The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 117 Table of contents

Chapter 117




As Melody stroked Loretta’s head, which was nestled in her embrace, something suddenly protruded in front of her eyes.

It was a pocket watch.

It was familiar to Melody’s eyes because she had borrowed it several times from Butler Higgins when she was young.

“But that’s an incredibly precious watch to your father. It was handed down from your grandfather…”

Back then, she didn’t know and simply borrowed it as a ‘toy’ to play with.

Seeing Melody hesitate, Higgins offered the watch again.

“You’ll need a good watch for the exam.”

“Well, yes, but…”

“Someone accompanying you to keep track would be ideal, but my daughter does not wish for that.”

Most of those taking today’s exam were either children of noble families or the wealthy who could afford education.

For this reason, it was permitted to bring along a servant during the exam.

However, Melody felt more pressure with someone by her side and decided to go alone.

“An old watch knows how to calmly measure time. It will surely be of help.”

Persuaded by his advice, Melody carefully accepted the watch. Perhaps because of the familiar touch, her heart calmed somewhat.

“…Thank you.”

The watch strap had a cute lace ribbon attached, and Melody quickly realized it was Mrs. Higgins who had added it.

“Thank you for the ribbon as well. Mother.”

“Ah, that damn watch…”

Mrs. Higgins, surprised by her own use of ‘damn,’ paused for a moment.

“Oh, I must be mad.”

She quickly waved away the word she had blurted out, swirling her hand in the air.

“Ahem, anyway, it would be troubling if the young one were to be teased for carrying around such a cursed item. Tsk, so I suggested we buy a new one. Tsk.”

It seemed there had been a small conflict between the two over which watch to give to Melody.

“I really like this watch.”

It was also the watch that had counted many joyful moments in her childhood.

“Of course, I also like the lace ribbon you added.”

Melody wrapped the precious watch in a handkerchief and quickly put it away in her embrace.

It was about time to leave, so she hurriedly exchanged goodbyes with the others.

After that, she went out to the entrance and boarded the prepared carriage.

“Then, I’ll be off.”

Bowing slightly as she said her final farewell, everyone waved their hands lightly in response.




The recruitment exam was held in the archives located inside the imperial palace.

Given the venue, it took quite a bit of time just to pass through the small gate entering the palace.

Of course, proving one’s identity was necessary, and after going through the process of checking each item brought along, an hour had swiftly passed.

Given these circumstances, several candidates couldn’t even arrive on time.

A conference room in the archives prepared for the exam was completely closed at the appointed time.

Those who arrived even a second late were left to explain their unavoidably delayed circumstances to the administrator, but the already closed door did not open.

“Do you know who I am to treat me with such disregard at the door!”

One man shouted, but it likely did not intimidate the archivists.

They would not bow even in front of the emperor’s reprimands.

They merely politely wrote down everything the emperor said.

Anyway, Melody was grateful for having followed the Duke’s advice to leave with plenty of time to spare.

She would have been very upset if she hadn’t even gotten the chance to take the exam.

While the officials were sending away those who arrived late, the candidates who arrived on time were sitting at their desks, each finding their own way to relax their nerves.

Melody cautiously observed each one of them.

‘There doesn’t seem to be anyone my age.’

Most of the candidates appeared much older than Melody.

Naturally, her presence stood out somewhat, and occasionally there were people who sent her interesting looks quite openly.

But was being young enough reason for such curious stares?

Melody realized the true intent behind those looks after a bit of time.

“Are you okay?”

A kindly-looking young man approached her to start a conversation, his face showing concern.


“Someone supposed to help you came late and couldn’t enter, right?”

“Someone to help…?”

Melody looked around.

Indeed, it seemed that all the candidates, without exception, had brought someone along behind them.

Naturally, she thought everyone had brought someone to do simple errands like fetching tea according to the regulations. However, upon closer inspection, it didn’t seem exactly like that.

Right behind the young man who had spoken to Melody stood another young man, holding numerous notebooks he seemed to have organized himself.

“So, bringing a servant means…”

Was it meant that they were to take the exam together?

When Melody couldn’t continue her words, the young man shrugged his shoulders, appearing somewhat apologetic.

“In essence, that’s what it means. It’s… Ah, seeing your reaction, you really didn’t know.”

As Melody nodded slightly, he encouraged her by patting her on the shoulder.

“Well, you’re disqualified then. It’s regrettable, but that’s how it is.”


Melody couldn’t say anything else. Seeing her head bowed as if she looked pitiful, the man offered a bit more consolation.

“It can’t be helped. You’re still young, so there’ll be another opportunity in a few years.”

“I’ll lend you my smart servant then,” he said with a laugh.

His expression seemed somewhat relieved.

Perhaps he was thinking that at least one competitor had been eliminated.

It wasn’t just him; the looks from others around her seemed to carry a hint of sympathy.

Not knowing how to react, Melody just fiddled with the watch she had placed on the desk.

After a bit more time passed, five officials dressed in black suits entered the front of the conference room.

They looked over the candidates one by one with a stern expression, as if assessing something.

Finally, one of them stepped forward. It was a woman with her white hair neatly tied up.

“The exam will consist of three stages.”

She slowly explained the exam process. There would be two written exams for the first and second stages, and in the evening, each candidate would be tasked with organizing a storeroom.

Thus, the final stage of the exam would conclude the following morning.

There was a stir around when it was mentioned that there would be eliminations at each stage, with some candidates returning early.

However, the official continued in a solemn voice, undisturbed.

“Then, we will start the first exam.”

Everyone organized their writing utensils.

Since it was stated that consulting brought books or notes was allowed, there was nothing special that needed to be put away.

Soon, the test papers were distributed.

There were twenty descriptive questions, and candidates needed to answer at least eight. They could write more if they wished, but it was not mandatory.

As the exam began, the candidates picked up their pens, and their companions started to efficiently search for the necessary information in books or notes.

Faced with an unexpected exam scene, Melody was momentarily flustered and found herself unable to move her pen.

However, as she looked at the needle of the pocket watch laid out in front of her, her heart gradually began to calm down.

‘I might be at a slight disadvantage, but.’

She decided to focus on writing down what she knew and her deductions based on that knowledge in neat handwriting without shaking.

Complaining wouldn’t change anything, after all.




The first part of the exam ended after three hours.

While most candidates managed to answer about fifteen out of the twenty questions, Melody completed exactly eight.

It took her some time to come to conclusions on her own by searching through the book.

And it was all the more difficult because she had to write neatly, enduring the pain in her hands.

Melody massaged her sore hands joint by joint, sighing.

Just when she thought she could rest, the officials who received the exam papers did not hesitate and began to call out some names immediately.

“Those called, please stand up. Chris Barton, Henrietta Emerson, and…”

What criteria were they using to call out names?

The officials had just received the answer sheets and hadn’t had the chance to read through them in detail yet. Still, they were calling out names, which confused everyone.

“Melody Higgins.”

Suddenly, Melody’s name was also called.

The moment she stood up, the atmosphere in the conference room sharply divided.

Everyone seemed convinced that those whose names were called were the ones who failed.

And it made sense, since Melody’s answer sheet had fewer answers than anyone else’s.

Those whose names were called started to look despondent.

“That’s all.”

The official, having quickly checked, finally finished the announcement.

Soon, a voice exclaiming ‘Yes!’ in joy was heard beside Melody.

It was the man she had talked to earlier, relieved that his name hadn’t been called until the end.

Feeling Melody’s gaze, he scratched his head and turned to look at her.

“Uh… um, sorry for celebrating when someone who failed is right next to me.”

What an annoying person.

Melody had nothing else to say, so she turned her gaze away.

The official who had finished the announcement was pointing towards the door of the conference room with his hand.

“Well then.”

She raised her chin high and declared to all the candidates.

“Those whose names have not been called until now may now return home.”

Suddenly, the surroundings became silent.

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