The Villainess’s Guide to Winning the Male Lead
Chapter 103 Table of contents

Irmin’s serious demeanor was rare, causing me to feel a bit anxious.

He abruptly grabbed my hand, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

“You’re a genius in magic as well!”


“Wind magic is something that only academy graduates can use. And at this age!”


I realized that a stat of 3 wasn’t a small number. I had thought it was significantly low since the scale went up to 10, but it seemed that it was equivalent to the level of an academy graduate.

‘…This is troublesome.’

Naturally, I would be seen as a prodigy.

Irmin, in his excitement, kept pouring out words.

“This is not the time. Should we consider early admission to the academy? No, maybe it’s better I teach you directly. First, let’s go to the royal palace and….”

“Wait, wait. Calm down.”

I barely managed to calm Irmin down, who was ready to rush ahead. He was as passionate about magic as he was excited.

Even though I calmed him down, Irmin seemed to have no intention of settling down.

“We should start studying from today!”


I regretted not being more cautious with my stat investments.

* * *

I didn’t want to leave the duke’s residence, so I somehow persuaded Irmin not to take me to the royal palace.

‘Instead, I’ll come here every day!’

Irmin declared and returned to the royal palace to fetch some study materials.


I really wished that guy would get busy with some work.

When such incidents occurred, it was best to report to Hans. In that sense, I was waiting outside the room where Hans was having his lessons.


Perhaps the lesson had finished, as the tutor teaching Hans stepped out of the room.

Seeing me squatting in front of the room, the tutor was startled.

“Ca-Camilla! Why are you here…”

“I was waiting for Owen’s lesson to end.”

“You could come inside!”

“Ah, I don’t want to be a bother.”

I did have that much decency.

Hans then came out of the room.

“Were you waiting again?”

“I’m his personal maid.”

“Seems more like an excuse you’re using.”

Classic Hans, always quick on the uptake.

“Or maybe you should join the lessons too.”

“I hate studying.”

“Do as you like.”

Hans didn’t press further, knowing my stubbornness and quickly giving up.

“I have enough headaches with studies already.”

“What studies?”

I told Hans about the earlier events. As expected, Hans sighed deeply.

“If you have stats, you should think carefully before investing.”

“It’s only 3.”

“At your age, that’s enough to be considered a genius.”

True, seven years old is an age when even grasping the basics of magic can be challenging.

Considering Irmin’s reaction, a magic stat of 3 seemed to be on par with a decent adult mage.

‘No wonder it took so many points.’

It wasn’t that it was expensive; it was worth that much because it could give you that level of ability.


Meanwhile, Irmin was running towards us from afar, his hands full of books.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me along.

“This is no time to waste. Let’s dive into the theory right away!”


I looked at Hans for help, but he quietly avoided my gaze.

I ended up being stuck with Irmin all day.

* * *

“I heard you have quite a talent for magic.”

During a usual dinner, Kabir’s comment almost made me choke on my soup.

Irmin, that blabbermouth, had apparently already told Kabir.

“Just, well… a fluke.”

“A fluke doesn’t explain how well you keep up with the lessons.”

I wasn’t objectively very academically inclined. If I had to point out my strong suit, it would be my cunning.

Despite not being good at studying, it seemed magic was a field where talent alone was enough. Even if I couldn’t follow the theory, I managed the practical exercises with ease.

Irmin seemed very excited while teaching me. It was the first time I’d seen him so motivated.

“There was no need to disguise you as a maid. As Irmin’s disciple, even counts would be desperate to invite you.”

“Ah, about that…”

“What is it?”

I hesitated before speaking.

“Please keep it a secret that I can use magic.”

Originally, I intended to be noticeable. I didn’t want Hans or myself to be disregarded anywhere.

But after seeing Irmin’s reaction, I realized something.

‘It’s troublesome.’

Being noticeable was much more bothersome than I thought. There was a reason Hans rejected my suggestion without a second thought.

“I’d like to reveal it after honing my skills a bit more. For now, it’s a bit…”

“Well, your opinion is what matters most.”

Kabir readily accepted and nodded. True to his considerate nature, he prioritized my opinion.

“How’s Owen’s preparation for his social debut going?”

“Owen’s naturally good at it. I’m not too worried.”


As expected of Hans. He seems to be controlling it well enough to appear as a moderately talented seven-year-old.

“Owen is a genius, after all.”

“Don’t flatter me.”

“Why not? You’re a genius.”

“If that’s the case, you’re a genius too.”


Kabir burst into laughter while watching us bicker.

“Ha ha.”

He was laughing brightly, seemingly enjoying the situation.

“It’s never boring when I’m with you guys.”

Kabir seemed very pleased as he said that.

Hans and I exchanged glances, feeling a bit awkward.

We had come uninvited, asking to be accepted as successors. It was a ridiculous request, and he could have sent us away, but Kabir seriously listened to our story and gave us a chance.

He no longer seemed lonely. It was more due to Kabir’s choice than our presence.

I clenched my fist tightly and declared with determined eyes,

“From now on, I’ll make sure you’re even less bored.”

“No, it’s perfect as it is.”

Kabir firmly declined. He liked not being bored but didn’t seem to wish for trouble.

“Irmin is desperate to take you to the palace. You’re not planning to go, are you?”

“Never. I don’t want to be away from Owen.”

“But you should still attend lessons, so how about staying at the palace a few times a week? The palace is better equipped, after all. It’s better than enrolling early at the academy.”

Kabir persuaded me in a gentle voice. I couldn’t tell if it was Irmin’s request or Kabir’s own suggestion.

‘After all, there’s no need to study if I can just increase my stats.’

On the other hand, studying could save points to increase stats.

I thought it might be fine to go to the palace a few times a week. I was bored, anyway.

I nodded my head.

* * *


When we visited the palace, Irmin treated us with utmost hospitality.

As requested, to keep it quiet and low-profile, Irmin disguised himself as a servant.

“So, Camilla was also interested in magic! I knew you would come!”

No, I was just persuaded by Kabir…

But I decided not to respond too honestly.

“Your room is ready too. Want to take a look?”

“I plan to sleep at the duke’s residence.”

“It’s tiring to go back and forth. Just stay here!”

“His Highness, the Crown Prince, can bring me back.”

“Ha ha, should I say you’re bold…”

I must be the only person in the world using the Crown Prince as a mode of transport.

“That’s fitting for my disciple.”

And strangely enough, Irmin seemed to like the way I was. He was really an odd one.

Just like Kabir was utterly fond of Hans, his successor, Irmin too cherished his newly accepted disciple.

‘These people, they must have been lonely.’

It was indeed the age to feel the pangs of solitude. I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of pity.

“But still, the palace is a convenient place to study. If you need anything while studying, just let me know!”


“Yes, anything!”

I pondered for a moment before responding.

“I’d like to wear a dress.”

It was just a random thought. I was curious to see how far Irmin would go.


With just that, Irmin disappeared from sight without giving me a chance to say anything more.

“…I was just kidding.”

But it was too late, Irmin had long gone.

In the meantime, someone approached.

“Hello, Miss Camilla.”

It was a maid I hadn’t seen before.

“His Highness told me about you. How about going to your room and resting for today?”

So, Irmin hadn’t vanished thoughtlessly. He disappeared after seeing the maid approach.

‘It shouldn’t be a big deal.’

Though I felt a bit uneasy, I decided to follow the maid for now.

* * *

It turned out to be a big deal.

“Here! These are the tailors to fit your dress!”


I regretted my wish. I had just hoped he’d buy a dress off the rack. Instead, over a dozen people were involved in making one dress.

‘I momentarily forgot that Irmin loves to make things big…’

By tomorrow, I’d likely be a celebrity in the social circles. I had wanted to keep a low profile, but my wish was too ambitious.

Well, what can be done now?

“Please make it as lavish as possible.”

At times like this, the best thing to do was just enjoy it.

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