From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival S…
Chapter 676 Table of contents

"Shit," June muttered as he woke up in a familiar room.

However, he wasn't the only person in the room.

In fact, there were multiple people there—Hana, Taehyun, Jay, and Director Jam? They were drinking coffee from the nearby table, talking to each other with worried expressions.

"How cI didn't notice?" Hana muttered.

"Well, to be fair, I thought he was acting his heart out," Taehyun chuckled.

June frowned in confusion as he sat up on the bed.

Surprisingly, he didn't feel any dizziness. Instead, he felt well-rested—like he was a new person!

"He's awake!" Taehyun exclaimed when he saw the movement from the corner of his eyes.

They quickly placed down their cups of coffee and went over to where June was.

"Is the shoot over?" June asked, his voice deep since he had just woken up.

Jay shook his head in disappointment and gently nudged his head.

"Really? That's the first thing that you ask?"

June nonchalantly shrugged. "Well, it was my last day of filming. It's only normal that I ask if I was able to accomplish my work before I collapsed. So, did we get a good enough take, at least?"

Director Jam sighed before nodding. "It was perfect. We don't have to retake anything."

June smiled in satisfaction. "That's nice."

"No, it's not nice," Hana countered. "How can you say that when you're lying on a hospital bed?"

June noticed that he was hooked to an IV line.

"I'm just tired," June said.

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"For weeks now," Jay said, running his fingers through his hair in frustration.

"Actually—months," June smiled, correcting him.

Hana shook her head. "Well, I could only imagine. How many projects have you done? After Rising Stars, you had to quickly prepare for your debut. Then, you joined King of Kings not long after. Not only that, but you also went to Disguise Surprise Singer and Quiz God. Weren't you in that webdrama too? Now, after preparing for your comeback, you're participating in Rising Stars once again while filming for Untouched Souls and various projects."

"Dang," Taehyun said. "How long have you been working again? Has it been years?"

"11 months," June said, making the actors' eyes widen in surprise.

"DANG!" Taehyun repeated, his voice louder this time.

"Why didn't you visit the hospital to get checked out?" Hana asked in concern.

June turned to Jay. "I already had a check-up scheduled. Right, Jay?"

Jay nodded. "Yeah—he'll have it in about a month."

"A month?" Hana asked with wide eyes.

Jay scratched the back of his head. "It's his only free day. That's how packed his schedule is. I even have to cancel a schedule and move it tomorrow night for this to happen."

Hana shook her head. "Azure's overworking him."

"The other boys, too," Jay said. "But more especially June. He just can't catch a break."

"Then, I guess it's a good thing that he collapsed," Director Jam said in a worried tone. "Now, he can get checked by a doctor."

Jay nodded in agreement. "I'll stay with him to wait for what the doctor will say. Currently, they think he's fatigued and somewhat dehydrated. However, I think Dr. Oh still wants to run sother tests."

Hana nodded. "Yeah, you should get everything checked out now that you have the chance."

June nonchalantly nodded. He really felt that everything was fine! Aside from his dizzy spells and getting the least required amount of sleep for a human being, he felt strangely okay.

"You guys better go," June said. "You still have to film sother scenes tomorrow, right?"

Hana nodded, but she was still reluctant to leave June all alone.

"Are you sure?" Director Jam dramatically asked, even holding onto June's arm. "We can delay the filming a bit."

June shook his head. "I'm alright. Jay's here to take care of me."

Jay nodded in agreement. "I'll update you about his status."

The three of them, despite wanting to stay, eventually agreed since it was getting pretty late.

"Telleverything, okay?" Hana exclaimed as she went out of the door.

June chuckled in amusement. "Yeah, yeah!" he called out as the three of them left.

Then, Jay was about to give him an earful about taking care of himself better when his phone suddenly rang, signaling a phone call.

He looked at the caller ID and saw that Casper was calling him.

"The guys must be worried," he muttered.

Then, he turned to June. "I'll take this real quick. I bet the boys are wondering what happened."

June nodded, feeling like he was saved. "Yeah, go ahead. Take your time!"

With that, Jay walked to the door.

However, before he left, he turned around and narrowed his eyes at June.

"Don't try anything funny now, okay?"

"Stay here in this room and wait forto cback. Dr. Oh told us to wait for him after he conducts his rounds."

"Yeah, yeah," June nonchalantly said, opening his phone and acting like a behaved little student.

"I'll be right here."

"You better," Jay said, finally leaving the room so he could talk to the panicked boys that he left at home.

Meanwhile, June shook his head.

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As if he was going to listen to Jay!

He was in the hospital where Grandma was staying! Of course, he has to visit her.

With that, he turned off his IV, carefully removed the cannula from his vein, and placed a bandaid over the opening.

"That's better," he muttered, already feeling familiar with the room he was in.

It was one of the deluxe rooms (courtesy of Dr. Oh), and only a few people got to stay at the deluxe rooms because of its expenses—one of which, was Grandma!

After putting on his clothes, he skipped down the hallways until he arrived at a familiar door.

Then, he knocked.

"Cin," Grandma said, her voice weaker than June had anticipated, causing him to frown.

Nonetheless, he was excited to see her after a while, so he enthusiastically opened the door.

Much to his surprise, she wasn't the only one there.

There was a nurse and a medical technologist inside, drawing sblood from her.

On the seat next to the bed was Minjun, who appeared to be playing a gon his phone.

"June!" Grandma exclaimed, causing the adolescent to lift his head and look at the guy with wide eyes.

"You're here?" Minjun asked, placing down his gand walking over to the older guy to give him a bro hug.

June nodded. "I was in the area, so I decided to visit."

"Well, sit down. They're just taking sof my blood so they could run stests."

"I'm on my fourth round of chemo already, and they want to see how I'm responding," she smiled.

However,despite her smile, June could see that she was in a lot of pain. Moreover, her hair was thinner than before, with sbald patches here and there. Nonetheless, June was grateful that she managed to keep her weight despite the harsh treatment.

June waited patiently until the two health workers were done.

"There, all done! Now, we'll leave you to talk with your grandsons."

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