The Villainess’s Guide to Winning the Male Lead
Chapter 101 Table of contents

“Right. Ah, would you like me to explain in detail? It’s about the time when a monster invaded our village. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but many knights were injured. My brother was among them too.”

I had heard that Eric had retired, but I didn’t know he had retired due to an injury.

I asked worriedly,

“True. The knight helped us at that time. But to hear that he got injured… Is he alright now?”

“Yes, he’s fully recovered! He had no choice but to quit being a knight, but… Thanks to that, he ended up living with me. At least, my brother seems happy about it.”

It’s fine if the two of them are okay, but I couldn’t help but feel concerned.

Just then, the sound of a door opening was heard.

“Anna, who’s here?”

Eric asked, seemingly puzzled after spotting my coat hanging on the coat rack. Even after 7 years, his voice hadn’t changed.

Naturally, my gaze shifted in that direction too.

Eric’s hair had grown much longer since I last saw him. It was neatly tied back, reaching down to his waist. He seemed to have been shopping, as he was holding a paper bag in his hand.

[OnlyFinley: Wow, long hair suits him!]

[Poppopo has donated 10,000 points!]

[AsparagusCharm: He always liked long hair, right?]

[Stress: I hear the sound of Eric’s fanbase growing.]


Eric, making eye contact with me, blinked in confusion.

Instead of me, Anna kindly explained,

“It seems to be the child my brother saved during the monster incident. He’s come to express his thanks.”

“Ah, hello.”

Eric, perhaps out of habit from his knight days, respectfully used formal language, even though I was just a child.

“I’ll just tidy up a bit and come back.”


Eric smiled warmly and headed to the kitchen.

‘Eric must be in his early to mid-30s by now.’

I didn’t know his exact age, but it was probably around that.

It was too early for him to retire. I was very curious about how he had been.

Soon after, Eric came over and sat next to Anna.

“The monster incident? That was 2 years ago. I didn’t expect anyone to still remember me.”

“My mother always spoke of the knight.”

“Haha, then I guess it’s understandable that you came to visit out of curiosity.”

Eric was easily fooled by my adept lie. His naivety hadn’t changed.

“I heard you were injured… Are you alright now?”

“Yes. It wasn’t a serious injury. But I thought it would be better to take a break, so I’m resting, living off the savings I had accumulated.”

He had retired due to an injury, but it was unlikely that Kabir hadn’t taken care of him. Certainly, they must have provided enough money for him to rest for a few years after the injury.

“Do you have any plans to return?”

“The Duke often asks about it, but I have no plans to return yet. After taking a break for 2 years, my skills have probably rusted, and I might just be a burden instead.”

“My brother is also good at cooking. He’s thinking about opening a small restaurant.”

If he’s considering opening a restaurant, it’s almost certain he won’t return to being a knight.

It felt poignant to see Eric, once a vibrant knight, retire early and choose a different path.

Noticing my fixed gaze, Eric smiled awkwardly.

“You might remember me from my knight days and be disappointed to see me now.”

“You still look great.”

“Haha, do you think so?”

Eric, smiling at my comment, seemed even happier and more at ease than before.

‘That’s all that matters.’

If he’s happy, that’s enough for me, regardless of what he’s doing now.

“I’ll drop by the restaurant when you open it.”

“You’re always welcome.”

Eric replied with a smile.

* * *

“Camilla! Did you go out again without saying anything?”


“It’s not ‘uhm.’ Could you at least tell me where you’re going?”

“I’m sorry.”

I ended up spending quite some time at Eric’s place and arrived home late.

After being scolded by my parents, I went to my room.


I flopped onto my bed, feeling exhausted after meeting just one person.

‘I’m glad he’s doing well.’

My thoughts were still filled with Eric.

Was I worried about him? The thought of a happy Eric brought a smile to my face.

In the 7 years that had passed, some people remained the same, while others had changed significantly.

‘I wonder about Selena.’

My thoughts naturally drifted to Selena, one of the people I had grown fond of.

It’s been about 7 years since she became a duchess. Has the aristocratic life made her cold and distant, or is she still the same? I couldn’t imagine, at least not when it came to Selena.

‘Well, I am currently living in the Erpeso dukedom.’

I was born and raised in the Erpeso dukedom.

But naturally, bumping into nobles was a rare occurrence. Perhaps because the village I live in is quite small.

‘With Jamon around, I’ll meet them eventually.’

I had quite a few reliable connections. Irmin and Kabir also seemed to favor me. If I wanted, I could meet them as soon as tomorrow.

‘But I’m not in a hurry.’

While I was curious, it wasn’t to the extent that I wanted to see them immediately.

Just like when I chose to reincarnate, I didn’t want to be tied down to the life of Anais.

The connections from Anais’s past life were important to me, but the most crucial thing was my current life.

‘I should visit Hans tomorrow.’

What matters is my happiness right now.

I decided not to rush into thinking about Selena.

* * *

This time, after properly informing my mother, I used a scroll to teleport to the Heyward Duke’s residence.

By then, my parents had also heard the news that Owen (posing as Hans) had become the successor of the duke’s family. Naturally, they were quite astonished.

They knew I often visited the duke’s residence to meet Hans. Today was a formal visit, without any deceit, using one of the scrolls Kabir had given me.

Upon arrival, I was greeted by a crowd of servants at the entrance.

“Welcome, Miss Camilla.”

Even the butler was there to greet me.

I let out a deep sigh.

“I’m not a miss.”

“Ha ha, to us, you are indeed a miss we need to serve.”


This was why I used my own points, instead of Kabir’s scrolls, to secretly meet Hans.

Whether it was because I was Hans’s only friend or for some other reason, Kabir always treated me with great hospitality whenever I visited. As if I were a noble lady myself.


Not long after entering the mansion, I encountered Hans.

Hans seemed to have adapted to his role as the successor, now fully embodying the appearance of a noble. He wore expensive clothes, and his distinguished look suited him well.

“You should have toned it down a bit.”

“How could I tone down Kabir. That guy is surprisingly overprotective.”

“Still, isn’t this too much? I’m just an ordinary peasant child.”

“Just an ordinary peasant child?”

Hans said, as if he couldn’t believe it.

“You are the future duchess, so this level of treatment is only natural.”

“Did you tell them about us dating?”

“Why hide it?

Even a child’s romance, Kabir takes it seriously. That was somewhat touching. Even our own parents just saw it as cute and took it lightly.

It’s rare for a childhood romance to last into adulthood. Hans and I were a completely different case, though.

So this was why Kabir was treating me this way. I sighed deeply.

“You didn’t have to say it, you know.”

“You elevated me to a Duke’s successor and expect to live a normal life? No way.”

“That’s true.”

I immediately agreed with Hans’s words. I had committed a sin, so I couldn’t argue.

“Wait, does that mean I’ve already failed my goal for this life?”

My goal to live an ordinary life was practically ruined the moment I became the prospective duchess.

Hans looked at me as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“That was a failure from the moment you got involved with the prince.”

“You’re right.”

My goal was doomed from the moment I encountered Jamon. In the empire, Hans and I were the only children close to the prince, the crown prince, and the duke.

“Let’s greet Kabir first and then hang out in the room.”

“Sounds good.”

I always enjoyed visiting the duke’s residence because I could eat plenty of expensive desserts.

“Oh, I’m sorry, but His Grace the Duke is currently in a meeting with a guest.”

The butler, who appeared suddenly, interrupted us.

He must have heard us. We just casually mentioned Kabir’s name; I hope it’s okay.

Fortunately, the butler didn’t seem to mind much and continued with a smile,

“He will be leaving soon, so please wait a little.”

“Who is it?”

“It’s a count.”


Hans sighed as if he was used to this. That alone was enough for me to understand the situation.

Ever since Owen, a commoner, became the successor, there had been strong opposition from some nobles. Some even came to confront us directly. It was the same now.

‘It’s getting a bit troublesome.’

It was just a nuisance for us, but it must be tiring for Kabir. I didn’t want to be a burden to Kabir, who had kindly welcomed us.

After a moment of thought, I spoke up.

“Hans, we’re not meant to live ordinary lives in this lifetime anyway.”


“Then how about we cause a big scene this time, so there won’t be any more whispers behind our backs?”


Hans looked at me as if wondering what I was talking about.

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