The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 211 Table of contents

Chapter 211


* * *


The news that the Emperor had ended the long conflict with his brothers and delivered an official apology to the victims spread widely even outside the capital.

As it was something that had troubled many people for such a long time, in whichever village one went to, it was easy to find people talking about it.

Belhold, where Melody had newly settled down, was no different.

Some said it was fortunate that the Emperor had finally come to his senses and had the heart to apologize, even if it was now.

However, others talked about how there must be some other ulterior motive behind all these actions by the Emperor.

Coincidentally, such an opinion had even been published as a column in a newspaper.

Questioning whether the Emperor’s gesture of reconciling with Prince Samuel was just an act to effectively weed out those who sided with him back then.

Melody thought the Emperor wasn’t someone who would go that far, but she decided not to move hastily to be prepared just in case.


Even though she had made up her mind like that, sometimes other lingering attachments inevitably came rushing in.

Thinking that since Prince Samuel and August were getting along well with the Emperor, maybe Melody could also visit the capital…

She even started to have expectations that at least a letter might be allowed if that wasn’t possible.

‘No, it’s still too early.’

However, Melody shook her head, trying hard to shake off her longing heart.

Didn’t she decide when she first left the capital?

To quietly hide until Loretta’s safety was secured, so that no other variables would occur.

Melody sighed, folded the newspaper, and got up from her seat. It was time to go collect the laundry she had hung out in the morning.

When she picked up an empty basket and came out of the hut, Wiley Neal and Mindy were whispering something with their heads together.

“…What are you doing?”

As Melody approached with curiosity, they were startled and simultaneously shook their heads.

“Ah, no! It’s nothing!”

“It’s nothing, Teacher!”

Judging by their expressions, it seemed there was something fun going on. Melody just gave them a smile and went up the hill behind the temple where the laundry was hung.

Mindy and Neal followed her back with their eyes and simultaneously let out a sigh.

“We almost got caught by Miss May. That’s why I said we should practice behind the temple.”

Mindy poked Neal’s side and delivered those words reproachfully, and Neal scratched his head.

“…Do we really need to practice this kind of thing?”

“Of course.”

Mindy grabbed his arm and dragged him behind the temple where no one was around.

“Listen, Mindy. First of all, I’m an adult and I can handle things on my own to a certain extent.”

“With your terrible way with words, even if you confess, you won’t be able to capture Miss May’s heart.”

“Te-terrible, you say!”

“You’re confident, aren’t you? Then try it.”

As Mindy provoked him, lifting her chin, Wiley Neal coughed for a moment and took off his brown hat, hugging it.

“Um, Miss May. I have something important to say.”

Mindy nodded slightly. It seemed to mean he passed up to here for now.

“Since Miss May came, more people started visiting the temple more often. Donations have increased too. Thanks to that, we were able to expand projects for the villagers. Please continue protecting this temple with me.”

Unlike his enthusiastic(?) confession that he excitedly continued, Mindy’s expression somehow only darkened.

“…What is that supposed to be? It’s totally lame! If Miss May leaves here too, it’s all because your confession was terrible!”

Mindy seemed somehow very angry.

“What do you mean by ‘too’? Who left?”

When he made eye contact and asked, the child pouted her lips and turned her head, saying, “I don’t know.”

“Anyway, I hate such vague words! I also hate someone just leaving behind words with no promise like ‘I will definitely come to see you someday’!”

“Who said that to you?”

“No! I was just…”

Mindy fidgeted with the hem of her clothes and swallowed her words. Neal decided not to pry any further now.

“Alright, I just need to say it clearly, right?”

“…I don’t know if you’re capable of that, Teacher.”

“You little meddlesome brat!”

Neal lightly pinched both of the child’s cheeks with a flushed face, and Mindy could finally laugh like usual.


* * *


Although he practiced confessing playfully with Mindy, Wiley Neal was actually quite serious.

Some time ago, when May had just settled here, some villagers used to whisper that she might be a dangerous person.

It wasn’t unreasonable to think that way, as she gave off the vibe of a young lady from an aristocratic family to anyone who saw her.

Among the nobles who had to hide their identities, there were many involved in serious crimes like treason.

But May got closer to the villagers day by day, and whenever they needed help, she would step up without hesitation.

Wiley Neal admired May’s ability to take action.

It didn’t take long for that admiration to develop into other feelings.

‘I… couldn’t tell her though.’

One day, as he kept postponing the day to convey his feelings.

He realized that May was a bit strange.

The time she spent lost in deep thought while reading a newspaper with news from the capital had become unusually long.

Neal could easily notice that the contents of that newspaper were related to her past.

‘I never thought she might have been an aristocrat from the capital…’

He felt a bit discouraged, but soon he realized something more important than that.

May might leave this village.

That was troublesome. She was now a person this village needed.

‘Seeing that even Mindy is worried, it seems I’m not the only one who feels like Miss May might leave.’

Neal picked flowers and grass near Mindy’s inn and made a small bouquet.

After hiding it slightly behind a tree at the temple, he waited for the evening when the temple’s work would end.

“Um, Miss May.”

When he went to the dining room at dinner time, she was again sipping tea and looking at the newspaper. It was an article about the Emperor and his younger brother.

“Ah, um. I was just reading it because I was bored.”

Perhaps noticing his gaze, May put down the newspaper and smiled brightly. It seemed like a forced smile somehow.

Anxiety found its way into his heart again. Somehow, at this rate, really…

“Neal, is something the matter?”

“If it’s alright with you, I have something to say.”

“Ah, yes. Please tell me. Would you like to sit here?”

May pulled out a chair for him.

“No, that’s not it. Ahem.”

He cleared his throat and surreptitiously glanced towards the kitchen. The housekeeper lady was kneading dough for tomorrow’s breakfast bread.

“For a moment…”

“Ah, yes. I understand.”

Even at his ambiguous words, May got up from her seat with a smile.

Neal went out of the hut with somewhat stiff steps.

In the pitch-black darkness that had settled before he knew it, he asked May to wait a moment.

He had to find the bouquet he had made and hidden during the day.

‘If I had known, I should have brought it before starting the conversation…’

He fumbled in the jet-black darkness and found the bouquet.

Now all that was left was the confession. Along with the words to stay in this village.

He stood up again, strengthening his resolve, and headed towards the hut where Melody was waiting.

But contrary to his feelings, his two legs didn’t move at all, standing in that spot.

Because in front of May, who had been standing alone in front of the hut until a moment ago, there was a man.

It didn’t seem like he was… from the village. The silhouette was unfamiliar.

This late at night, even while watching a complete stranger approach her, Neal couldn’t do anything somehow.

That man was probably one of the people May had been thinking about while reading the newspaper.


Neal dropped the small bouquet he was holding with a thud.


* * *


“I’m sorry.”

The first words Claude uttered after jumping off his horse upon discovering her were none other than an apology.

“…Young Master?”

When Melody looked up at him blankly in surprise, his body swayed for a moment.

Melody hurriedly grabbed his arm. In a state of awkwardly being held by her, Claude let out a low groan and apologized again. Saying, “I’m sorry.”

“…It’s not that I forgot your request not to look for you.”

“How recklessly did you ride here?”

At her question, Claude shook his head. He had been riding non-stop except when he stopped by villages to change horses.

To the point where he almost fell off the horse while dozing off.

“I don’t know, I couldn’t keep track of the days…”

He barely lifted his body. Melody could finally properly see his face.

He looked like he could stop breathing at any moment.

“What… happened?”

“I need you. If we don’t hurry…”

“E-even if you tell me to go right away.”

Melody looked around with a troubled expression and took a step back.

“I also have people I’m indebted to here…”

“Miss Melody.”

Claude approached again, narrowing the gap, and hurriedly grabbed her arm.

“Even with August, it’s no use.”


“Loretta isn’t calming down!”

Melody slowly blinked her wide-open eyes.

Loretta not calming down, somehow those words sounded exactly like she had completed her awakening as a physis.

But how?

She was only eleven years old. Such a thing couldn’t happen.

Melody thought Claude must be mistaking something.

“Miss Melody, please.”

Claude now grabbed her other arm as well and pleaded.

“…Even if I say I’ll go back to the capital.”

Melody answered him, regaining her composure.

“I need to get permission from the priest and the villagers first. I can’t cause them the inconvenience of leaving without a word. You know what I mean, right?”

Claude felt dizzy for a moment. There was too much to explain to Melody.

That Loretta was stained with an incomparable amount of mana compared to an ordinary physis. And that her body was gradually being destroyed due to its influence…

When he was about to start telling her all that while holding her arms, a shadow of someone else caught his eye behind her.

Looking up, Wiley Neal was standing with both shoulders drooping.


Melody, who noticed his presence, was startled and hurriedly tried to make an excuse.

“I-it’s nothing. So, this person is…”

But while she hesitated for a moment, Neal spoke first.



“It means there’s an urgent matter that made him come to deliver news in that state, right?”


“I will tell the priest and the villagers. So Miss May…”

He could finally lift his head that had been looking at the floor the whole time.

“Stop longing while only looking at the newspaper every day, and go where you desire.”

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