The Villainess’s Guide to Winning the Male Lead
Chapter 60 Table of contents

I wore a puzzled expression.

“No? I’m just excited about the new content for the broadcast.”


At my response, Hans looked somewhat embarrassed.

A mischievous impulse made me ask Hans,

“Through your eyes, does it look like I have feelings for you?”

“Anyone would think that, not just me. Don’t make people misunderstand.”

I did seem to follow Hans quite a bit. I fell deep into thought.

“If that’s the case, I guess you could say I like you. At least I don’t dislike you.”

“What an ambiguous answer…”

“Do you want me to like you?”


Hans answered decisively.

“Love between a human and an angel rarely ends well. Don’t harbor unnecessary feelings.”

So that was why Hans was showing such reluctance. It seemed like he had seen many such cases during his long stay in the Celestial Realm.

“Don’t worry. That won’t happen.”

“Yeah, I don’t think it will happen with you either.”

He was so definitive. It looked like the 120,000 points were slipping away.

‘Well, I can start broadcasting again from tomorrow.’

Collecting points should be easier then. Given the break in the broadcasts, the angels must have accumulated quite a few points. They’ll likely be generous with their points upon my return.

“Ah, I can’t wait to start broadcasting again.”

The excitement was already building.

* * *

After a short break, I returned to Anais’s body.

‘As expected, it’s uncomfortable.’

Even though I spent more time as Anais than in my original form, I never got used to being in someone else’s body.

“Did you enjoy your trip?”

As soon as I returned to the mansion, Selena greeted me.

“Yeah. Why don’t you and Finley take a trip too?”

“Shh, sister! Shh!”

Selena frantically looked around, worried someone might hear. Seeing no one around, she finally exhaled in relief.

“I’d like to, but… you know, there are eyes watching.”

Selena laughed awkwardly.

I was almost tempted to approach Duke Erpeso myself and talk to him.

“Shall I convince Dad for you?”

“No, it’s okay!”

Was it because they didn’t find me reliable enough to persuade? Selena vehemently refused.

“The truth is… I’m not quite ready yet. Besides, the Duke is like a father to me, and there are things I want to tell him myself.”

It was understandable; to Selena, Duke Erpeso must have felt like a benefactor. The Duke took Selena, a fallen noble, under his wing and helped her adapt to the aristocratic society.

Although his initial intentions weren’t the kindest, he continued to care for her even after her engagement with Kabir was annulled.

Duke Erpeso did cherish Selena. That much was evident. Even the normally stoic Duke showed smiles to Selena.

“Don’t be too scared, Selena.”

I said warmly with a smile,

“There will definitely be good results. I can say that for sure.”


Selena smiled back at me after a moment.

“Thank you, sister.”

If my words gave her confidence, I was glad.

“Is Finley treating you well?”

“Of course! He’s incredibly sweet, almost embarrassingly so.”

And yet he’s so blunt with me. He treats his girlfriend well, at least. I clicked my tongue in mock annoyance.

“Why do you say that?”

“Never mind.”

In the midst of our conversation, the very person we were talking about appeared in the distance.


It was Finley.

The expression with which Finley called Selena was remarkably gentle and affectionate.

That guy, it was clear I wasn’t even in his field of vision.

“Say hello to your sister too.”


Seeing me, Finley’s expression instantly reverted to its usual state.

“How long have you been here?”

“From the start, you brat.”

Finley’s attitude towards his sister was deplorable. I wondered what Anais had been doing to let her younger brother get so out of line.

I nudged Selena towards Finley, and she ended up embraced in Finley’s arms.

“Take good care of your girlfriend.”

“Wh-who’s one to talk!”

Although Finley’s face turned red and he yelled, he didn’t let go of Selena.

What a perfect timing.

While I was clicking my tongue, Finley spoke up.

“Sister, you should take care of your fiancé too. He was looking bored and lonely in the garden.”

“If I go there, he’d probably dislike it even more.”

Hans liked to read alone outside during the sunny parts of the day. If I joined him, it would only disrupt his reading, something he’d surely detest.

Finley looked puzzled.

“Your relationship really is strange. It seems close, yet there’s a peculiar distance.”

“Don’t pry too deeply, you might get hurt.”

“Are you two really in love? It’s not a sham engagement, is it?”

“I warned you.”

I stepped hard on Finley’s foot. He let out a yelp.

“Use words!”

“I’m getting annoyed. I’m going to bother Hans.”

“Go, go ahead!”

Selena waved me off. Finley was shouting something from behind, but I ignored him.

I headed to the garden where Hans often spent his time.

As expected, Hans was under the shade of a tree, reading at a table.

I called out to Hans, cheerfully,



Hans’s expression changed immediately upon hearing my voice.

“You don’t have to look so stern just because I’m here.”

“You’ve interrupted my only break time.”

“An interruption? It’s more like joining in.”


After hearing the response, I chuckled and pulled out the chair opposite to sit down.

I came to disturb, but there wasn’t much to do. I simply enjoyed watching Hans read his book.

Resting my chin in my hand, I stared intently at Hans’s face.

Apart from being handsome, he wasn’t exactly my type.

‘And yet, I find myself staring blankly at him.’

He had a mesmerizing charm. I asked Hans,

“Do others also stare at your face like this?”

“I doubt it.”

It seemed this mesmerizing effect was exclusive to me.

Why do I find watching Hans’s face so pleasant? It wasn’t particularly my taste in looks. It was just nice to see Hans.

Just that made me feel at ease.

How does he manage to give me such a sense of tranquility?

When did this begin? I had slowly, almost imperceptibly, been drawn to Hans.

“Now that everything’s out in the open, any discomfort?”

“Not at all.”

Hans firmly replied while flipping the page of his book.

“I get teased every day. There are even guys who mimic Bates’s way of talking in front of me, causing a scene.”

“That must be tiring.”

“Getting used to it is even more annoying.”

Fortunately, Hans was able to return to work. This meant more frequent absences here, though.

Sometimes, he would bring his work here, and I was always beside him, observing—it had become routine.

“Looks like you have work today too.”

“Coming to watch again?”

“Of course.”

“Whether reading or working, you stick around doing nothing. Isn’t that boring?”

“It’s the most interesting thing.”

“I can’t understand you….”

It wasn’t an exaggeration; I truly enjoyed it. Just spending time with Hans.

Seeing me, Hans let out a slight chuckle.

“If you’re happy, that’s all that matters.”


Why did that single phrase resonate so deeply within me?

Hans always had that effect. Casually speaking, yet stirring hearts.

‘No, perhaps it’s the opposite.’

It was me who took something trivial and made it special.

Probably because Hans was special to me.


I watched Hans, who was reading, with a smile on my face.

It was a quiet time with ample sunlight.

Just like now, I realized it quietly.

Ah, I have come to like this person.

A feeling that had probably been there for a long time, recognized on an insignificant occasion, without anything special.

I naturally accepted the emotion of love that came to me.

* * *

Realizing I was in love didn’t bring about any significant change in me.

It wasn’t an unexpected emotion; it was more like recognizing a feeling that had already been there.

“Hans, Hans.”

If I had to point out a change, maybe I just became a bit more annoying to Hans?


“Are you going to the Celestial Realm today as well?”

“I have to, for work.”

“Don’t go.”


“Play with me.”


Hans was always so resolute.

I didn’t care and kept whining.

“Then bring your work here, okay?”

“Ah, why do you act so spoiled? If you’re bored, go play with Finley.”

“Finley is not fun.”

It was something that would have made Finley angry if he had heard.

Hans sighed deeply.

“I’ll bring it here.”

Despite his gruff responses, he eventually did as I asked.

After Hans left for the temple, I waited in my room and pondered deeply.

‘What do you do after you start liking someone?’

I would know if I had been through this before. I managed to realize my love, but the next steps were a mystery.

Isn’t the ultimate destination of love a relationship? We had already jumped ahead to engagement, the next step in a relationship. It was unclear if this should be considered a part of a romantic relationship.

Then, a chat popped up.

[Manager: What are you thinking about?]

It was Hans. I had forgotten to completely turn off the broadcast in the morning. Startled, I widened my eyes and opened my mouth.

“Weren’t you going to the Celestial Realm?”

[Manager: I’m on my way there, but I’m bored]

[Manager: You seem to be thinking hard about something]

“I have something serious to consider.”

Since it had come to this, maybe I should just ask Hans. He was the only one I could seek advice from now.

Asking the person you like about how to deal with liking someone felt a bit ridiculous.

“Um, Hans. Do you know what happens next when someone falls in love?”

[Manager: Suddenly?]

“Just wondering.”

[Manager: Did you fall for someone?]

I answered without hesitation.


Suddenly, the chat went quiet.

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