The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 115 Table of contents

Chapter 115




“Today’s events have made her even more special.”

“And yet you’re not worried?”

“Even if Miss Higgins cannot take the exam, her uniqueness as a subject of my experiments remains unchanged. I don’t see what there is to worry about.”

Ronny was left speechless, his mouth agape.

The ‘special’ and ‘worry’ Jeremiah spoke of were solely from his own perspective.


Instead of faulting his viewpoint, Ronny decided to explain a different aspect, as he had always done over the past six years.

“Speak, brother.”

And Jeremiah, ever the diligent student, always took out his pen and paper when Ronny began to explain.

“Melody poured all her time and energy to the point of exhaustion for an exam that was coming up.”

“Yes, I’m aware.”

“But she came to the tower to keep her promise with you.”

“It was I who had made the appointment first.”

“But she could have postponed the appointment for the exam. That would have been a valid reason, and you would have accepted it.”

Jeremiah, who had been busily writing, acknowledged with a ‘I see.’

“So, the conclusion is that Miss Higgins prioritized me over herself.”

Jeremiah tapped the tip of his pen on the paper, lost in thought.

“Why would she do that?”

The most important thing in the world is oneself. You are the entity that operates your thoughts and body.

Yet, to prioritize someone else…

“Truly, a strange person.”

As he reached this conclusion, Melody shifted slightly in her sleep. It seemed lying in the same position for a long time was uncomfortable.

Ronny waited until she settled into a complete position, then quietly spoke up.

“Melody isn’t strange.”

“Excuse me?”

“She’s just thoroughly trying to be ‘Higgins’.”

“It’s odd to attach ‘thoroughness’ to a name. Regardless of who she is, she’s ‘Higgins’.”


Jeremiah, who had grown up outside the mansion, might not understand, but the bond between the father and Butler Higgins was something anyone would envy.

There had even been times when young Ronny and Claude lamented, “We don’t have a Higgins of our own.”

“Do you know that Butler Higgins is always by father’s side?”


“He accepts any aspect of father, even if it differs from his own thoughts.”

“That seems irrational.”

Jeremiah slightly frowned.

If there are differing opinions, it’s necessary to share them and work together to find a new solution, not for one side to unilaterally conform.

“Moreover… that’s burdensome.”


For the sake of that perfect trust, one cannot become the wrong person.

“It might seem like Baldwin unilaterally holds authority over Higgins, but in reality, it’s Higgins who guides Baldwin onto the right path.”

“It’s about exchanging the necessary tension between each other.”

“That’s the specialness of Miss Higgins you’re talking about.”

Jeremiah looked pensively at the paper where he had written ‘Miss Higgins is special,’ then set it aside for a moment.

“I feel like… I might be able to understand.”

Jeremiah, stroking his chin, slowly began to speak.

“This explains why I felt strange when Miss Melody rested her head on my shoulder earlier.”

“What did you say?”

Ronny asked in surprise, but Jeremiah seemed not to have heard him.

“It’s because she and I have a relationship where we have a special influence on each other.”

“Ah, yes. That’s true. But where did she rest her head?”


Jeremiah turned to Ronny with a determined expression.

“Ah, I’ve completely realized it now.”

“Suddenly? Realized what?!”

“Just as Miss Higgins has considered my experiments, I too must value her exam. That’s the healthy relationship between Baldwin and Higgins.”

No, so why did Melody rest her head on your shoulder?!

“I also understand why I couldn’t bring myself to touch Miss Higgins.”

Of course, you shouldn’t just touch her!

“It’s because I didn’t properly understand the importance of Miss Higgins.”

Regardless of what Ronny thought internally, Jeremiah lamented, “It was a very difficult problem.”

“It seems I only have you, brother.”

“…Ah, what?”

“Your words always bring me a new perspective.”

Despite appreciating the praise reflected in his sparkling eyes, Ronny could not comprehend half of what he said. His thoughts had partially halted at the mention of “leaning her head on his shoulder.”

‘What on earth happened!’


Ronny’s mind went back to the magicians’ wailing. Hadn’t they said Jeremiah was going through a dangerous phase of adolescence?


He called out cautiously, trying to gather his wits, and Jeremiah confidently nodded in response.

“Yes, actually, it’s not that there’s absolutely no way.”

While still speaking in riddles.

“…A way?”

“Yes, a way to wake Miss Higgins.”

Ronny quickly stood up from his seat. When he had asked if there was an ‘unnatural way to wake her,’ Jeremiah hadn’t said ‘no.’ He had only seemed troubled.

Ronny became anxious. He no longer cared about the earlier conversation.

“There is a way, right? Tell me!”

“Yes. In fact, it’s a method documented in ancient texts, and recently, it’s been considered not feasible to use….”

“I don’t care about that! Isn’t experimenting with whatever possible the spirit of the magic tower?”

“Well, yes, but we do have a minimum set of ethics, which has prevented me from recommending it.”

Ethics. How dangerous could this method be?

Ronny felt a bit worried but then shook his head.

What does it matter what the method is? If they do nothing, Melody’s efforts will be for naught.

“Ethics… What’s that matter?”

Encouraged by his determination, Jeremiah also agreed.

“Yes. As long as Miss Higgins considers Baldwin to be an absolute standard, I too am prepared to set aside ethics for the time being.”

Ronny nodded, moved. Now, he wouldn’t have to worry about what excuses to make to Melody once she woke up.


Ronny asked the most important question with a stern face.

“What exactly is the method? I’ll help with whatever it is.”

Even if it requires hard-to-find ingredients, the name Baldwin would likely make it not a big issue.

The prospect of having to use somewhat illegal routes was a concern, but it seemed necessary.

The brothers were ready to set aside any ethics for Melody’s exam, so there shouldn’t be any problem.

“The traditional method to forcibly awaken someone deep in sleep is not something extraordinary.”

“What is it…?”

Ronny swallowed hard, urging the explanation to continue.

“It requires a true kiss of love from a beloved. Kissing someone who is asleep without their permission presents an ethical issue, which is why it’s forbidden by the magic tower.”


“Well, it should be fine.”


“We have just collectively shed the cumbersome garment called ethics.”

…Put it back on, you fool!

This urgent plea echoed only in Ronny’s head.




Such an act wasn’t just about shedding ethics but shedding humanity itself! What? There’s no way I would want to do that!

With his face flushed red, Ronny repeated a similar statement about ten times, finally managing to persuade Jeremiah.

“And more importantly, Jeremiah.”

Regaining some composure, Ronny crossed his arms and added a logical rebuttal.

“A true kiss, as if that could ever be possible.”

“Why couldn’t it be?”

Ronny yelled back in response to the shameless reply.

“There’s no way something like that could happen between Melody and me!”

“Don’t worry. It’s possible.”


“According to extensive research, it’s a method that has been effective even in relationships where the emotions are not consciously acknowledged.”

Jeremiah shared actual examples, like records of a forsaken princess asleep in the woods who woke up from a kiss by a prince from a neighboring country.

“In other words, all that’s needed is for one side to perceive it as ‘true love.’ It’s very much possible.”

Ronny looked at his younger brother with somewhat dim eyes.

Up until now, he had thought of magic as a collection of tremendous logic.

But he could definitely see that there was something pitifully lacking.

The idea that a kiss could solve the problem was absurd.


Fortunately, Jeremiah’s pitiful assertion ended there.

Evan, his apprentice, had arrived, reporting that he had started to see the carriage of the ducal house in the distance.

“Brother, then I will go to meet them.”

“Then I should also….”

Ronny was worried about his brother facing the daunting adults alone and tried to follow.

But Jeremiah shook his head.

“Just in case, brother, please stay by Miss Higgins’ side.”

“Are you sure you’ll be okay? Even father is afraid of an angry Higgins.”

“It’s fine. I take full responsibility for my experiments.”

After saying this, Jeremiah left the room with Evan.

In the quiet room, nothing could be heard but Melody’s breathing.

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