The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 102 Table of contents

Chapter 102


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The Higgins family had served the ducal house in various ways according to the talents they possessed up to now. Not only as butlers but also as knights or scholars, many had dedicated their honor.

Even after their contributions had accumulated to the extent that the Emperor recognized their greatness, the Higgins never sought glory for themselves.

Of course, that’s not to say there were never any descendants who objected to this stance. It’s human nature to desire honor for oneself.

However, the current butler, Mr. Higgins, had no such ambitions. He was quite satisfied with his fate, always finding joy in serving the duke and watching over the children.

But there was one thing that bothered him.

Occasionally, someone would ask, ‘What about the Higgins’ heir?’

The intention behind the question was clear. Since Mr. and Mrs. Higgins were unlikely to have a child at this point, it was assumed they would adopt a promising child.

Therefore, those who asked this question would often follow up with suggestions like, “I have a nephew in the countryside who is quite intelligent.”

Mr. Higgins would simply smile at such proposals without giving a direct answer.

Having an heir would be nice, of course. Children are always adorable.

But he had a significant aversion to adopting a child from another family. It wasn’t about insisting on blood relations.

In today’s aristocratic society, where adoption had become commonplace, bloodline was almost an illusion.

His concern was about the potential of these children. Children could grow up to achieve anything and earn honors for themselves.

However, a child belonging to the Higgins family was expected to become a shadow of the ducal house. They could not claim any achievements in their own name and had to dedicate everything under the Baldwin name.

He worried that this might be too cruel a fate for someone.

Thus, until this day, Mr. and Mrs. Higgins had not chosen an heir.

Fortunately, the ducal house respected their decision and never made an issue of the succession.

“In that situation, Miss and Melody appeared.”

Listening to his story, Melody quickly set down her cup and straightened up, a bit tense upon hearing her name mentioned.

The child’s reaction was so endearing that Mr. and Mrs. Higgins shared a smile.

“At first, we never thought we would end up adopting Miss Melody.”

“Well, because I…”

“It’s not about social status. How many people would think about such a thing with a stranger child?”

Melody finally nodded in understanding and asked cautiously,

“During my time here, have I proven to you that I really, really like the miss?”


“So, that’s why you accepted me.”

“That’s not the only reason.”

“What else then?”

“If you look at Master Ronny who just left a moment ago.”

Higgins glanced at the firmly closed door of the tea room. A faint rustling sound came from the doorway.

It was probably Ronny, who had been sent out but couldn’t help eavesdropping and got startled upon hearing his name.

“Miss Melody has become quite precious to the people of this mansion.”


Melody asked, her eyes wide in surprise.

“Everyone is concerned about your well-being. So, we thought it only right to offer you the proper protection.”

“Everyone means…”

“Of course, I’m referring to those who are living and working in this mansion right now.”

Images of many people flashed through Melody’s mind. Not just the members of the ducal family, but also the servants who had been kind to her. Of course, Mr. and Mrs. Higgins were among them.

That she was precious to all of them.

“…It’s strange.”

She responded after a long moment, her clasped hands unconsciously tightening.

Mr. and Mrs. Higgins quietly waited for her to continue.

“I know that everyone thinking of me is more than I deserve.”

Perhaps the old Melody would have vehemently shaken her head upon hearing such words.

Saying that such a place wasn’t suitable for the daughter of a slave trader. That it was beyond her station.

“But now, I don’t want to back down saying ‘that can’t be true.’ No, I…”

Melody slightly shook her head. Hadn’t she promised to only speak her truth from now on?

“Actually… I want to be loved even more.”

That was something she had longed for even before she was born into this body.

Until recently, she had given up on such a possibility, thinking it could never happen.

No matter how much she yearned for affection from her mother, all she ever grasped in her tiny hands was the cold wind.

But now, things were different.

The fact that a greedy wish for love received such a tender response proved it, didn’t it?

“Of course, that will happen. As long as you, Miss Melody, do not lose that heart.”

“I’ll always be the Melody I am now. That’s because…”

Melody paused for a moment, taking a deep breath.

“I really like who I am now. I’m very satisfied.”

After saying this, she couldn’t help but smile broadly.

“I don’t like it!”

However, Mrs. Higgins, who had approached, exclaimed loudly, causing Melody to quickly bow her head in surprise.

Watching her reaction, Mrs. Higgins softened her tone and continued,

“I despise children who do not cherish snack time.”


Melody then realized the time. It had already been 15 minutes past snack time.

“It’s not that I didn’t cherish it. But today, I was so happy that I didn’t feel hungry even without eating snacks.”

“Hmph, if you think happiness can fill your stomach, you’ll starve for the rest of your life.”

Mrs. Higgins said this as she placed an apple pie on the table.


“This is…”

Melody turned to Mrs. Higgins in surprise. It was the same pie she had observed hanging from the window earlier.

The one Mrs. Higgins had made all by herself, refusing anyone’s help.

“It looks really delicious.”

“Of course, it does. What do you take me for?”

“Well, you are Mrs. Higgins, who oversees all the servants of this mansion!”

Melody gave what she thought was the perfect answer to please Mrs. Higgins.

However, Mrs. Higgins’s expression did not brighten much.

Of course, she wasn’t someone who often showed bright expressions.

“…What am I going to do with this clueless lamb?”

“Excuse me?”

She sighed deeply and placed a larger slice of apple pie in front of Melody than usual.

“Eat. It seems you have a mountain of things to learn in the future.”

“I will learn diligently!”

“You always have the right answers, don’t you? Even with an empty stomach.”

Mrs. Higgins grumbled but still brought Melody a warm glass of milk, telling her to eat slowly.

Melody chewed on the generously cut pie, savoring its taste. Ronny had mentioned that this pie hid a great secret. At the time, she thought it might just be a ‘secret recipe,’ but as she ate, she realized the flavor suggested there might indeed be something more hidden within it. It was a taste so special that with every bite, she felt a warmth spreading through her heart, an explanation she couldn’t find unless there was indeed something more to it.


* * *


Days later, Melody formally became a part of the Higgins family through official procedures. Her name, “Melody Ainz Higgins,” was added to the noble registry published annually by the royal family. However, Melody still referred to the couple as ‘the butler’ or ‘grandma.’ They decided to gradually change this, and the Higgins couple happily responded to whatever Melody called them.

A family banquet was held at the ducal house to celebrate Melody’s new status, with Ronny being the organizer. He was determined to host a proper party this time, tailored to the tastes of the attendees. Thanks to this, Melody got to enjoy a large piece of meat. Throughout the banquet, the duke was on guard, wondering if strawberry cake would appear as a dessert. Fortunately, the dessert was pudding, but the inclusion of a ring-shaped chocolate made everyone cautiously glance at the duke while laughing.

The joyous time continued until the evening when white snow began to fall. The children, allowed to stay up a bit later than usual, spent time making a snowman under the moonlight, while the adults enjoyed their drinks. The sounds of merriment from the mansion reached the sky in no time.


* * *


After the banquet, Melody returned to her room and bathed in warm water.

“So sleepy.”

Barely keeping her eyes open, she managed to change into her pajamas. If the maids hadn’t helped, she might have fallen asleep standing up without managing to button up properly.


It had been a very busy day. In the morning, she followed Mr. and Mrs. Higgins to the temple, and immediately upon returning, she was warmly celebrated at the surprise party.

‘And then we made a snowman because it suddenly started snowing.’

Melody smiled as she looked out the window. The large snowman she made with Loretta seemed to be waving at her, as if saying, ‘We are here!’

‘I wish I could fall asleep like this.’

Sitting by her bed, Melody swung her bare white feet back and forth, trying to shake off the sleepiness.

Even after saying goodnight to all the adults, there was still a reason Melody couldn’t fall asleep yet.

Because of a promise she made with Ronny.

“You have an obligation to help us solve the secret.”

He was still searching for the secret space that was said to be found in the second-floor ceiling. Even though Loretta, who initially discovered the secret, had now become indifferent.

“After the banquet ends, come up to the second floor at dawn.”

When she asked why it had to be today, Ronny confidently answered,

“After the banquet, all the adults will be drunk and asleep. There’s no better day to act secretly.”

Moreover, he added,

“Loretta will be coming out at dawn too. Are you saying you won’t come? She’ll be disappointed.”

That was as effective as the time they invited Jeremiah out by hosting the Tower Master.

Melody didn’t want to disappoint Loretta, so she had no choice but to nod.

…Not knowing she would be this tired tonight.

Melody looked up at the high sky beyond the snowman.

When exactly would dawn come? She wished it would arrive quickly.

‘I need to finish the search quickly and come back to sleep…’

With that thought, Melody briefly closed her eyes.

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