The Villainess Is Shy In Receiving Affection
Chapter 247 Table of contents

Side Story 2 – Chapter 8


* * *


“Oh my, I was too late”

Claude was the one holding Edmund. He smiled awkwardly, looking at Melody with a troubled expression, before expertly soothing the crying child.

“I didn’t want to wake you, so I hurried.”

“Ah… where’s the nanny?”

“She looked tired, so I sent her to rest.”

However, Claude looked even more exhausted, so Melody quickly closed the door and approached him.

“I’ll take him. You must be tired.”

“It’s fine, really. He seems to be falling back asleep.”

He smiled gently and looked down at the child with eyes full of affection.

“He used to sleep soundly for a while, but lately…”

As Melody whispered worriedly, Claude chuckled, gently stroking Edmund’s back.

“He must be growing well. As his world expands, his dreams become more vivid, so he might get startled from time to time.”

Edmund was hovering between sleep and wakefulness, his eyes fluttering open and closed. Claude and Melody remained silent, watching over him.

Only the soft, rustling sound of Claude stroking Edmund’s back filled the quiet room.

And after a while.

Finally, Edmund’s eyelids closed completely, and his tiny lips parted to take deep breaths.

The two of them let out sighs of relief, having been holding their breath nervously while waiting for him to fall asleep.

However, the true challenge began now.

They knew from experience that putting a sleeping child down was even more difficult than getting them to sleep in the first place.

Exchanging wary glances, Claude carefully lowered his arms, placing Edmund in his crib.

The child stirred for a moment, his eyes fluttering open, but he soon relaxed his tiny fists and drifted back to sleep.

Melody quickly tucked him in with a fluffy blanket and dimmed the lamp.

Now that the room was filled only with the sound of Edmund’s peaceful breathing, they exited the room, feeling at ease.

Only after closing the door completely did they finally breathe comfortably.

“Thankfully, he fell asleep quickly. He used to be such a crybaby when he was younger.”

Melody chuckled at Claude’s words.

After all, Edmund was still very much a baby.

However, she couldn’t help but recall their younger son.

The reality of parenting was vastly different from what they had learned from books, turning their daily life into a battlefield.

One of them would soothe the crying child while the other frantically searched for answers in parenting books, their eyes heavy with sleep.

One would doze off while burping the baby, and the other would take over, rubbing their sleepy eyes and attending to the whimpering child.

“I’m glad he sleeps through the night now.”

“We never know what challenges lie ahead, though. Ah, right.”

Claude removed his slippers and placed them in front of Melody.

“Put these on.”

Melody realized that he was only wearing a thin robe, the kind he usually wore in their bedroom.

He must have rushed out in a frenzy upon hearing Edmund’s cries.

Just like Melody had come barefoot.

“It’s just a short walk to my room.”


Knowing he wouldn’t relent, Melody put on the slippers he offered.

Her feet, which had been cold from walking on the chilly hallway floor, were enveloped in warmth.

“…It’s warm.”


He extended a hand towards her. Even in their pajamas, he still maintained a gentlemanly courtesy.

“Let me escort you.”

Melody couldn’t help but smile, finding this side of him endearing. She took his hand.

“We should thank Edmund for this.”

What was he talking about? She tilted her head, looking at him quizzically.

“Although Loretta will be upset.”


Melody answered awkwardly, averting her gaze slightly.

It seemed like a continuation of what Loretta had said earlier.


“It’s true. He’s probably fuming right now, hearing that I’ve captured Melody.”


But surely Claude wouldn’t be fuming over such a thing.

He was a calm and composed man…

“He was actually quite upset.”


“When he realized that…Loretta had beaten him to it.”

“So Loretta was…telling the truth.”

“Did she really say that?”

He swung their linked hands back and forth gently.

“Yes. I told her Claude wouldn’t be upset because he’s a gentleman.”

“Unfortunately, I’m not a gentleman to everyone.”

“I know that.”

Melody stopped walking, turning to face him.

“You will always be a devil to me.”


He looked genuinely hurt, so Melody quickly tried to salvage the situation.

“I’m just kidding!”

“I’m truly wounded. I…”

“I said I’m kidding!”

Melody shook his hand, but he held a hand over his heart, shaking his head dejectedly.


“Do you really mean it?”

He asked, his eyes narrowed slightly, and Melody nodded fervently.

“Then…can you tell me?”

“Tell you…? What?”

He gently stroked her cheek with his free hand.

“Those words you keep swallowing, refusing to say.”


“Instead of agonizing over them in silence, share them with me.”

“W-was it…that obvious?”

“May I be honest?”

Melody nodded slowly.

“I noticed it a while ago.”


“I was planning to wait patiently, but now…I’m worried that the pain will consume you.”

Melody couldn’t respond, holding his hand tightly.

She knew he was always attentive towards her, but…she hadn’t realized he cared so much.

“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hide it…”

She couldn’t bring herself to say that she hadn’t intended to hide it. It would be a lie.

“I was…planning to hide it.”

Melody closed her eyes tightly.

“I can’t stand the rumors that keep clinging to me…and after all…”


“It’s true that…I’m not that great of a person.”

She could no longer tolerate the gossipmongers who talked about Claude, and even Edmund’s legitimacy, as if they had the right.


When her voice choked with emotion, Claude continued her unfinished sentence.

“You started to desire the honor of being His Majesty’s direct subject.”


His deep sigh seemed to betray his turbulent emotions. Could he be angry?

Melody cautiously raised her head, wanting to gauge his reaction.

But his face, meeting hers, looked like he was about to cry.

“I…had a feeling.”

“So Claude also heard the rumors…”

“No, no. I didn’t pay any attention to those.”

He quickly shook his head, as if worried she might misunderstand.

“But I will tell you this. Those rumors about us are nothing but empty words, uttered without a single thought.”

“I know that.”

“No, Melody, you don’t.”

He bent down, their eyes meeting at a closer distance.

“You wouldn’t have taken their words into account when making such an important decision.”


“I don’t want my precious one to be guided by the thoughtless chatter of others.”


Melody struggled to refute his words.

“The family’s honor…”

Her voice trailed off.

Because she knew that none of those things truly mattered to Claude Baldwin.

If he cared about those things, he wouldn’t have married her in the first place.

“You don’t understand. You were born noble. Those who were born with privilege don’t understand.”


He gently tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, a melancholic smile still on his face.

“You are…the most precious person to me.”


“You are my first. Always.”

He gave a light kiss on her forehead.

“So I will always support your dreams.”

His words were incredibly comforting.

However, Melody felt uncomfortable with the word ‘dream’ attached to her.

“I…am already thirty years old.”

She reminded him of her circumstances.

“I’m married, and I have a child.”

Melody didn’t dislike her current situation. She loved it, to the point where she was grateful to the heavens.

But with this beautiful family came responsibilities, she believed.

Becoming the Emperor’s subject, a family member he wouldn’t be ashamed of, was one of those responsibilities.

“I can’t just live as I please. Dreams…those are…”

Melody shook her head softly.

“Something only allowed in childhood.”

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