The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 242 Table of contents

Side Story 2 – Chapter 3


* * *


To work as the Emperor’s person.

It meant that Melody’s social standing would completely transform.

Until now, she had been an outsider brought into noble society by Claude. But if she were to become someone who carried out the Emperor’s will, she would be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the nobles of the capital.


Despite thinEmperor she should answer quickly, Melody’s lips seemed to be glued shut.

A fleeting ‘worry’ had crossed her mind.

There were times when some nobles expressed discomfort over Melody’s birth, even excluding her from various gatherings.

She was accustomed to this treatment. Even when she was a commoner, she hadn’t been a welcomed presence in the village.


She couldn’t bear the thought of Claude or Edmund being subjected to gossip because of her.

It was true that she felt guilty towards them.

‘If I become the Emperor’s subject…?’

Melody didn’t particularly desire fame or prestige.

But she knew that her position in society would become much more secure if she were to become the Emperor’s direct subject, and that would change many things.

Most importantly, people wouldn’t dare to use Melody as a weakness to gossip about Claude or Edmund.

“Well, it’s not an easy question to answer right away. You’ll need to discuss it with your family.”

“May I ask one thing?”

“Of course.”

“Is there… a reason you chose me?”

The Emperor smiled brightly at Melody’s cautious question.

“Are you wondering if I’m doing this because of a request from the Duke? To help Higgins save face?”

To be honest, she had considered that possibility.

Duke Baldwin, her guardian and now father-in-law, was still a staunch supporter of hers.

“Do you really think that upright man would make such a request?”


“Don’t worry. I’m offering this opportunity purely because I need your abilities.”

The Emperor checked the time and rose from his seat. The others quickly followed suit, straightening their postures.

“I’d like to hear your answer when I return from my tour. Is that possible?”

“Of course.”

Melody gave a light bow, answering cheerfully.

“I’m glad my offer seems to have lifted your spirits, Higgins. Then I look forward to a positive response.”

Melody couldn’t help but smile, as the Emperor’s words about her spirits were true.

His offer was the perfect solution to her long-standing worry.

What made it even better was that she had earned this opportunity through her own efforts.

“Thank you.”

As the Emperor turned to leave the audience chamber, Melody spoke again.

“Your Majesty, truly……”

“That’s enough.”

The Emperor raised a hand, cutting off her words with a shrug.

“Save your thanks for when you truly become my person.”

As the Emperor exited, Loretta squeezed Melody’s arm and exclaimed, “As expected, Melody, you’re amazing!”


* * *


When Melody returned to the mansion late that night, Claude and Edmund were asleep in the same bed, their heads touching.

Melody gently stroked the forehead of her son, who had inherited Claude’s golden hair. His fever had completely subsided.

‘…Thank goodness.’

She didn’t want to disturb the adorable father and son, so she retreated to her own bedroom.

Having been out since the afternoon, her desk was overflowing with New Year’s greeting cards, letters, and documents requiring her attention.

Melody had a system for handling these matters. Anything with a red mark indicating urgency was to be addressed first, regardless of the situation.

And today, there happened to be one such mark.

A tiny clipping from a newspaper.

It must have been something she needed to see from today’s evening edition.


What on earth was this about that they gave it this kind of attention? Melody peeled off the mark and read the small clipping.


[Announcement of the Royal Records Keeper Entrance Exam]



Unconsciously letting out a small moan, she stared at the clipping for a long time.


* * *


It was a night filled with contemplation.

Despite her exhaustion, Melody found herself unable to sleep.

When she finally drifted off, memories of her past, when it was raining terribly… manifested before her eyes.

The day she gave up on becoming a Records Keeper and left for a distant place.


“…I’m sorry.”


The man who had followed her seemed oblivious to the cold rain drenching his noble form.


“But what about you? You had something you wanted to do too! If you leave like this, you’ll never be able to!”


Even after all this time, her heart ached at his heartfelt concern.

Perhaps…that wasn’t the only reason.

Was she still harboring regrets about giving up on becoming a Records Keeper?


As dawn broke, she woke from her shallow sleep, as usual.

Melody slowly blinked her eyes.

Claude’s face filled her vision.

“You should get some more sleep. You barely got any rest, did you?”

His voice was much lower than usual, laced with exhaustion.

“Did his fever spike again during the night?”

“It was just a slight fever.”


As Melody sat up abruptly, he quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her back down.

“He’s sleeping soundly now, so don’t worry. The nanny is with him.”

His eyes, crinkled with a weary smile, seemed heavy with fatigue.

It was only natural. There was nothing more exhausting than caring for a sick child.

“Claude, you should get some rest too. We have guests coming this afternoon.”

At the start of each new year, the Duke’s vassals and regional leaders would visit Claude to discuss various matters.

It used to be a task solely handled by Duke Baldwin, but now he, Loretta, and Melody shared the responsibility.

“I’ll go and make preparations…”

“Wait a minute.”

Melody was about to turn and get out of bed. He wouldn’t have been able to stop her if he hadn’t pulled her back into his arms.

“I’m still alright.”

He whispered, burying his face in the crook of her neck.

“You didn’t get much sleep either. Rest a while longer.”

“But you’re…”

Melody turned to look at him with a slight frown, concerned about her husband who constantly put her needs first.

He was the one who had been up all night caring for their sick son.

“I’m worried about you, Claude.”

She reached out to brush back his messy hair, revealing his handsome face, which seemed unchanged from the one she had seen in her dream.

“I’m so lucky.”

He opened his eyes, which he had closed for a moment.

“I spent the whole day with our adorable son, and now my beloved lady is worried about me.”

“It’s nothing to be thankful for.”

“That’s not true.”

He chuckled, pulling her into a tighter embrace.

Melody’s eyes closed involuntarily as she melted into his arms.

“It’s wonderful to witness our child’s growth firsthand. Of course, it breaks my heart to see him sick, but…”

He gently stroked her hair with the arm wrapped around her shoulder. The rustling sound tickled her skin.

“Perhaps…it’s because Ed resembles you so much.”


Melody’s eyes flew open in surprise.

“That’s absurd.”

Everyone who met the little child couldn’t help but compliment him on becoming a handsome man who took after his father.

“Really? I see so much of you in him.”

He gave a light kiss on her forehead.

“Of course, Edmund also has many wonderful qualities that are uniquely his own.”

He added in a soft voice, “He’s so adorable,” and chuckled once more. His eyes still held a tinge of fatigue.

“You truly are the greatest blessing in my life, Melody.”


He buried his face in her hair.

“I hope…I can be a blessing to you as well.”

“You already…are.”

He shook his head slowly at her response.

“I’m still a lacking husband.”

His quiet words held a subtle hint of guilt.

“I’m so glad the exam schedule was finally announced after all these years. I’ve always worried that it might be delayed further.”


“I know how eagerly you’ve been waiting for the exam.”

His embrace tightened, pulling her even closer. She could hear his heartbeat resonating in her ear.

“I’ll be rooting for you.”

What should she do?

Melody bit her lip, snuggled against him.

It was true that she had been looking forward to the day she could take the exam again.



“What do you think about working as ‘Higgins’, my person?”


It was a bit difficult now.


She cautiously began to speak, but stopped short as she heard Claude’s deep, even breaths.

She didn’t want to wake her exhausted husband who had stayed up most of the night.

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