The Villainess’s Guide to Winning the Male Lead
Chapter 50 Table of contents

The bubble gently floated to the top of a hill and then popped softly, leaving us to land lightly on the grass.

The grassy area too was filled with attractions and stalls, and there were plenty of people around. For a soft opening, it was remarkably popular.

I was excited and dragged Kabir around. He complied and followed wherever I led. 

Seeing everything that Irmin had planned and created gave me a new perspective. It was typical of his eccentricity to come up with such ideas.

After enjoying ourselves for a while, we sat down on the grass with a hotdog each. Since I needed to return before dinner, there wasn’t much time left.

I said to Kabir,

“I had a lot of fun today.”

Although it might not have been very entertaining for the viewers, it certainly relieved my stress.

Just as I was thinking this.

[PleaseShakeACarrot has donated 3,000 points!]

– Me too!

[Ian has donated 7,000 points!]

– It’s good to see you laugh

[OnlyFinley has donated 3,000 points!]

– Our Jiha should always walk on a flower path〉〈

[FlowerFlute has donated 1,000 points!]

– Thanks to you, we were also happy. Jiha, you always deserve happiness.

Donation messages flooded the screen, too many to read individually.

Seeing this, I thought,

Ah, these people wish for my happiness as much as they do for entertainment.

The existence of fans was always a wonder and a blessing.

How could I not love people who so earnestly wished for my happiness?

I burst into laughter.

Happiness kept the laughter flowing.


Kabir too was smiling, watching me.

“I can’t remember when was the last time I spent time so leisurely.”

I pouted.

“After revealing my identity and even taking you to the sea. Was that not good enough for you?”

“Of course, that’s included.”

Kabir chuckled, seemingly enjoying my reaction.


Watching him, I fell into thought.

It was time to say it.


I called out to Kabir. His purple eyes turned towards me.

A gentle breeze blew. The mix of soft and loud noises around us somehow gave me peace.

I avoided Kabir’s gaze, looking straight ahead as I started to speak.

“I’ve thought a lot about the confession you made.”


“I’m not sure what to say. Um…….”

I gave a bitter smile.

“There’s still so much I want and need to do. But if I accept your feelings, I might have to give all that up.”

Even with just that, Kabir would have guessed what I was about to say.

Despite everything, I had to finish what I started. I had mustered the courage, after all.


“I understand. I know what you’re trying to say.”

Kabir interrupted me.

As if he didn’t want to hear it directly.

“I’ll start by apologizing. Even if you say that, I don’t think I can give up.”

Kabir seemed very composed as he said this.

“I won’t necessarily try to win your heart, but just know there won’t be any change in my actions or feelings.”


“I’m not expecting or desiring anything from you.”

Kabir gave a bitter smile.

“Just that, I can’t hide it, and I hope it doesn’t burden you.”

What response could I possibly give to that?

All I could do was nod quietly.

* * *

Before dinner time, I returned to the Erpeso mansion. The disguise magic was also undone.

‘I had fun, but why do I feel so uneasy?’

Was it because of the expression Kabir had when we parted? My mind was in turmoil.

The broadcast had been off for a while, but as expected, the manager was still on the connection list.


[Manager: Yeah]

“I did the right thing, didn’t I.”

[Manager: It’s your choice.]

[Manager: You shouldn’t have regrets.]


I closed my eyes.

Kabir’s face kept haunting my thoughts.

After taking a deep breath, I spoke again.

“I miss you, Manager. Could you come for a bit?”

[Manager: Sigh]

With that, the chat window went quiet.

Then, a gentle knock sounded from the window.

It was the manager.

To think he actually came when called. It definitely felt like the manager’s attitude had changed compared to before.

When I opened the window, the manager stepped into the room.

“What’s it this time?”

“Just… I was feeling unsettled. I wanted to see you.”

“Don’t say such embarrassing things.”

The manager pressed my forehead gently. I chuckled.

Indeed, when my mind was troubled, being with the manager made all those thoughts disappear. He was that comforting to me.

The manager and I sat side by side on the bed, talking.

“I guess I don’t really like Kabir, do I.”


The manager quietly listened to me.

Seeing Kabir’s reaction didn’t shake me or anything. I only felt pity for him. Unable to let go of his feelings even though it was clear I wouldn’t reciprocate.

Seeing that, I realized I was just vulnerable to being loved by someone.

“So, that’s what I think.”


Listening to my story, the manager’s expression soured, filled with discontent.

“Why’s that?”

“You’ve experienced love before, and you were so troubled just because of that?”

“It was the first time I felt it like that. That’s why it was so confusing.”

“What about me?”

The manager asked me.

Seeing my surprised expression, he hastily tried to correct his words.

“No, I don’t mean it in a romantic way. I thought I cared for you enough. Saying it was your first time receiving it from him doesn’t sit well with me.”


I realized what he meant.

Indeed, the manager had always cared for me. I let out a small laugh.

“That’s true. I didn’t consider you, Manager.”


The manager, seemingly embarrassed, brushed his neck with his hand.

“I may not show it well because I’m not good with touchy-feely stuff… But if you like that sort of thing, I can try. Until I get used to it.”

“Showing love?”

“…Don’t put it so bluntly. Anyway, something like that.”

I could feel the warmth in the manager’s intention.

He was always like that. Building walls and keeping distance, yet melting people’s hearts. That’s probably why I resented him sometimes.

“How about you, Manager?”


“Do you feel loved enough?”


Caught off guard by the question, the manager’s face showed confusion.

He rolled his eyes and scratched his cheek.

“Well, I don’t know. Never really thought I needed it.”

“Then it’s settled.”

I smiled brightly at the manager.

“Let’s give and take from each other. This thing called love.”

Even though I’m not the best at expressing emotions, I was confident I could do it well for the manager.


Seeing me, the manager’s cheeks turned a slight shade of red, looking a bit awkward.

Soon, he pushed my forehead with his palm.

“That’s enough. Take care of yourself.”

“You like it, though.”

“I do not!”

No matter how much the manager grumbled, all I did was giggle.

If I get reincarnated, I’ll eventually have to part ways with the manager. That thought was quite saddening.


I called out to the manager, intending to ask something I had always been curious about.

“If I give up on reincarnation and decide to live in the Celestial Realm, would Gabriela allow it?”

I liked the Celestial Realm. It was comfortable, and I enjoyed being there.

The only reason I hadn’t asked until now was the fear of losing the connection with the viewers if I quit broadcasting.

Hearing this, the manager looked at me as if asking what I was talking about.

“Are you serious?”

“Impossible, right?”

“Of course. You’re still a wandering soul. The only reason you’re in the Celestial Realm is because you’re under management, but normally you shouldn’t be able to come here.”

The manager wasn’t wrong. How could a human inhabit a space meant only for angels?

Although I expected it, it was still disappointing. I really liked that place.

“Tch, then reincarnation is the only answer, huh? At this rate, I’ll need to collect points very slowly.”

“Isn’t that completely different from your initial goal?”

“Well, I don’t want to part with the viewers or with you, Manager.”

The manager sighed deeply.

“I’ll look for a way.”


“A way for you not to have to part with us. So don’t give up on reincarnation just yet.”


I looked at the manager, moved.

“So, you don’t want to part with me either, Manager?”

“How do you always come to that conclusion?”

The manager looked at me as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. I just grinned.


Knock, knock.

The sound of knocking echoed.


The manager and I both widened our eyes.

“Sis, can I come in for a sec?”

It was Finley’s voice.

Right now, the manager was in the room. Having a strange man in my room would surely raise Finley’s suspicions.

In a panic, I opened the nearby wardrobe.

“Come in!”



I pushed the bewildered manager into the wardrobe. He stumbled inside.

Only after hiding the manager did I open the door, a forced smile on my lips.

“Yeah, Finley. What’s up?”


Finley looked at me quizzically.

He glanced briefly past me into the room.

Then, Finley asked,

“Who was in the room just now?”

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