The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 107 Table of contents

Chapter 107




The duke gave no reply to her words.

Instead, his gaze towards Loretta, who had fallen back asleep, was laden with an unavoidable fear.

Perhaps, he was recalling that summer day, imagining Loretta in the duchess’s place.

Melody grasped his arm tightly.

His trembling gaze finally met the girl’s.


Melody’s face was filled with conviction. It wasn’t just to reassure the duke.

“I won’t let the same thing happen as before. I will make sure of it.”

Melody placed one hand near her heart.

“I will protect Loretta.”

A tense exchange of looks passed between them, and after a while, the duke responded.

“It’s still difficult for me.”

He gently placed his hand, now steadied from the trembling, on Melody’s shoulder.

“It’s such sudden news; I’m not sure how to react.”

“I understand.”

“But, Melody.”

The duke called her name, then paused, shaking his head as if to correct himself.

“Little Higgins, since you’ve sincerely sworn to protect Loretta. I, too, will make a promise.”

The duke leaned in slightly to meet her gaze more closely.

“I will also do my best to protect you all.”

At his declaration, Melody nodded slightly in response.

“Thank you.”

The duke straightened his posture and extended his hand towards her.

“There are many things I want to ask you, but for now, it’s best if we go to sleep.”

“I can go by myself.”

“Allow me to escort you. The stairs are dangerous for children at this dark hour.”

Melody was about to speak about the brightly lit corridor but stopped herself and took his hand instead.

The duke’s hand was large enough to completely envelop hers. Looking at it made the promise to ‘protect her’ feel even more reassuring.


As they stepped into the corridor, Melody initiated another conversation.


“Is it alright if we start verifying the records I know of from tomorrow?”

Melody wanted to gain his complete trust as soon as possible.

Although solving Loretta’s issue might be something for the far future from now,

“If you’re okay with it, I would like to do that too.”

“I want to do that.”

The only way to prove that the records she remembers, namely the original work, include future events, would probably be just one.

Melody would talk about the near future, and they would wait for it to happen.

‘I’m not sure if it will work out.’

Melody somehow had a feeling that it would be okay.

Good thoughts are excellent guides that lead you to the right place.

“You might have a lot on your mind, but for now, get some good rest tonight.”

In front of Melody’s room, the duke gently stroked her head.

Melody smiled happily at his kindness.

“You might have a lot on your mind too, but I hope you have good dreams.”

“I hope the same for you.”

“Then, good night.”

Melody bowed deeply and entered her room, and the duke returned to the second floor.


He called out softly, and the man standing at one end of the corridor revealed himself. Despite the difficult hour to be awake, he was neatly dressed.

“Yes, Your Grace.”

“This might sound a bit strange, but.”

“Please, speak.”

“I’m quite curious about how your daughter will grow up.”

“Is that so?”

As Higgins opened the door for the duke, he smiled.

“I think I can see Melody’s future quite clearly.”


As the duke looked puzzled, he confidently answered.

“She will grow up to be a strong and healthy child. She might cause some worries from time to time, but worrying their parents is a child’s privilege, after all.”

A deep joy and anticipation could be seen on Higgins’s face as he spoke.


The duke slowly nodded.

“Your words are right.”

Regardless of the circumstances among the children, raising them to be strong and healthy was very important.

The duke once again resolved that such things should always be prioritized, no matter the situation.

“Still, I can’t help but want to meet them. I’m very curious.”

The children of the distant future.

“You will be able to meet them soon.”

Higgins, understanding his sentiments, responded with a kind smile.

“Time flies by so quickly, after all.”


“It’s late. You should get some rest.”

Higgins bowed and then left the room.

Left alone, the duke lingered on Higgins’s words and approached the window.

Opening the thick winter curtains revealed a part of the dark sky slowly turning a lighter shade.

Morning was approaching.

He gripped the curtain a bit tighter.




After sharing the truth about Beatrice, the Baldwin ducal family maintained peace.

Of course, there were occasional incidents, both big and small, but they were nothing compared to what Melody and Loretta had experienced so far.

In such a stable environment, Higgins’s words became true.

Time indeed flies by cruelly fast.

Following the diligent footsteps of the sun and the moon across the sky, the clock persistently moved forward.

Under the large roof of the ducal family, all the children grew up safely.

And so, Melody Higgins grew into a seventeen-year-old lady.

Six years was enough time to transform a little girl from a small village into a lady of a noble family.

With her confident expression, upright walk, and cultured accent, Melody was known everywhere as ‘the fine lady of the Higgins’.

Of course, that was just how others viewed her; it had little to do with how Melody saw herself.

The summer Melody turned seventeen.

Even before the early-rising summer sun had shown its face, there was light in her room.

Knock knock.

A calm knock sounded. At this hour, there could only be one person looking for Melody, so she put down the pen she had been holding and calmly answered.

“Yes, Father.”

The door opened as expected. It was Butler Higgins who had come.

Having come from different backgrounds, they had sworn to become a family six years ago.

Though there was a period of awkwardness initially, time has lent them a familiarity that now felt quite natural.


Even at this early hour, Butler Higgins was in perfect formal attire.

It seemed he was about to start the day with the duke.

But first, he had come to check on his only daughter, concerned she might have stayed up all night again.

“You’ve been up all night again, haven’t you?”

Melody couldn’t deny his question.

In the moment of hesitation, Higgins approached and tidied her disheveled long brown hair.

“It’s important to work hard, but you must not neglect your physical health.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m not looking for an apology. I’m just worried.”

Higgins briefly glanced at Melody’s desk.

A page of a history book was open, next to which was a notebook filled with black, densely packed memorization notes.

Melody’s bookshelf already housed several such densely written notebooks.

Thinking about it, Melody had always enjoyed studying.

Perhaps it was because she had missed out on such educational opportunities growing up in a rural village.

Even considering that, she had recently been dedicating herself to her studies a bit too excessively.

To the point where it worried those watching her.

But Melody had a good reason for her intense focus.

“I want to do well on the exam.”

The exam she referred to was a bit special.

“I know.”

Higgins nodded.

“The Royal Archivist exam isn’t something that comes around often.”

The Royal Archivist was the position Melody aspired to.

This was also influenced by her experience of transcribing various records to cope with Claude’s bullying since she was young.

Of course, there were other reasons as well.

Nonetheless, Melody wanted to pass this exam. Moreover, passing the Royal Archivist exam was one way to bring honor to the family name.

So, Melody wanted to achieve good results, if only to repay the kindness of those who had raised her.

“But… I’m not sure.”

Higgins smiled with a hint of bitterness.

“Whether to call it luck that the employment exam announcement came on the day my daughter turned seventeen, or…”

Or to call it misfortune.

The minimum age requirement to take the exam was seventeen.

This meant that Melody had the shortest preparation period and experience compared to anyone else taking the test.

This fact had pushed Melody to overexert herself, leading Higgins to sometimes complain, “Why did it have to be this year?”

Contrary to his deep concerns, Melody responded with a light voice.

“I think it’s luck.”

“Even with all this overexertion.”

“Maybe I wouldn’t have had the chance at all. This is the first recruitment exam in 22 years.”

Melody clasped her hands together and smiled.

“I really was lucky. So, I want to seize that luck as my own.”

“You’re determined.”

The butler sighed softly.

He had prepared himself for the natural increase in worries that came with having a child, but he hadn’t anticipated this extent.

However, having an unwavering goal was admirable, so there was only one thing he could do for her.

“Are you facing any difficulties?”

Removing even a small pebble from her path.


As if she just remembered, the girl flipped back to a section in the book she had been reading that she found challenging.

“I know a book that could help with that.”

Melody quickly took down a list of recommended books Higgins pointed out.

“Thank you.”

She didn’t forget to repay him with his favorite phrase.

“Let me say this again, Melody.”

“I know. I won’t overdo it. I won’t skip meals, and I’ll make sure to rest when I’m tired. So, please, Father.”

The girl set down her pen and smiled softly.

“Support me. Tell me that I can do well.”


Hearing such words, any parent would momentarily set aside their nagging.

“Of course, I always support you.”

Higgins smiled back at Melody and added something important.

“I will support you equally, whether you do well or not.”

By the time those kind words ended, the morning light was already beginning to shine through the wide-open window.

“You should hurry.”

It was time for him to go about his work.

“Have a good day, Father.”

“Have a good day, my daughter.”

Having someone to exchange the same words with every day is a wonderful thing.

Higgins thought this, feeling content.

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