The Villainess’s Guide to Winning the Male Lead
Chapter 111 Table of contents

As soon as the day broke, we went to the temple and ascended to the Celestial Realm.

“Gabi, I’m here.”


As we entered the office, Gabriela greeted us. It had been a while, but Gabriela was the same as always.

“You said you had something to tell us?”

“Well, it’s not a big deal, but you’ve accumulated quite a few points. I wanted to discuss how you’d like to settle them.”

For such an urgent call, it didn’t seem like a significant matter. I tilted my head in confusion.

“Couldn’t you have communicated that through Ian?”

“Just wanted to see your face as well?”

Just say you missed me. I understood Gabriela’s feelings since it had been a while since we last saw each other.

“About the points… let’s use them all up today, why not.”

“Convert them into money?”

“Yes. All of it.”

Gabriela seemed quite taken aback by my response.

“I didn’t expect you to convert it all into money… Weren’t you raising your stats?”

“I’m not too interested in anything other than magic, and I think I’ve improved enough through study. I can always earn more points.”

I replied nonchalantly to Gabriela’s words. Hans was also there by my side.

“Hans is really on vacation within a vacation.”

“Is everything running smoothly without me?”

“Thanks to Ian putting in the effort. But he won’t be able to rest until your vacation ends.”

It seems the two have an irreplaceable relationship. It was clear they were perfect partners.

“Not my concern.”

Hans grinned at the mention of Ian’s struggles. Truly a good friend.

“Anyway, enjoy your time. It’s a good chance to meet the angels after a long time.”


It was my first time visiting the Celestial Realm since my reincarnation, so it had been almost 7 years since I last saw the angels.

As we left Gabriela’s office, we chatted.

“It’s probably a busy time now, not the best for visiting.”

“Do the angels ever have a not busy time?”

“Guess not.”

So they were always busy. As always, it was somewhat pitiable.

Before fully enjoying ourselves, we decided to grab a meal first. We headed to a nearby brunch place, which had become like our regular spot.

After taking our seats, I leaned back confidently.

“Go ahead, Hans. Choose whatever you want.”


Hans chuckled.

I had always been on the receiving end in the Celestial Realm. Now that I could finally treat him, it felt good.

The brunch arrived quickly.

We chatted while enjoying our meal.

“Is it possible to spend all that money in just one day?”

“For me, it’s possible.”


In just a day, meeting angels and having fun was definitely doable.

“Since we don’t have much time, let’s try calling the least busy one first.”

“Is there such a thing as a less busy angel?”

“Wait and see.”

Hans took out his cell phone and contacted someone.

Soon after, the door to the shop opened.

“He’s really here.”

The person who came in was Ian.

Calling the least busy person, and yet he had summoned the busiest one.

Ian looked more worn out than the last time I saw him, with darker circles under his eyes.

“He looks about ready to collapse.”

“Has he lost more weight?”

“Whose fault is that?”

Ian managed a slight smile at mine and Hans’s comments. We both quietly averted our gaze from his.

Settling down on a chair, Ian started the conversation.

“Never mind me, just enjoy your holiday. Why did you come to the Celestial Realm?”

“To waste points.”

“A splendid plan. Want to go to a casino?”

“Don’t teach the kid weird stuff.”

Sadly, I wasn’t interested in gambling.

“I’d rather go shopping. I’ve received a lot, so I should buy gifts for everyone.”

“That’s touching.”

After all, these points were essentially earned through the angels’ hard work, so it felt right to give back to them.

“Lunchtime is approaching, so I’ll call everyone to come here.”

“I thought everyone was busy?”

“A few of them should be able to make it.”

Ian immediately started making calls. I was grateful to the angels who, despite the sudden notice, always welcomed us without complaint.

Not long after, the shop’s door swung open dramatically.


Right, I could tell who it was without looking. It was OnlyFinley, Poppopo, and PleaseShakeACarrot.

“As expected, those three are the first to rush here.”

Hans chuckled as if he had anticipated this.

“Jiha, I missed you―”

“Yes, yes.”

I was accustomed to the immediate embrace from OnlyFinley.

PleaseShakeACarrot grumbled first upon seeing me.

“Turn on the broadcast more often!”

“Sounds familiar.”

“You don’t do it often enough, that’s why!”

Lately, my focus on points had waned, and broadcasting was more of a hobby.

“I have my own life to live too, you know.”

“That’s why! Even if you don’t talk to us, at least let us see your life!”

“All I do is study magic all day.”

“They’d like that!”

How deep was the viewers’ obsession with me? It was almost scary.

We decided to move to a table to continue our conversation. The shop owner, familiar with our noisy visits, guided us to the largest table with partitions already in place.

“Others are coming soon.”

“So many angels are coming during their busiest time?”

“Of course, it’s been a while since we’ve seen Jiha!”

“Right, it’s lunchtime anyway.”

Lunchtime or not, I knew these angels were often too busy to take proper breaks.

“Have you been well?”

Poppopo greeted me. Having seen me occasionally on broadcasts, it was amusing how they still asked how I was.

“How’s life as Camilla? Better than when you were Anais?”

“It’s good.”

“I was worried you might completely cut ties with the previous characters. It’s a relief that you’re still in touch with everyone.”

OnlyFinley seemed relieved. Being a fan of Finley, they were probably worried about not seeing him again.

“Turn on the broadcast when you visit Finley, will you? Just show your face and I’ll flood you with points!”

“Yes, yes. Got it.”

To fend off the nagging of the angels, I realized I had to broadcast soon. I was already starting to feel weary.

Soon, familiar faces began to enter the café one by one. Most were faces I had seen during previous fan meetings.

The small café became bustling. It was fortunate there were no other customers.

“We might need to move to a bigger place.”

“Since it’s lunchtime, how about we go to a restaurant? I’ll pay.”


The angels cheered at my words. The joy seemed more about receiving something from the child they nurtured than getting a free meal.

“But without a reservation, it might be tough to find a nearby place.”

“Let’s just go to the company and order in.”

These angels really loved their company. Without any other options, it was inevitable.

* * *

As promised, I paid for the lunch. The angels’ cheers were a bonus.

“Eat up and let’s have dessert too.”

“Feels a bit guilty receiving back the points we gave you.”

“Just accept it when it’s given.”

I wanted to give back at least once. I had received too much help from the angels over time.

“Keep eating. I’ll be right back, going to the restroom.”

“You know where it is?”

“I’ve been here several times. Of course.”

I was planning to leave the table briefly, having already had lunch with Hans earlier.

As I was coming out of the restroom, unfamiliar voices reached my ears.

“Why are there so many people gathered here?”

“Those are fans of that broadcast.”

“Ah, it’s going to be noisy for a while then.”

“Annoying. Why does she come so often? If she’s human, she should stick to the surface.”

“Getting special treatment from Gabriela and Hans, that’s why. In the end, she’s just a human.”


It was definitely about me.

The ones talking about me were angels I didn’t know, but it was clear they harbored malice towards me.

Being surrounded by loving people, I had momentarily forgotten. Where there’s light, there’s also darkness.

It wasn’t the first time I faced dislike as Camilla.

But somehow, having received so much love as Camilla, it felt different.


It was a different kind of hatred than what I experienced as Anais.

“What’s going on?”

Just then, Hans emerged from the door.

How unlucky for those angels. Of all people, they had to run into Hans.

“Isn’t it time for you to work? Your team’s lunchtime was over a while ago.”

“Oh, we were just about to return…”

“Then go.”


The two angels left meekly. As they started to walk away, Hans called out,


They looked back at Hans.

With an expression devoid of any emotion, Hans spoke,

“Before being a broadcaster, she’s your boss’s girlfriend. Show some respect.”

“…We’re sorry.”

It was unexpected for Hans, who always strictly separated personal and professional matters, to say such a thing.

Once the two had left, Hans’s gaze turned to me.

“What are you doing? Come here.”

“Did you see that?”

“Of course, I did.”

I hesitantly moved to Hans’s side. Immediately, he took my hand.

“Don’t let those words bother you.”

“I’m not.”

“Don’t lie. I can see the hurt on your face.”

Apparently, my emotions were more visible than I thought. I awkwardly rubbed my neck.

“I used to think it was normal to be disliked, but maybe my mental strength has weakened.”

“It hasn’t weakened; it’s improved.”

Hans always saw the best in me. I gave a small smile.

“There are more people who like me than those who dislike me. That’s enough.”

“Do you want me to tell the others about what happened? They’d retaliate right away.”

“Please don’t.”

Angels like OnlyFinley would surely rush to act. I didn’t want that.

“It’s just dislike. They didn’t harm me. So, it’s okay.”


Hans quietly observed me.

“From my perspective, you haven’t weakened; you’ve become stronger.”


“You don’t seem as anxious as before.”

“That’s good to hear.”

Hans’s support played a big part in that. Knowing that no matter what I did, I had someone who would love me unconditionally was a great comfort.

Even if everyone else disliked me, Hans would love me till the end.



Hans looked at me and chuckled softly.

“Yeah, it’s good.”

“Let’s go order some coffee.”


That’s what Hans meant to me.

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