The Villainess’s Guide to Winning the Male Lead
Chapter 43 Table of contents

I was determined to settle everything once and for all. It was with such resolution that I could say these things.

“What are you talking about?”

As if his expression had never hardened, Irmin asked with an innocent look.

Again, feigning ignorance. It was the expected response.

“You’re saying there’s really an assassin out to kill you?”


“Right, that would make sense. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be possible to die so frequently in such a short period.”

Irmin began theorizing on his own. I just quietly watched him.

“And you’re suspecting me as the culprit, aren’t you?”

Irmin, with the same expression, smiled.

“Do you realize you’re insulting royalty? That’s quite a courageous statement.”

“Anyway, I can come back to life even if I die.”

“That’s true.”

Although 80,000 points would fly away. But I could always start over.

Irmin leaned back comfortably and spoke.

“I had no intention of flaunting my royal status and calling it an insult to royalty. You have every right to be suspicious of me.”

Casually, even in this situation, it seemed he planned to just brush it off.

“But it’s not me.”

“Of course, you would say that.”

“But it’s true. As I said, my approach to you is purely out of curiosity. After all, why would I want to kill you? We were originally unrelated.”


Indeed, unless Irmin knew about me, it wouldn’t make sense. My deaths had started when he knew nothing about me.

Right now, the most suspicious person was Irmin, but as he said, there was no motive.

“I understand that my actions might have made you suspicious. But can’t you just trust me?”


“If you trust me, I can help you solve the assassin problem, Anais. Won’t you tell me frankly?”

“What should I trust about you?”

Irmin flashed a sunshine-like smile.

“Just trust me.”

He was very confident. Almost shamelessly so.

[Isaac: Just tell him]

[Gold2: The manager will handle it if anything happens]

[Manager: ?]

The majority of the viewers also suggested just telling him.

“You’re looking at the air again.”

I was adept at discreetly checking the chat window, but Irmin seemed to have an excellent eye to catch that. I met Irmin’s gaze again.

‘But still, telling him is a bit…’

[Ian donated 20,000 points!]

– Go ahead

“Alright, I’ll tell you.”


I set the mood and spoke seriously.

“I am not from this world.”


Irmin tilted his head with an innocently puzzled expression.

“What kind of concept is that?”

“I’m serious.”

I spoke honestly, knowing it was unlikely to be accepted immediately. It would be strange to instantly believe such a thing.

“There are people who ‘shoot points’ at me based on my actions.”

As I continued explaining nonchalantly, Irmin started listening seriously, intrigued by my words.

“Those are the hundreds you mentioned before.”

“Yes. I came here to collect those points. And I’m not originally Anais.”

Even as I spoke truthfully, I doubted he would believe me. Yet, Irmin listened intently.

He pondered over my words for a moment before asking,

“So, what’s your real name?”

My real name.

I brought up the name only the angels used to call me.



Irmin repeated my name and then smiled gently.

“Jiha, huh.”

It was a contented smile.

“You believe this absurd story just like that?”

“I like absurd things. I’m also interested in the occult.”

So that’s why he brought up the ghost story…

That made it understandable why Irmin would believe me.

Curiously, he started asking various questions.

“It’s fascinating… What can you get by collecting these points?”


I glanced at the chat window and then whispered so only Irmin could hear.

“I can reincarnate.”


Irmin tilted his head as if he couldn’t understand.

“You’re in a position as a lady now, you can have and do everything you want. Why would you go through all this trouble?”


This isn’t my reality, it’s just a virtual world.

But it wasn’t polite to say that to someone from this world.

When I remained silent, Irmin didn’t pry any further.

“Anyway, now that you’ve told me, I’ll help you as much as I can to find the assassin.”

“…Thank you.”

“By the way, if what you say is true, they must be watching right now, right? Where are they?”

Since it was already out in the open, it wouldn’t hurt to tell him this much.

I pointed to where the chat window was. Then Irmin smiled and waved in that direction.

“Hello there.”

He was truly calm and crafty. To think he would greet them upon hearing that. Truly exceptional.

[LLoading: Wow, we got greeted!!!]

[MadelineTastesGood: This is kinda cool]

[Gold2: But also kind of creepy lol]

[OnlyFinley: First person besides Jiha to acknowledge our existence…]

[Stress: I kinda like this guy]

The viewers seemed to react positively. It sounded like Irmin was gaining fans.

“They really like you.”

“That’s good to hear.”

Irmin seemed genuinely pleased. He flashed another dazzling smile. As always, it was overwhelming.

“So, am I cleared of being an assassin now?”

“Not completely yet.”

“That’s disappointing. I guess I have to be an even better ally to clear my name.”

What is he planning to do? A sense of unease lingered.

If it’s not Irmin, then who is the real culprit?

“I’ll help you figure it out.”

Noticing my concern, Irmin offered his assistance.

“Thanks for being honest with me. I’ll reciprocate your trust and help as much as I can.”

It wasn’t that I trusted him… I was just swayed by the points.

Regardless, Irmin’s demeanor was nothing but serious.

“I’ll make sure nothing threatens you again.”


“I swear.”

Although I couldn’t fully trust Irmin yet.

If he was indeed innocent, having him as an ally could be a significant advantage.

‘Assuming he’s not just putting on an act…’

I still couldn’t completely let go of my suspicion towards Irmin.

* * *

“I just want to continue my broadcast smoothly. Why do these things keep happening?”

“I don’t know.”

On the way back from the royal palace to the Grand Duke’s estate, I deliberately rode in the carriage alone with the manager to have a conversation.

It was nice to have big events when it got boring, but it was too much when they happened too often.

Is it okay that someone has come to know about me like this?

Of course, it shouldn’t be, but I decided to just accept it. If I didn’t, the thought was too depressing.

Lost in thought and staring out the window, a sudden idea made me look at the manager.

“Ah, about granting a wish. What do you want?”


“We made a bet before.”

“Did we?”

I should’ve just kept quiet.

But after all my talking, the manager reacted nonchalantly.

“I don’t really want anything.”

“Then let’s just forget it—”

“How about going out with me?”

I was taken aback by the unexpected suggestion.

Going out all of a sudden? It didn’t seem like something the manager would suggest, so I was puzzled.


“No, in the Celestial Realm. In my true form.”

“You want me to die again?”

“No need to look at me like that. I’ll figure out a way to go without dying.”

It seems my displeased look was quite apparent.

To meet in the Celestial Realm, in the manager’s true form. It was highly unexpected.

“Before, you wouldn’t even let me call your name, what’s happening?”

I thought the manager would never reveal his true self.

“The big event just ended, so there’s some free time. Resting here doesn’t feel like resting at all. I’m just trying to prevent your stress from accumulating by dealing with it beforehand.”

Indeed, the manager knew me well.

So, am I going to hang out with the manager in his true form in the Celestial Realm?

It was a very welcome suggestion for me.

“Then I’ll go tomorrow.”

“So soon?”

“It seems like I have a lot of stress built up.”

Of course, that was a lie. I was just curious and eager to see the manager’s true form.

“I’ll tell Kabir I’m going on a trip.”

“…Do whatever you want.”

The manager easily agreed, as he had planned to let me have some fun anyway.

* * *

After getting off the carriage, I normally would have gone straight to my room to collapse, but instead, I went to find Kabir.


Kabir had returned to the Grand Duke’s estate after attending only the first day of the ball. This was the first time I saw him since the incident on the terrace.

Startled by my energetic entrance, Kabir, who had been looking at some documents, flinched.

Kabir squinted his eyes at me.

“…What’s up?”

“Can I take a vacation?”

“You haven’t even worked, what vacation?”

“To a noble young lady, a ball is work, you know.”


Kabir didn’t bother to argue.

Instead, he asked another question.

“Where are you planning to go?”

I didn’t expect him to probe like this. Since I hadn’t heard anything from the manager, I didn’t know the destination either.

I scratched my cheek and came up with a plausible answer.

“Uh… the beach?”

“The beach? Out of the blue?”

The beach was the only place that came to mind. I wasn’t particularly fond of it.

Kabir looked puzzled but eventually nodded.

“Planning to go to a port city? I’ll prepare a Teleport Scroll for you.”

“No need. I’ll manage on my own.”

Kabir looked at me as if he couldn’t understand.

“Then why bother asking for my permission? It’s not like you’re asking for an escort.”


After a moment of contemplation, I replied.

“Still, technically I’m your fiancée, right?”

“Technically, your actions have pretty much broken off the engagement. Besides, didn’t you yourself say you’re not my official fiancée?”

“Still, um… a matter of basic courtesy?”

“The moment you entered with Irmin, any courtesy was pretty much thrown out the window.”

He only made points that irritated me.

As I glared at Kabir in silence, he made a remark.

“I’ll go with you.”


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