The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 226 Table of contents

Side Story 1 – Chapter 5


* * *


“…Claude, you’re an idiot!”

Even at the insult that came back immediately, his expression didn’t waver in the slightest. No, his smile rather deepened.

“Judging from that reaction, it seems the news was delivered properly.”

Melody went back to her office  chair and plopped down.

“Medicinal herb cultivation was something you and Young Master Jeremiah had devoted a truly long time to succeed in.”

“It’s also the thing I’m most proud of.”

Claude stood in front of her and lightly leaned against the corner of the desk.

As he carefully lifted Melody’s cheeks with both hands, the deep wrinkles settled between her brows were visible.

The very same wrinkles that resembled Mrs. Higgins.

“…Are you very angry?”

“I’m a bit upset that you’re disclosing all that research without any compensation. For it to be organized like that… You two really worked hard for a long time….”

Her last words ‘worked hard’ were barely audible.

And soon Melody added with a sulky face.

“I’m telling you this just in case. Mr. Claude.”

“I’m listening.”

“It’s absolutely not because I’m worried you won’t be able to exclusively distribute medicinal herbs in the duchy.”

“Of course I know.”

“I’m angry at the attitude of the nobles demanding your research as if it’s a given! Isn’t it too shameless?!”

“Certainly there was that aspect too. But it’s okay. I’m also using them.”


He leaned both hands on the armrests of Melody’s  chair.

Naturally, their faces got closer as his upper body tilted.

“Now, without using my own money to procure land and manpower, cultivation experiments will competitively begin in various climates and soils.”


“Jeremiah and I will obtain all those results before anyone else. That will be very useful.”

Melody didn’t miss the meaningful smile blooming on his face.

Come to think of it, he wasn’t the type of man to meekly take a loss.

“It seems your mood has lifted a bit. Are you relieved that I’m still wicked?”

“It’s sad that I can’t deny it.”

“How cute.”

He leaned his chin forward and gave her a brief kiss. In a gentle way as if to soothe her feelings.

“But if you’re still angry, you can yell at me as much as you want.”

“…I wasn’t angry at you from the beginning anyway. Whatever.”

“You’re generous.”

As he tried to kiss her again, Melody quickly turned her head to avoid it.

“You keep trying to only kiss!”

“If this means you’ll allow other things in the office now…”

“Absolutely not!”

He laughed, making chuckling sounds, and straightened up again, leaning against the desk.

“I’m joking. You have something to say to me, right?”

“Yes, it’s about Loretta. You heard the news that Magician Evan recently returned to the capital, right?”

Of course he nodded.

“Was there any problem?”

“There’s no problem. It’s just…I feel bad for the two of them.”

Melody paused for a moment. Because she felt like she had become a “meddling wife”.

“You think so?”

“Magician Evan is an excellent man who knows how to respect a lady. Even if it takes some time, he will never do anything to tear Loretta’s heart.”


“Yes, of course.”


Suddenly Melody was startled and jumped up from her seat.

Because when Claude said “Yes, of course,” an extremely bright devilish smile bloomed on his face.

That smile clearly meant if Evan hurt Loretta’s heart.

He would use all his influence to not leave Magician Evan alone.

Melody recalled his basic personality she had forgotten for a long time.

He was a devil among devils who could be endlessly cruel to the man who loves Loretta…!

“M-Mr. Claude! You can’t harass Magician Evan!”

“Oh my, of course not. Do I seem like that kind of person?”

Melody nodded vigorously. Of course he seemed like that kind of person.

“How strange…”

He placed a finger near his lips and narrowed his eyes.

“I thought it was about time you knew the only person I want to harass is you, Miss Melody.”


“Could it be that my harassment has been lacking?”

He leaned both hands on the armrests of the  chair Melody was sitting on again.

As their faces suddenly got close again, Melody unknowingly squeezed her eyes shut.

And this time, a deep kiss began before she could stop him.


* * *


Loretta’s strategy of running away (!) leaving her gloves behind must have worked properly.

The day after visiting the Magic Tower.

She received a letter from Evan, and as soon as she read its contents, she went to find Melody.

But when Loretta arrived in front of Melody’s office.

A maid nearby hinted, “The young madam is with Master Claude right now. It would be best not to go in, Miss.”

Loretta wasn’t a child either, so she had no intention of interrupting the newlywed atmosphere of her brother and sister-in-law who had been at it for several years without getting tired.

“Ugh… But I wanted to tell her right away.”

Loretta fiddled with Evan’s letter and paced back and forth in the 2nd floor corridor.

“Hey, you still can’t go to the bathroom alone?”

When she turned her head at the sound coming from far away, Ronny was approaching, spinning his hat and wearing a suit.

Loretta instantly furrowed her brow.

“What kind of thing is that to say to a lady?! And you still call yourself a gentleman?”

“What lady.”

He lightly pinched Loretta’s cheek, teasing her like when they were young.

“To me, you’ll always be a child.”

“A brother who says that is the one who’ll be a child forever.”

“Thanks for seeing me as young… What’s that letter?”

“Do you want to hear?!”

Loretta, whose mouth was already itching to talk, lifted her head brightly with excitement.

“…Well, who else would listen to your story if not me? What is it?”

When Ronny held out his arm, Loretta clung to it as if linking arms and headed towards the entrance together.

“You know, I went to the Magic Tower yesterday and left my gloves behind.”

“…A crude method not even used by third-rate people these days.”

“Hmph, who cares if it’s third-rate! It worked properly.”

“Magician Evan is going to bring it to the mansion? I always say, don’t bring that love-struck boy to your room. Don’t forget to meet in the reception room with someone else present.”

“Evan is not love-struck! He’s much more of a gentleman than you. And it wasn’t such a boring reply either.”

Loretta laughed, even making giggling sounds, as if she was really in a good mood.

“You know, Mindy and August’s wedding is coming up soon, right?”

August, the emperor’s beloved cousin, had rejected the courtship of numerous families towards him and succeeded in marrying his first love.

Of course, there were many twists and turns until the daughter of an ordinary rural inn and the emperor’s cousin got to this point.

Throughout this whole process, Loretta had taken the lead more than anyone else to help them, and she also earned the glorious qualification to stand as a witness at the wedding taking place in a few days.

“On that day, Evan will come to the banquet in place of Jeremiah. If I’m lucky, I might be able to ask him to dance while receiving the gloves.”

“You have to ask first?!”

When Ronny asked with a very unpleasant face, Loretta nodded as if it was obvious.


“Ha, it’s unbelievable. Don’t you know His Majesty the Emperor also gives a hint three days in advance to dance with you at the banquet?”

“It can’t be helped.”

Since they had just arrived at the entrance, Loretta unlinked arms and put Ronny’s hat on for him instead.

“Because Evan doesn’t like me.”

“…Are you stupid?”

“Evan is not stupid! He’s a genius magician succeeding Jeremiah!”

Ronny fixed his slightly slipping hat and smiled crookedly.

“Who called that pathetic magician stupid?”

“Pathetic! You’re really!”

“Pathetic and stupid, what a couple of the century you two are.”


Loretta, who had been glaring at him, suddenly started to have a… silly smile on her face.

“Evan and I are the couple of the century! It’s the best compliment I’ve heard recently…”


Ronny shook his head and got on the carriage.

Looking out the window, Loretta was smiling brightly with a very good mood.

“…Do you like him that much, you fool.”


* * *


As autumn deepened quickly and all the trees of the ducal residence turned beautiful colors.

The day of August and Mindy’s wedding arrived.

Some people interpreted this marriage in a bad way.

Saying it was nothing more than a play to simply gain the hearts of the people.

But Loretta knew their sincerity better than anyone else in the world.

“So. We thought we should… ask you to be the witness of this marriage, Loretta.”

In the waiting room of the priest at the temple.

August, who had finished preparing for the wedding, bowed to Loretta.

“Thank you for accepting our request.”

“Mm, no.”

Loretta answered, showing him due courtesy.

“It’s a very happy thing for me too to be able to witness people who truly love each other. You should live happily? Although I’m sure you will.”

“Of course I will, but…”

He shifted his gaze out the window, stammering.

It was no big secret that many nobles in the capital didn’t welcome Mindy very much.

August was always worried that their hostility might hurt Mindy.

“Don’t worry too much. Mindy chose you.”


“Besides, Mindy is my friend now too. If anyone does something inappropriate, I won’t leave them alone, whoever they are.”

At her words as she clenched both fists tightly, August smiled slightly.

“Thank you.”

“Thanks nothing, so who’s the other witness? When are they coming?”

There had to be two people to be witnesses at the wedding.

Usually, friends who knew the marrying parties best would take that role, so Loretta thought one of Mindy’s hometown friends would come.

“I had quite a hard time with the other witness. That’s… The witnesses have to be together throughout the ceremony.”

“What, do I look like I can’t be kind to Mindy’s friend?!”

“Ah, no, that’s not it! I just wanted to choose someone you know well.”

“Someone… I know well? It’s not His Majesty the Emperor, right?”

Loretta made an obviously annoyed face at the young emperor who sought her out annoyingly.

“Heh, Brother just cherishes you specially. And he’s not a witness either.”

August quickly shook his head and glanced at the tightly closed door. It was about time for the other witness to arrive.

Just then, the attendant opened the door of the waiting room, saying, “The witness has arrived, Your Highness.”

Naturally, Loretta’s head also turned in that direction. Through the crack of the white door, the figure of a well-dressed man could be seen.


Loretta just stared at the other person with narrowed eyes.

As if wondering if she was dreaming.

“Your Highness.”

The man greeted August first according to the order of etiquette and stopped in front of Loretta.



Loretta barely answered, holding her slightly trembling hands.

It had been a very long time since she had seen Evan without his robe.

No, actually, it wasn’t just a matter of the robe today.

It was the first time Loretta had seen Evan in proper formal attire.

“…It’s strange for me to be dressed like this, right?”

When Evan asked, looking a bit shy, Loretta hurriedly shook her head.

If there was anything strange in this place right now, it was Loretta’s heart.

‘What should I do, I can’t look at Evan.’

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