The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 120 Table of contents

Chapter 120


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Melody immediately stopped walking. The unpleasant creaking of the wooden floor stopped as well, and silence enveloped the surroundings.

‘…Did I hear it wrong?’

Just as she thought this,


The sound was heard again, not too far away.

Melody turned towards the source of the sound in shock.


A dark shadow was flickering.

A ghost! It had to be someone who died unjustly because of Prince Samuel! Otherwise, there’s no way someone would be wandering around this archive!


The unpleasant sound gradually grew louder, as if it was about to swallow all of her hearing.

She thought she should run, but for some reason, her legs felt frozen and wouldn’t move.

‘What do I do, what do I…’

Melody, with her eyes tightly shut, just trembled at the sound that was getting closer and closer to her.

And finally.


The terrifying sound stopped right nearby.


Melody screamed and threw the rag she was holding.

It wasn’t that she threw it as part of some strategy. It was just out of sheer terror, an involuntary reaction.

However, the effect of the rag was remarkable.

The footsteps that had been frightening Melody stopped abruptly.

Good heavens, could the rag have exorcism powers? Is the royal rag somehow different?

‘…What am I even thinking?’

While it was good that the footsteps had stopped, now another problem came to mind.

‘I didn’t hear the rag hit the floor.’

That means… did the ghost kindly catch the rag?

Why, just why?!

“Miss Melody?”


Suddenly hearing her name called, Melody screamed again and stepped back.


But perhaps because she was too tense, her knees gave way. Her body, unable to properly stand, began to collapse slowly downwards.

“Oh dear.”

Immediately, a voice full of pity came from above.

Since it was a very familiar voice, Melody, with her eyes wide open, cautiously looked up above her head.

By now, the red sunset had almost disappeared, and all she could see was the face of the other party, half-shrouded in shadow.

However, Melody could easily recognize who it was.

“…Young master?”

It was Claude. Claude Baldwin, who was like an enemy to Melody.

“Hello, Miss Melody.”

He nodded slightly as a greeting, even smiling.

Claude, who had become a young man in his twenties, often received compliments that even a faint smile of his was quite splendid.

Of course, Melody also thought that any expression that bloomed over his handsome face was quite marvelous.

Since Claude somewhat resembled Loretta, it was natural for her to feel this way.

But to Melody, if Loretta’s smile brought peace and joy to the world…

Claude’s smile was malicious, bringing destruction and despair.


“Hmm, the furrow in your brow is becoming more and more like Mrs. Higgins. Do you dislike meeting me that much?”

“That’s, that’s not true.”

“That’s a relief.”

He said so, and smiled brightly enough to make his eyes crinkle, making Melody feel extremely uneasy.

“I thought you might hate me even though I offered help.”

At that, Melody cautiously countered.


“Help, yes.”

As he said that, Melody finally realized one thing.

That his hand, placed around her waist, was providing an almost sad level of comfort.

“Is it uncomfortable?”

He asked carefully, and Melody nodded without hesitation.

The posture, almost as if she were being embraced, was comfortable, but having his entire body and even his face so close made her feel uneasy.

“Hmm, I see.”

He answered in an unimpressed tone and took a step back, naturally distancing the hand that had been supporting Melody.

Melody sighed in relief, glad that it wasn’t a ghost.

Even though the person who appeared was Claude Baldwin.

Straightening his posture, he took off his gentleman’s hat and fiddled with his neatly groomed blond hair.

It seemed he was concerned about his appearance being a bit disheveled from catching Melody.

‘He doesn’t need to worry so much about his looks.’

He was enjoying great popularity, just as in the original work.

There was even a joke in the capital that the people who adored him could surround the ducal mansion.

Despite enchanting so many, how many more fans did he possibly want to make?

‘Dressed in a perfect suit even on such a hot day.’

He could have omitted at least one or two pieces.

But Melody thought he looked much more stylish dressed this way.

At some party, she had inadvertently said, “You look most splendid when you are fully dressed, young master.”

He had simply replied, “Hmm, is that so?” without much concern.

Nonetheless, the shirt collar and tie done up to the neck looked terribly stifling.

If it weren’t for the stark white rag hanging neatly over his shoulder, it would have looked truly uncomfortable…


Melody’s gaze froze on his shoulder for a moment.

It seemed she had to immediately retract her relief that a ghost hadn’t appeared but the young master had.

A ghost would have been better. A hundred times better.

“Tha… that.”

Melody dared to point with her fingertip at the damp rag adorning the young master’s shoulder.

“That thing.”

As if trying to come up with some excuse.


He slightly shrugged his shoulder.

“This thing, you mean.”

“Because I was so startled.”

“So, when Miss Melody is startled, she throws a rag at me.”

While there wasn’t much she could say to that…

Melody desperately searched for a rebuttal, then suddenly snapped her fingers and exclaimed.

“How, how did you get in here!”

This is an archive managed by the royal family.

Even though it’s of lower importance and some nobles are allowed access, today was an exam day, so outsiders shouldn’t have been allowed in.

Melody looked at him with persistent eyes.

Hoping this question might put him in a bit of a difficult position.

“But of course.”

However, he answered with his usual relaxed smile.

“I used my own methods.”

“Why would you do such a thing…!” Melody asked with a face full of despair, but she felt like she already knew the answer.

This malicious man must have wanted to interfere with Melody’s job search.

It was clear because he had always seemed eager to throw mud in Melody’s path ever since they were young.

For instance, there was this one time Melody thought a certain second son from a family was ‘somewhat splendid.’

They had just exchanged glances, but one day, an opportunity for a brief conversation arose.

Claude intruded between them uninvited and, using his invincible social skills, had a very enjoyable conversation with that second son.

Eventually, even the second son became a fan of Claude, and now that he has grown into a fine knight, he regularly sends letters and gifts to Claude.

“Why, you ask.”

“Because, young master, you always appear and interfere with everything I do…”

Melody, voicing her frustration, paused for a moment.

She felt a peculiar sense.

Now that she thought about it, it seemed like she had seen somewhere people going out of their way to bother someone they were interested in.

Was it in a novel? It seemed so.

“By any chance, young master.”

Melody looked at Claude with highly suspicious eyes.

This was because, based on the actions he had shown so far, a surprising conclusion had been reached.

“…Do you like me?”

“Yes, I like you.”

He answered with a rare serious face, which spared Melody from falling into a trap.

It was obviously a story handed over to tease Melody again.

Who would believe it when he says he likes her with such a face?

“I don’t like it when you say that, young master.”

“I know.”

His face seemed regretful, undoubtedly because Melody did not fall for his trap.

“Anyway, please hurry up and leave.”

Melody raised her arm and picked up the rag that was draped over his shoulder.

Since his black suit had white dust stuck to it, she gestured for him to bend down a bit with a hand motion.

Of course, Claude obliged, and Melody dusted off the area around him.

“Thank you.”

“I had no choice. After all, I am a Higgins.”

“My Higgins.”

He specifically corrected that point, and Melody did not respond.

“Anyway, now that I’ve nicely tidied up your clothes, please leave. If it’s discovered that an unauthorized outsider has been here, I’ll fail.”

Moreover, Melody was already under an unfavorable misunderstanding.

That she had passed the previous exams with the help of the ducal family’s influence.

If it becomes known that the heir to the ducal family was here, Melody would definitely not pass.

So, Melody pointed to the door again with a stern expression.

Meaning for him to leave immediately.

However, he seemed to have no intention of listening to Melody’s request.

“I can see how little trust you have in me. Do you really think I came here to ruin the exam of the one person who is mine?”

Melody was about to respond, “Yes, you did come here,” but then she just gave up.

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