Loretta is smart.”

The child tilted her chin up in a slightly boastful expression and tightly held Melody’s hand.

“I like you, Melody.”

After delivering her passionate confession, she kissed the back of Melody’s white hand.


“So, please come with us.”

Faced with such a fervent plea, Melody wanted to respond, ‘Yes! I like you too! Let’s always be together!’

Anyone would have felt the same, seeing the world’s most adorable girl making such a heartfelt request.

However, Melody gathered all her patience from the bottom up and shook her head.


…For some reason, she felt she could understand the feelings of the male protagonist from the original story, who didn’t want to part with Loretta.




Fortunately, Loretta did not insist for long and left to see the performance with the Duke.

Left behind in the mansion, Melody, having nothing particular to do, went to find Grandma Higgins.

She was wearing thick glasses, knitting with a thin needle.

“It’s perfect timing.”

As soon as Grandma Higgins spotted Melody, she seated her on the cozy carpet and handed her a bundle of yarn.

“Hold it firmly so it doesn’t get tangled and unravel. You can manage that much, can’t you?”

“Of course!”

Melody sat at Grandma’s feet, clutching the yarn tightly, happy to be of any help.

“But how am I supposed to knit if you hold it that tightly!”

Soon, however, she was scolded by Grandma. The yarn wouldn’t come out because she was holding it too tightly.

“I’m sorry!”

Melody quickly relaxed her hands.

“Relax your shoulders too. Unless you want to ruin my knitting.”

“Yes, I’ll do that. I won’t be a disturbance to you, Grandma.”

Melody loosened her stiff body, making herself comfortable.

Soon, the bundle of yarn began to gently tickle her palms as it slowly turned.

The soft touch was somehow ticklish.

After a while, as Mrs. Higgins was absorbed in her knitting, a quiet murmur reached Melody.

“…Hmph, as if you could be a disturbance.”

“Excuse me?”

Melody quickly looked up at Mrs. Higgins.

“With such regret in your voice.”

Despite the ambiguous muttering, Melody understood all of her words.

It must be about why she didn’t go with the Duke and Loretta.

“That is…”

The girl hesitated, pondering her answer.

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