The Villainess’s Guide to Winning the Male Lead
Chapter 105 Table of contents

The ball was a rare occasion for me. Even when I was Anais, I didn’t feel this nervous.

‘Back then, I was only focused on the broadcast…’

Now, attending as my true self, it was natural to worry about making a mistake.

“Don’t be nervous.”

Hans seemed to notice and comforted me.

Right, what could go wrong with Hans by my side? Even  if I caused trouble, Hans would handle it. Thinking that way calmed my nerves.

“I just want to maintain Camilla’s image.”

“You’re not as reckless as you were as Anais.”

“Of course. It’s my life, after all.”

It was a logical response.

“Anyway, we’re only seven years old. Even  if we make a mistake, they’ll overlook it once.”

“That’s true…”

Even the strictest of nobles wouldn’t harshly criticize the mistake of a seven-year-old. It was fortunate to wear the mask of a child at times like this.

“Hey, kids, you’re here?”

We ran into Irmin, who seemed to have come out to meet us. Perhaps to avoid others’ scrutiny, he was in one of his frequent disguises.

“Aren’t you getting ready, Your Highness?”

“I’m not attending this time.”

“Then why are you here?”

“To watch you two.”

“Even  if His Highness, the Crown Prince, doesn’t attend, is it okay for Camilla as the disciple?”

Hans probably assumed Irmin would attend. After all, he told me that Irmin would attend for my sake.

“But it’s bothersome―”

Typical Irmin. We both smoothly glossed over it.

“But Kabir will be there! You’ll have someone to look after you, so don’t worry.”

Having Kabir there was reassuring enough. It seemed Irmin felt comfortable skipping out because of that.

“Come on, follow me. I’ll stay with you until you enter.”

Being disguised as a servant, it wouldn’t be odd for Irmin to be with us.

“You’re just going to watch us enter and then leave?”

“Yes. I have a backlog of work anyway.”

At least he seemed to be working now. It was relieving to see he had developed some sense of responsibility.

Irmin truly escorted us to the ballroom door and then disappeared. A knight, thinking he was just an ordinary servant, looked surprised as he used teleportation magic.

“It’s Owen and Camilla.”

“Yes, sir!”

At my words, the knight hurriedly started looking for our names.

‘Maybe I should turn on the broadcast, it’s a big event.’

Though it was a hassle, I wanted to enjoy the ball with everyone. While waiting, I turned on the broadcast.

[Isaac: hi]

[PleaseShakeACarrot: Wow, the dress is beautiful!!!]

[Plong: So cute haha]

As expected, my angels had a positive reaction. Every time they welcomed me like this, I felt guilty for not broadcasting more often.

‘But that doesn’t mean I’ll do it more.’

It was just a feeling of guilt.

Soon, we entered the ballroom.

As the two young children entered the ballroom, the nobles looked puzzled.

I heard murmuring around us. Ignoring it, I scanned the room for Kabir.


Just then, Kabir approached us swiftly.

Standing in front of us, Kabir gave an awkward smile.

“Should’ve had a maid call me. Did you plan to enter by yourselves?”

“The Crown Prince escorted us.”

“Really, Irmin came and went…”

Kabir sighed softly, still with a hint of amusement.

“Ah, these must be the children Lord Kabir mentioned.”

A woman approached from behind. With her refreshing blue hair, she was a beauty.

Bending down to our level, she smiled warmly at us.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Amelia Dias.”

Oh, she’s the one who will be betrothed to Jamon in the future. She seemed even more mischievous than I expected.

[OnlyFinley: Approved]

[Gold2: She seems nice]

“I’m Owen.”

“I’m Camilla.”

“Such adorable people.”

Amelia seemed to find us very charming.

As we conversed with Kabir, she seemed to realize we were the children from the rumors.

There were plenty of nobles eager to approach us, seemingly hesitant due to Kabir’s presence.

“There’s someone I wanted to introduce you to. Come this way.”


We followed Kabir, fulfilling the reason and purpose of our visit to the ball.

We were dragged here and there, exchanging greetings with various nobles.

Kabir wasn’t usually active in social circles, but it was touching to see him making an effort for us.

‘But it’s still exhausting…’

I felt my limited social energy draining.

Eventually, I discreetly nudged Hans’s shoulder.

“What’s up?”

“I’ll be back in a bit. Just need a little break.”

“It’s dangerous to wander alone. Remember, you’re in a seven-year-old’s body.”

“I’ll just be on that terrace, don’t worry.”

I pointed to a nearby terrace.

It was close enough that Hans didn’t seem too worried.

“I’ll let Kabir know. Just take a short break and come back.”


With permission, I headed to the terrace as if I had been waiting for the moment.

I thought I’d take a breather and enjoy the breeze. As I opened the terrace curtain,

“Oh my.”

I came face-to-face with a familiar person.

“Looks like we have a little guest.”


I was speechless.

While I stood there stunned, the chat window exploded.

[PleaseShakeACarrot: Wow!!!]

[Poppopo: Wow]

[Plong: It’s Selena, Selena!!!]

[Stress: Her hair has gotten much longer]

[OnlyFinley: So prettyㅠㅠㅠㅠ]

It was Selena.

Just as the angels had said, Selena’s hair had grown much longer. She appeared more mature than the last time I had seen her.

I was so taken aback by the sudden encounter that I couldn’t say a word.

“I came here to rest. I’ll leave you be.”

Thinking I was shy, Selena tried to excuse herself from the spot.

“Wait a moment.”

I urgently called out to stop Selena from leaving.

I couldn’t let her go just like that. It was the meeting I had been eagerly anticipating.

“Do you have something to say to me?”

Selena asked, smiling sweetly at me.

I racked my brain hastily and managed to blurt out a single sentence.

“I am a disciple of His Highness, the Crown Prince.”


Selena looked puzzled.

It must have been baffling for her, the way a child suddenly introduced themselves out of nowhere.

I tried to get Selena’s attention, and that sentence just popped out.


Her expression brightened immediately.

“I heard the Grand Duke is taking care of some children.”

Fortunately, it seemed Selena had also heard about it.

“You’re even cuter than I thought―a genius in magic, right?”

The rumor had already spread that far. I felt a bit embarrassed.

As expected of the sociable Selena, she started to initiate conversations on various topics.

“How old are you? What’s your name?”

“Seven years old, Camilla.”

“Miss Camilla.”

She was using honorifics consistently, even though I was much younger and a commoner. That was so like Selena.

“How do you find the ball? Is it not too tiring?”

“It’s a bit tiring.”

“Ahaha, I thought so. I was feeling tired too, so I came out to take a breather.”

The conversation flowed smoothly. Maybe it was because of Selena, but there was no awkward silence.


While we were having the conversation, someone entered as the curtains were drawn.

[OnlyFinley has donated 10,000 points!]

– Here!!!

It was Finley.

Finley’s gaze shifted towards me. He looked puzzled.

“That child is…….”

“Finley, this is the person. The disciple of His Highness, the Crown Prince.”


Finley’s eyes narrowed.

‘What’s with that reaction?’

It seemed like a somewhat displeased response.

“I’ll pay my respects to the Grand Duke separately. Selena, let’s go now.”

“Ah, yes. It was nice meeting you!”

Led by Finley, Selena returned to the ballroom hall.

I was left all alone on the terrace.


Even so, I met Selena, so was today’s objective achieved? A sense of fulfillment washed over me.

* * *

The ball had come to an end.

“You did a great job. That must have been tough.”

Slumped over from exhaustion, I heard Kabir’s kind voice. Hans and I were completely drained from our first ball in a long time.

“Feeling sleepy?”


I replied, rubbing my eyes at Hans’s question. Being in a child’s body, sleepiness came at the most unexpected times.

“Come here, Camilla.”

Kabir reached out his hand to me.

As I approached Kabir, he picked me up.

“It’s okay to sleep if you’re tired.”

I didn’t want to be a burden. But contrary to my wishes, my eyes kept closing.

Eventually, I drifted off to sleep.


When I opened my eyes, I found myself in my room at the Grand Duke’s mansion.

I was laid down on my bed. Moonlight seeped through the window.

I was awake, but somehow I didn’t feel like getting up. The tranquility of the moment was just too precious.

‘I met everyone I wanted to meet.’

I had talked to Selena, the person I wanted to see the most, and made sure she was doing well.

I should have felt relieved. Yet, what came over me was a sense of emptiness.

‘Why is that?’

My heart felt troubled.

Wrapped in a complex mix of feelings, I kept tossing and turning in my bed.

Eventually, I got up.

I headed straight to Hans’s room. Knocking on his door, it wasn’t long before Hans appeared.


Hans seemed to have just woken up, still half-asleep.

I said to him,

“Could you please give me some advice on something I’m worried about?”

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