The Villainess’s Guide to Winning the Male Lead
Chapter 47 Table of contents

Upon hearing that, I grimaced. Seeing my reaction, Irmin gave an awkward smile.

“It’s just a joke, don’t look so serious…”

“There are other things to joke about…”

“You dislike it that much…”

Irmin slumped his shoulders in disappointment.

“Anyway, you don’t need to come to the grand duke’s mansion tomorrow. I have to go back to my family home.”

“The Erpeso dukedom?”

“Yes. Don’t follow me there.”

“But we agreed to meet every day—”

“I don’t even know why you’re so fixated on that…”

Being with this person was draining, even for a short time.

“It’s a nuisance to barge into someone’s residence uninvited, so I’ll take note of that.”

“Why do you visit daily if you know that? We are friends, right?”

Is that an excuse for visiting? It was absurd.

Anyway, I let Irmin go. Since he really just shows up for a few words and disappears, I was getting used to it.

‘Back to the family home.’

It came naturally to say that.

It wasn’t wrong, but the duke’s mansion felt more unfamiliar than the grand duke’s mansion.

‘It’s been a while since I’ve seen the Duke of Erpeso.’

I wondered what he wanted as I walked down the empty corridor.

* * *

Since the Duke of Erpeso had called only me and Finley, Selena decided to stay at the grand duke’s mansion. There was no need for her to come and go unnecessarily.

Thus, we arrived at the Erpeso dukedom.

It looked much the same as the last time I saw it.

“Welcome, Lady.”

As soon as I got off the carriage, the servants greeted me.

“Where’s father?”

“He’s in his office right now.”

The butler answered Finley’s question.

It seemed like the head of the family was always buried in the office. It was a pitiable sight. Anais was glad she had lost her eligibility to be the head of the house long ago.

We headed straight to the office.

Entering the office, we saw the Duke of Erpeso busy with his work. He put down the documents he was holding when he saw us.

“You’re here.”

His response was as blunt as ever. No greetings or pleasantries.

“You probably know why I called you.”


Finley quietly answered.

What is it, what’s going on? I don’t know. I just blinked and watched the two of them.

“At the recent birthday banquet for His Highness the Crown Prince, you caused quite a scene.”

Ah, that.

That’s why he’s giving us such cold looks.

I scratched my cheek awkwardly.

“Without a word, you became the partner of His Highness the Crown Prince.”

But isn’t it a good thing for the dukedom to have ties with the Crown Prince? Or is my thinking too shallow?

While I was pondering this, the Duke of Erpeso’s gaze turned to Finley.

“Finley, I told you to keep an eye on your sister, and you’ve been just playing with Selena.”

Finley flinched at those words.

There are ‘watchful eyes’ even in the grand duke’s mansion. This is what it means to be a high noble.

“I don’t understand what either of you are trying to do.”

Wow, he’s really angry.

Well, it’s understandable. Having two children who hardly listen to him, his patience must be at its limit.

“Duke Erpeso called my name, and I promptly responded.


“I’ve heard the news of your engagement to the Grand Duke.”

Ah, he’s aware of that too.

Currently, I wasn’t wearing the engagement ring, but indeed, Kabir and I had been engaged. That engagement was something I attempted to break by entering the ball with Irmin.

“I suppose you’re not unaware of why we brought Selena here.”

Originally, the reason for bringing Selena was that Duke Erpeso didn’t want Anais sent to the grand duke’s mansion. It must have been his way of cherishing his daughter.

But now, Selena was romantically involved with Finley, and his daughter was causing all sorts of commotions between the Grand Duke and the Crown Prince. I could understand if he was furious.

‘It seems like a little entertainment has led to quite a mess.’

Reflecting on everything I’ve done up till now, it seemed like an utter chaos. How bewildering it must be for Duke Erpeso to observe as a third party.

“…I apologize?”

“Do you think I called you here just to receive an apology?”


“Speak up, Anais.”

Duke Erpeso leaned his chin on his hands, intertwined.

“What are you thinking about, you?”


It seemed I’d get scolded if I said I wasn’t thinking about anything.

As I maintained my silence, Duke Erpeso asked again.

“Between His Highness the Crown Prince and Kabir Heyward, the Grand Duke, whom do you plan to choose?”

We were alone, so such a conversation was possible.

One thing was certain.

“The Crown Prince is absolutely not an option. We have no relationship.”

“Even though you entered the banquet together?”

“That was all.”

“Do you know how the rumors are spreading in the social circles?”

Well, I’ve never taken an interest in the social circles.

It was obvious without looking. I could roughly guess what they might be murmuring.

“Such rumors will fade quickly. Don’t worry.”

“And what about the Grand Duke?”


I had nothing to say regarding that.

As I clammed up and avoided eye contact, Finley beside me suddenly exclaimed.

“Sister, you’re not seriously…!”

“Finley, quiet.”


Finley immediately closed his mouth at Duke Erpeso’s command.

I hesitated before responding.

“…I’m considering it.”


Duke Erpeso sighed deeply.

He took off his glasses and pressed the corners of his eyes.

“Anais, I hope you think this over once more.”


“Being the Grand Duke’s wife is not easy. Especially if it’s the Heyward family.”

That was true. Duke Erpeso had his reasons for bringing Selena over with such effort.

An engagement with Kabir brought no benefits to me. Yet, I was still considering it.

‘Do I like Kabir?’

I’d have to have experienced such feelings before to distinguish them. I wasn’t sure if I could call this emotion love.

“Love, shouldn’t it be something a bit more special?” That’s how the emotion called love appeared to be in the novels I’ve read. Profoundly deep, so much that once you fall in, you can’t escape.

I bowed my head.

“…I’m sorry, I still don’t quite understand.”

That was the only answer I could give at the moment. It seemed like I needed to spend more time to understand fully.

Duke Erpeso sighed deeply once again.

Then, he uttered a sentence.

“Anais, from today, stay only in the ducal residence.”

He apparently had no intention of sending me to the grand duke’s residence.

In a way, that was expected. It was something that should have been done a long time ago.

Maybe keeping my distance from Kabir would be better for me.

I responded.

“Yes, I understand.”

* * *

My room in the ducal residence, unlike the one in the grand duke’s residence, felt strangely unfamiliar.

The broadcast had been off for a while. Leaning against the bed, I took a long breath.

Then, a chat popped up.

[Manager: Have you made a decision?]

Right, even after the broadcast ended, the manager would still be around.

With so many thoughts, I had momentarily forgotten that obvious fact.

I shook my head.

“The broadcast is in big trouble, too. It would probably be better to gather interest while I’m at the grand duke’s residence.”

[Manager: If you stay here, there’s no need to worry about gathering interest]


It seemed like he had been subtly suggesting that I stay here for a while. I narrowed my brows.

“Don’t you mind not seeing me anymore, Manager?”

[Manager: Why does the conversation flow that way?]

“You’ve been talking as if you want me to stay in this world.”

[Manager: I just wish you’d choose what’s best for you]

“Why are you deciding that on your own?”

I got choked up and my expression soured.

“Why do you think staying here would make me happier?”

No more chats came up after that.

I waited for a while, but the chat window remained silent.

‘…Has he left?’

Maybe my outburst made the manager tired. It would be hard to deal with.

I just curled up and buried my face in my knees. I felt complicated and ambiguous.

Not long after, I heard a knock from the direction of the window.


This is the 5th floor, right?

Confused, I looked towards it, and there was a man I’d never seen before.

Red hair and green eyes. He had quite a sharp impression.

The man was clearly floating in the air, holding onto my window railing.

‘Could it be.’

With a feeling of maybe, I quickly opened the window. Then, I looked into the man’s eyes and asked.


The man climbed over the railing into the room.

Then, he dusted off his clothes and casually replied.

“Right, I had to come in a hurry, so I didn’t even disguise myself.”

It was my first time seeing the manager’s true appearance, not Bates.

Though it was a completely unfamiliar face, realizing it was the manager made it feel strangely familiar.

The manager, who insisted on disguises even in the Celestial Realm, why did he reveal his true appearance to come here?

As I blinked and stared, the manager spoke indifferently.

“I can’t convey emotions through chat, so we need to talk face-to-face.”

That’s why the chat was cut off.

Seeing it in person was different; expressing emotions through chat indeed had its limits.

“I think you misunderstood. As I’ve said before, I just wish you’d choose what’s best for you. Broadcasting can be tough.”

That was true. Even if I were to be reincarnated, it’s unlikely I would be in a better situation than now.

But there was another reason for my continued hesitation.

“I… don’t want to part with people.”

I cherished every one of my viewers.

They loved me, and I couldn’t help but love them in return.

I had already grown accustomed to the love they offered.

“…and that includes you, Manager.”

The manager was part of that too.

“Then the decision is made.”

The manager smiled, lifting the corners of his mouth.

“Tell Kabir. Tell him you can’t return his feelings.”


“You still want to be with us more than with Kabir. That’s clear.”

It was certain. The manager and my viewers were my priority over Kabir.

“…Maybe the feelings I have for Kabir aren’t love. If broadcasting takes precedence.”

“It might still be love.”

“Doesn’t love become the top priority when you fall into it?”

“Not necessarily. It doesn’t have to be the number one priority.”

The manager spoke with a gentle voice.

“For you, broadcasting is the most important thing. More than love.”

Maybe that was possible.

The manager, who was intently looking at me, burst into laughter.

“You’re truly meant for this.”

His words and the smile he gave were so comforting that it naturally eased my heart.

“…Can I ask for a hug, just once?”


“I want to be comforted.”


The manager hesitated for a moment, then hugged me tightly.

His embrace was warm and peaceful.

The place where I felt the most stability, perhaps, might just be here.

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