The Villainess’s Guide to Winning the Male Lead
Chapter 71 Table of contents

“I know you said you’ve already told me everything you can about the matter, but I just wanted to have lunch with you, that’s all.”

At my words, Ian let out a half-hearted laugh. His expression was a mix of complex emotions.

“A girl with a boyfriend shouldn’t be saying such things lightly.”

“I’m just suggesting lunch as colleagues.”

I blurted out nonchalantly as if there was no issue.

I was willing to use any means necessary. The priority was to open Ian’s heart.

“Alright, let’s go. I just finished my work anyway.”

Ian agreed to my proposal, albeit half-resigned.

* * *

We went to the same brunch place we visited before. It was lunchtime and the place was quite busy, but coincidentally, the spot we sat at last time was empty.

“Two of menu B, please.”

As soon as we sat down, I naturally placed the order. It was the same menu Ian and I had shared before.

This time, I was the one ordering. The situation was a reflection of the past. Back then, I knew nothing and was quite perplexed, but now I felt somewhat grown, having adapted to the Celestial Realm.

After the server left, Ian, watching me, chuckled.

“Jiha, you’ve really adapted to the Celestial Realm.”

“I’ve been here often enough, I suppose.”

“You could stay here permanently at this rate.”

“That’s not really possible, you know.”

I didn’t want to harbor vain hopes. I already knew it was impossible.

‘Now, what to do next.’

There was silence while we waited for the food. I pretended to drink water while I racked my brain.

I couldn’t bring up the assassin topic. It would make Ian guard up again.

‘It’s like dealing with a big, wary cat.’

At first, I thought he was just being playful. But he turned out to be an angel with more wariness than I expected.

So, I needed to befriend him first. I started a conversation with my usual smile.

“Introduce me to other good restaurants next time, like tomorrow.”

“You want to have lunch together tomorrow too?”

“As long as I’m staying here.”

Ian seemed puzzled.

“Hans won’t get angry?”

It was part of the plan, so Hans wouldn’t mind.

I shrugged.

“He’s not that jealous.”

“He should be, with such a cute girlfriend.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

I brushed off the compliment.

Before we could delve deeper into conversation, our food arrived.

After that, our talk was nothing more than casual chit-chat.

“So, you decided to work in Joshua’s office?”


Thanks to the kind-hearted Carrot, I got a job. I didn’t know how long it would last, but for the time being, I would be commuting to and from Carrot’s office.

“We’ll be seeing each other often then. Our offices are close.”

I was really reaping the benefits from Carrot. He was helping me even without knowing my plans.

“Joshua won’t give you any tough tasks, and he’s giving you points too. Not a bad deal.”

“That’s why I accepted.”

It was a no-loss situation for me.

“Then we’ll have to return right after lunch.”

“It’s the same direction for us, so let’s go together.”

I needed to spend as much time with Ian as possible. That was the only way to get closer.

“You don’t mind having lunch with me, do you?”

I had to be careful not to be too pushy, so I carefully broached the subject.

Noticing my hesitation, Ian chuckled.

“It’s not bad having someone to eat lunch with after usually eating alone.”

“You have many friends, Ian. Why eat alone?”

“Everyone’s schedules don’t really line up. Most just grab a quick lunch, me included.”

I guess that made sense. Even Carrot was in his office during lunchtime.

‘I should pick up a sandwich on the way back.’

Even in heaven, the work environment seemed hellish.

I playfully said to Ian,

“From now on, I’ll take care of your lunches.”

“Ha, I can trust you then.”

Regardless, we managed to have a peaceful lunch.


On our way out of the restaurant, we bumped into a familiar angel about to enter. It was Poppopo.

“Jiha? When did you come to the Celestial Realm?”


“You visit quite often.”

“A story I hear often.”

It seemed to be a common remark. I must have heard it at least five times in two days.

“You two seem to be spending a lot of time together. Hans doesn’t mind?”

“It’s not your place to meddle.”

“That’s true.”

It wouldn’t be like Hans to fuss about me having lunch with a work colleague. In fact, it was Hans who had urged me to stick with Ian.

“I’ll be seeing you around more often. I decided to work in Carrot’s office for a while.”

“Really? I’ve been swamped with work lately. I’ll give you points if you can help me out.”

“Sure, just let me know when.”

It was nice to repay the viewers who had been so kind to me. Of course, I wouldn’t do it for free.

“Since you’re staying for a while, would you like to go here?”

Poppopo said this and took out two tickets from his bag.

“It’s an invitation to an exhibition, but I can’t make it. There are two tickets, so you can go with Hans.”

“Thank you…”

I received the gift somewhat unexpectedly. Poppopo patted my shoulder with a smile and then entered the restaurant.

I looked at the tickets in my hand.

Nonchalantly, I offered them to Ian.

“Ian, would you like to go with me?”

“…With me?”

Ian looked at me with a puzzled expression.

I confidently replied,



Ian looked at me, his expression unreadable, his usual smile absent.

But soon, he responded with a smile.

“Fine, shall we go on the weekend?”


I found myself making plans before I knew it.

* * *

After finishing work, I returned to the dormitory.

Though it was menial work, it became quite exhausting after a long time. I collapsed onto the sofa.

“Right… this was office work.”

After being so engrossed in broadcasting work that suits me well, the rare experience of office work brought back old memories.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

Who could it be at this hour? Drained and lying down, I immediately sprang up.


He was the only one likely to come by at this time.

When I flung the door open, sure enough, Hans was there.

“Stopped by before heading to the dorm.”

Hans was holding a paper bag, which he handed to me.

Inside the paper bag was bread.

“People say the bread here is delicious.”

“Have you been there?”

“No. OnlyFinley told me about it.”

So he bought it especially for me. I was somewhat touched.

If only his following words hadn’t been.

“I should go.”

“So soon?”

“I have to work tomorrow. Lots to figure out at home.”

“Really? You’re just going to leave after giving me this?”


He was resolute.

At least stay for a coffee. We hardly spent any time together today.

I knew Hans would refuse, but I couldn’t help feeling reluctant to let him go.

Hesitating, I blurted out.

“I’ve made plans to go to an exhibition with Mr. Ian this weekend.”

Hans’s hand, reaching for the door, paused.

Then he replied nonchalantly.

“Good. Get to know him.”


Wasn’t this situation worth a bit of jealousy? His girlfriend, who’s never been on a first date, is spending the weekend with another man.

“Sleep well.”

Hans truly left without a second thought.

I laid the bread bag on the table and flopped down on the sofa.

‘…Did he really accept me just because he found me cute?’

Cuteness and feelings of love were separate. Thinking about it, Hans only ever said I was cute, never that he loved me.

Maybe he accepted it out of obligation. Even though we were officially dating, my thoughts were unending.

“It feels a bit unfair.”

Yes, it definitely felt unfair.

I had thought his attitude would change a bit after we started dating, but it remained exactly the same.

‘Maybe expecting a change was asking for too much.’

It was a night filled with prolonged thoughts.

* * *

On the day of the appointment, I chose an outfit that Ian had picked out for me and got dressed.

I tied my hair, put on the ear cuffs I received as a free gift when I bought the clothes, and topped it off with a beret before standing in front of the mirror.

It was a two-piece with beige and pink as the accent color. The light beige coat gave off a cute yet unpretentious vibe. I had thought this before, but Ian really had a knack for choosing clothes.

“Oh, this is quite cute.”

Perhaps it was because I had been called cute by those around me so often that I had developed the audacity to say such things to myself.

‘…But did I dress up too much?’

It was only because I was meeting Ian that I wore the clothes he picked out. Nevertheless, I couldn’t help but worry.

“Let’s take off the ear cuffs.”

After a moment of contemplation, I eventually removed the accessories.

It might have been different if it was a date with Hans. But for an outing with Ian, there was no need to dress up this much.

‘I wonder when I’ll be able to go on a date with Hans.’

It didn’t seem likely that Hans would suggest it unless I brought it up first.

Thinking about this made me feel disappointed. It felt like the feelings of unfairness were just piling up more and more.

“No, this isn’t right.”

It hadn’t been long since we started dating, and already there were signs of trouble. I tried to shake off these needless thoughts.

* * *

The exhibition venue, our meeting place, wasn’t too far. It was a distance that could easily be walked.

Despite the short walk, a few people recognized me. It seemed there were quite a few viewers around the company area.

After taking photos with them and receiving snacks disguised as gifts, I realized I might be late for my appointment.

‘I’ll have to run.’

Luckily, I was wearing flats, so running wasn’t an issue.

Upon arriving at the venue, I spotted Ian’s figure from behind. His height made him stand out wherever he went.


When I called out to Ian, he turned around.


Seeing Ian’s face, my eyes widened in surprise.

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