The Villainess’s Guide to Winning the Male Lead
Chapter 84 Table of contents

[PleaseShakeACarrot: Yeah, you do seem a bit off today, sis.]

[OnlyFinley: What’s wrong?]

The viewers who were watching us also asked me.

‘It’s not very professional of me.’

To show my concerns like this. I shouldn’t have let the viewers, of all people, catch on to my worries. After all, I’m here to bring smiles to their faces.

Now that it’s come to this, I might as well have a proper conversation with the viewers.

“I’ll go take a look around and come back.”

“There’s nothing but trees, though.”

“Suddenly felt like seeing trees.”

“…Okay then, take care.”

I headed to a secluded spot to avoid Jamon. The garden was small, so there wasn’t much difference where you went.

After finding a spot, I looked at the chat and asked,

“Do any of you have some points saved up?”

[Gold2: Are you seriously asking that?]

[Stress: Sounds like soliciting donations, lol.]

“No, that’s not what I meant.”

I might be materialistic, but I’m not shameless enough to outright ask for that.

“I’m just genuinely curious if you have any saved up.”

[Poppopo: Yeah, I’ve saved up some recently. Some of the projects are wrapping up too.]

[FlowerFlute: Me too!]

[PleaseShakeACarrot: I think most departments would, right? It’s the end of the year after all.]

“Do you think Hans has a lot of points too?”

[Stress: Haven’t seen him give away points except that one time, so not sure.]

[Isaac: He must have a lot, though.]

[Something: Definitely more than us, at least.]

The chat became lively in an instant.

Yeah, I liked this kind of bustling.

If I were to be reincarnated, this would end too. How would I bear the emptiness then?

And it’s not just me who would feel the loss.

“You’d all miss me if I were gone, right?”

I said it with certainty, feeling a bit embarrassed myself, but I believed they all would. They’ve cherished me this much, after all.

[PleaseShakeACarrot: It’d be super empty without you!]

[Poppopo: Why? Did you gather all the points you need?]

Now, even the angels were aware of my situation. Those who didn’t know must have heard through the grapevine. That I was gathering points for reincarnation.

[AsparagusCharm: No way.]

[Gold2: No no no no no.]

[Plong: We’re not ready to let you go yet!!!]

“I’m not leaving yet, guys.”

I waved my hand to calm them down. I hadn’t even gathered enough points yet.

It was just a possibility.

“Even if I do reincarnate, I’ll still do the broadcasts. I want to have both, reincarnation and broadcasting.”

[Poppopo: How?]

“That’s something I’ll have to consider.”

After a brief moment of reflection, I reached a decision. I wouldn’t give up on reincarnation, nor on broadcasting.

I enjoyed broadcasting. It was fun. That alone was enough reason for me to want to continue.

“Anyway, it seems I’ll have to prepare to leave this place.”

I never considered this world mine, so I had no lingering attachments.

As the chat became noisy with various reactions, Jamon’s voice came from behind.


Startled, I turned around to see Jamon holding a cat. His expression was far from pleasant.

“Prince Jamon, when did you arrive…”

“I just came because I heard someone talking to themselves.”

I had been too loud in the small garden. It wasn’t surprising that Jamon heard me.

Jamon strode towards me.

“Where are you planning to go? Aren’t you supposed to stay in the palace as a fiancée?”

Why is he acting like this now? He seemed uninterested in me before. Why the sudden change?

* * *

“That makes sense.”

After placating Jamon and returning, it was time for my regular conversation with Irmin.

Irmin, having heard about the incident, seemed surprisingly indifferent.

“It’s the first time Jamon has had someone on his side. Maybe he’s developed a sense of possession?”

I never took his side, though? Maybe he believed I was on his side since we were engaged.

“He treats you like his pet cat.”

Am I on the same level as a pet cat? I wasn’t sure whether to be pleased or not.

“After sorting out this matter, I think I’ll be leaving too.”

“Oh, really?”

Irmin, aware of my situation, didn’t need further explanation.

Irmin smiled warmly and said,

“You’ve had it tough. Well done.”

“…Thank you.”

It felt strange to receive such normal words of encouragement from Irmin.

Now that it’s come to this, maybe I should start saying my goodbyes. I hadn’t gathered enough points yet, but the mere possibility made me want to prepare to leave.

I finally had a reason to visit the duke’s residence.

* * *

After returning to my room, as always, I called out to Hans, who was working in the room.

“Hans, I’m going to visit the duke’s residence.”


Hans looked surprised by the sudden announcement.

“So suddenly? Why?”

“It feels like it’s about time to visit.”

Of course, there were reasons to assess the situation. I had been deliberately ignoring Finley’s letters flying my way. It was about time to show my face.

“Okay, take care.”

Hans didn’t insist on coming with me, knowing it wasn’t a situation he could join in.

After packing everything, I got on the carriage alone.

‘I should have a talk with Hans.’

Lost in thought, I gazed out of the window.

It was hard to bring up the topic of points with Hans. I feared his uncomfortable expression if I did, unsure of how to react properly.

‘It feels like I’m extorting money.’

Even in a relationship, there are boundaries to respect. The points were meant for me, but since they were Hans’s, it wasn’t right for me to brazenly ask for them.

And if Hans was intentionally not giving them to me. The situation would only become more awkward the moment I mentioned it.

‘Does he not want me to reincarnate?’

I remembered something Hans had said before.

That angels and humans can never truly be together.

If I were to reincarnate, all memories with Hans would vanish. Thinking about it, Hans’s reasons for not giving me points seemed understandable.

‘But I’ll find a way to get them, somehow.’

I was someone who achieved what I aimed for.

Engrossed in these thoughts, I soon arrived. Teleport scrolls were indeed convenient.

As soon as I stepped off the carriage, Finley, who seemed to have heard of my arrival, ran towards me.


As expected, he had an agitated expression.

“Wow, easy there. You seem to welcome me more passionately than Selena does?”

“Does this look like a welcome to you?!”

Standing before me, Finley shouted with a thunderous voice.

Strange, isn’t this a kind of welcome? I awkwardly scratched my cheek.

“Engaged to Prince Jamon, what are you talking about? What about Hans! You two were getting along so well!”

“Ah, I’m hungry. Where’s Selena?”

Ignoring Finley’s rant, I entered the mansion. I wanted to see Selena, it had been a while.

I seemed to recall receiving letters from Selena among those sent by Finley. But with all the chaos around Jamon, I hadn’t had a chance to read them.

Not long after entering the mansion, I ran into Selena coming down the stairs.


Selena ran and hugged me. Her hair had grown quite a bit since we last met.

“Are you alright? I heard what happened.”

Selena’s face was full of worry. Her eyes were already moist.

She knew well about my feelings for Hans. She seemed to pity the situation I was in.

‘We were living so sweetly together in the same room.’

It made me feel guilty to see her so sad.

“I’ve thought it through, why you made that choice…”

Selena clenched her fist and shouted.

“You were threatened by Prince Jamon, weren’t you?!”

It was disheartening to realize that was the right conclusion.

Finley, seemingly sharing the same thought, just stared at me silently.

While others might simply assume that I was swept off my feet by the prince’s proposal, abandoning my original fiancé, my family, knowing me well, seemed to immediately suspect coercion.

Admitting to being threatened felt too complicated, as it would undoubtedly cause serious concern among everyone. It was a situation I could handle on my own, so skirting around the truth seemed the best approach.

“It’s not like that. Prince Jamon and I are on good terms.”

“What about Hans?”

“I’m… getting along well with Hans too.”

“That doesn’t make any sense.”

Finley, who had joined us, was quick to challenge my words. It was sad that both truths were being perceived as lies.

“Let’s go see Father first. He’s been waiting since he heard you were coming.”

“That’s a lie. Father?”

“It’s a serious matter this time, involving the royal family. It’s a big deal for our house too, he must be really upset.”

While a typical noble house head would be thrilled at the prospect of their child forming a bond with the royal family, Duke Erpeso, who deeply cherished his daughter, was not your ‘typical noble house head’. He would surely be very uncomfortable with the situation.

Being engaged to the royal family would be quite a troublesome affair for me. Getting involved in court intrigues and such. Anyway, as I had no real intention of marrying, it was of no concern to me.

Leaving a worried Finley and Selena behind, I headed to Duke Erpeso’s office.

Luckily, I hadn’t forgotten the way. Passing through the door opened by a knight, I entered to find Duke Erpeso, who welcomed me in his usual manner.

“I’m here, Father.”


Duke Erpeso’s eyes, previously focused on some documents, turned towards me.

Before Duke Erpeso could ask anything, I quickly spilled the beans.

“It’s true that I’m engaged to Prince Jamon. We haven’t had the official engagement ceremony, but I’ve already greeted everyone from the royal family.”


Duke Erpeso let out a deep sigh.

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