Broken Possessors of Infinite Regression Academy
Chapter 13 Table of contents

13 – Dungeon Practice – 1


“Yes. It’s true.”


My prompt acknowledgment made the prince’s eyebrows twitch. His expression spoke of his lack of any expectation for this kind of reaction.


“I never expected you to admit it so easily.”


“If you are asking me this, I’m sure you already fully grasped the situation. What will change if I have different thoughts here? I don’t want to lie to you, Your Highness.”


It’s not just anyone, but the Crown Prince himself asking such a question without any basis. Based on my experience and Priscilla’s account, the prince doesn’t beat around the bush.


Therefore, instead of using vague language or denial, it seemed better to face it head-on. As to verify my thoughts, the prince let out a humor-filled chuckle.


“You got it right. Can you guess how I came to know about this?”


“…Based on my short opinion, it probably has something to do with the news about Priscilla Agnes catching a monster.”


My answer deepened the smile on the prince’s face. He looked undeniably amused.


“Right again. I heard that the monster was caught by Agnes, and since Agnes was known for always sticking around her dormitory or the magic workshop refraining from going out as much as possible, it made me wonder why she was there at that time. When I gathered some information, I found out that you, along with Aria April and the hero, went out together.”


The prince’s intense gaze, alternating between me and Priscilla, fixed back on me.


“Being too handsome is a bad habit, Mira Creit. It’s been just over a week since the entrance ceremony, but you have already won the hearts of three women.”


“…I’m sorry for sounding impertinent, but I think you are misunderstanding something. Weー”


“What misunderstanding are you talking about? I only used the expression ‘winning the hearts’ to indicate you became close friends with them. Can you explain with your words how I have misunderstood? Unfortunately, I can’t imagine it from my side.”




Even though what he said could easily lead to a misunderstanding from anyone’s point of view, looking at how he said it as if he had been waiting for my negative reaction, it seemed like he had anticipated everything.


No matter what I said, it seemed futile, so I just closed my mouth. The smile on the prince’s face showed no signs of fading.


“Nice expression. Odd enough, I can’t help but get excited when I see you flustered. So here’s a return gift. Did you know that there’s been a proposal to investigate your family’s department store?”




That was something I couldn’t just let slide. Even Priscilla besides me looked taken aback.


If there were suspicions linking the Crate family to the demon, those doubts must be resolved here and there. If not, the consequences may be dire.


The suspicion arose as they abruptly closed shop the day before the demon appeared. This could be seen as a mere coincidence, but the possibility was suggested that it might not be.


Coincidentally enough, the Crown Prince locked eyes with me as I chewed my lower lip.


Since I’ve already warned against making an issue out of this case in my court, don’t ponder over it. Some radicals even argued that you, or your family, who are clearly the culprits summoning the demon, should all be arrested. But… I personally stripped those who made such claims of their investigator credentials. Can you guess the reason?


…I am sorry, but I do not know.


Because I like you.


Excuse me?


Startled, I quickly stepped back. The Crown Prince just stood there, snickering.


Just a slight joke. There is clear evidence that you were heading to the department store with the Hero, so if you were the culprit, wouldn’t that mean that the Hero who wields the sacred sword is also an accomplice? The Empire’s intelligence agency is not allowed for fools who can’t even figure out simple cause and effect.


From noble mtl dot com


Thankfully, it seemed he yielded for a somewhat sensible reason. Trying to suppress my surprise,


One was the fact that the Crate family almost got entangled with the demon, and of course, the other was the just-mentioned joke by the Crown Prince.


Did he really have to make such a joke?


Even Priscilla, who only heard the story about the demon, was holding my hand a little too tight. I could see her knuckles gradually turning pale.


That about wraps up what I have to say. From now on, it’s a personal message, so do as you wish.


Though verbally suggesting to do as I wished, I was not stupid enough to take it literally and stand up. I calmly waited for the next words.


Ever since I was young, I was the type to covet a lot. If there’s something I want, I would do anything to get my hands on it.


Then, his bloody red pupils turned toward Priscilla and my clasped hands.


And I am the type to be quite envious of what I cannot have. The fate of the target I set my eyes on was always one of two. It either comes into my possession, or it’s ruined so that no one else can have it, for an unexplainable reason.


As if to conclude what he had to say, the Crown Prince added a last remark.


It’s a shame I wanted so much more if they hadn’t been ruined.


May I ask why your Majesty is saying such things to me?


There’s no special meaning. It’s just that, hoping we’d get a little closer, I thought I’d explain myself a bit more. How is it? Do you feel you’ve gotten to know me a little better?


I don’t know. If there was no special meaning, he wouldn’t have said it in the first place.


I heard about it from Priscilla. Even though Priscilla heard from the Crown Prince himself. He had said he practically turned his other competitors into half-executed criminals in a power struggle bloody enough to almost smell the blood.


Not to mention, almost tearing apart the support base of the brothers who were pushed out in the power struggle.


‘Insane, really.’


I didn’t understand why that man was treating me like this.


In the end, keeping my confused feelings to myself, I rose up hesitatingly and left. Until we disappeared from his sight, the Crown Prince was staring at us.


Precisely, at my back.


Are you okay, Miss Mira? You don’t look well.


It’s fine. For now.


You’ve had that expression since yesterday, are you really okay? You were summoned by the Crown Prince, right? Did he say anything bad?


If Aria and Brynhildr are saying that, then it seems that the last words had a lethally effective influence on me.


I’m not surprised. It’s almost confirmed that the Crown Prince is a pervert, and it’s almost confirmed that the pervert is targeting me.


‘Only considering his appearance, it is more like a woman ….’


It’s good to say that he is a beautiful man, but to say he looks like a woman, I would believe it. But it doesn’t matter at all if his actual gender is male.


Well, if she says she’s okay, then she’s really okay. Or it may be hard to tell us. Let’s leave quickly. The next activity is a dungeon exploration practical, right?


Brynhildr pushed me and Priscilla forward into the portal. And when our eyes met, she gave a kind smile. It seemed like her own way of showing concern.


As we stepped out on the other side of the dimensional portal, our eyes met a field crowded with students, easily over a hundred.


Beyond that, there was a forest. A giant forest, large enough to take up to 12 hours to traverse even in a straight line, artificially created inside the property of Belium Academy, spread out before us.


“And it’s the place that’s connected to the underworld.”


In the original work, the incident is supposed to occur next year, but one can never be too careful. We don’t know how the situation might get twisted.


$All right, it’s time. Focus.$


Thump, thump. The female professor standing atop a high rock drew attention by slamming the sword and staff she held into the ground. As eyes turned to her, the chatter subsided.


$You remember my introduction from last time? Just in case anyone forgot, I’ll briefly reintroduce myself. I’m Jaina, and we’re about to start our dungeon exploration practice. Any questions?$


No one raised a hand.


$Good. I was planning on reducing the points of anyone who raised their hand, considering it as them not having listened to me properly last time. First, I’m going to divide you all into two major teams.$


With a nonchalant and chilly promise to reduce points, the professor drew a magic circle. A clone identical to her appeared right next to her. She handed her sword to the clone.


Jaina and her clone jumped down from the rock and climbed a slightly lower rock. The sword-wielding Jaina hit the rock with the tip of her blade.


$If you want to finish by the regular class time of 5 PM, simply come to me.$


As she finished speaking, Jaina wielding the staff tapped the rock with it.


$If you want to continue until 8 PM, adding three hours, then come to this side. However, keep in mind, if you choose this option, you won’t have to attend next week’s class.$


One side takes the regular route, the other side adds three hours to finish two weeks worth of lessons at once. As she explained on the first day, choosing a teaching method was the first part of the serious evaluation.


It was a choice between what was more advantageous for oneself. Whether to finish short and thick or to stretch thin over a longer period.


Of course, the dungeons needing to be trapped also matched the setting. It is crucial to compile all the information and make a decision, choosing the most optimal dungeon for one’s disposition.


$What are you going to do, Mira?$


$Me? I plan on going to the side with the staff.$


$You plan on going until evening? That’s unexpected. I thought you disliked nuisance. Do you have a reason to choose that?$


I do. Later, when the dimensional gate directly connecting to the underworld opens, I need to look around the place. I chose the side which had more time, as three hours might fall short.


‘It’s better to have overflowing than lacking.’


But I couldn’t openly say that, so I came up with a different excuse.


$By finishing quickly, I can rest earlier, can’t I?$


$You have such confidence. I do not dislike that attitude.$


Aria smiled brightly at me. Brünhilde seemed in agreement as well. As we continued our conversation, Jaina, who had finished assigning the groups, knocked on the rock again.


$Everyone has made their choice, right? Before we start, let’s hand out the one-time location markers. Its durability should last about twelve hours, plenty of time until the end of class. If an unexpected situation happens, simply break it. Your location will blink in red on my detection magic tool, and I’ll come to you after confirming the coordinates.$


$But you must write an incident report on why you judged the situation as dangerous. If you tried the detection magic on the spot and it was determined that it was not severe enough to use the marker, points will be deducted. Although this place should not pose any significant dangers as it is strictly monitored by a detection magic, you never know with people.$


$Finally, the most important thing. Never overestimate your power or underestimate your opponent. It’s a perfect way to get yourself killed. You should always underestimate your own power and overestimate your opponent’s. That’s the key to survival.$


$All the dungeons here are artificially created, but they are extremely similar to real ones, like about 95%? You can get really hurt, and if you’re careless, you could lose a limb. A cleric or a nun can attach it, but until then, it’s going to hurt like hell. Remember that, and remember it again.$


After the sword-wielding Jaina and the staff-wielding Jaina took turns explaining, they gave the command to gather amongst their groups. I approached the members of the group that the professor randomly assigned me to.


Normally, groups are formed in advance by people who get along, then leftover people are paired together; however, because of the professor’s rule that Aria, Brünhilde, and I could never be in the same group…


They claimed it would offset the balance. It was a perfect explanation that all three of us could only nod in agreement.




Then I ran into the redhead woman, Scarlet Diana, who I had first crossed swords with, in the randomly assigned group. Diana let out a short groan that faintly echoed.



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