Broken Possessors of Infinite Regression Academy
Chapter 17 Table of contents

17 – Dungeon Practice – 5


“… Isn’t this the place we visited earlier?”


“Yes. You’re correct. You have a good memory.”


Exactly 30 minutes later, we were wandering the same place, gradually venturing deeper into its depths.


“Is it because of an illusion?”


“No, it’s not an illusion. If it were, we would have detected it through magic. This is closer to the dungeon structure changing.”


It seemed to remain still at first glance, but outside of our touch, the structure was changing in real-time, steering us in a certain direction.


“…Is that possible?”


“We’re experiencing it right now, aren’t we? It seems likely.”


“So, what should we do now?”


Diana looked distraught, just as she lamented before we set off that unexpected situations could make her lose her mind.


“We have to head to the dungeon core.”


“Dungeon core? Venture deeper inside?”


“When we encountered forks in the road, I tried something. One direction always led to the dungeon core, and the other led outside.”


Only because the dungeon core was detectable through the magic was I able to assess the direction; otherwise, I would have been utterly lost.


“Uh, yes. But then?”


“If we chose the direction of the dungeon core, we could keep moving. If we chose the outside, we were led back to the same place.”


“Oh, so that’s why we were sometimes circling the same spot and sometimes going deeper?”


“Right. It seems like something is trying to pull us inside, who knows who or what.”


“So… we have to venture deeper then?”


Diana glanced subtly at Warden. Since he had received and finished an emergency treatment with my potion, he hadn’t spoken a word.


He was quite the sight after gratefully thanking his savior with a bow, saying not even a word of gratitude.


Seeing both of them surprised when I pulled out a potion from my pocket, I wonder what image they had of me that they thought I wouldn’t even carry a potion.


So we changed our destination to the dungeon core, and even after 20 minutes of wandering aimlessly, we managed to reach it in less than a minute.


I stopped Diana, who was about to march inside with hollow eyes. I could sense something from the detection magic.


“There’s a big one inside.”


“….How big?”


“Roughly about 3 to 4 meters? I am not sure, but it’s about that height.”


Upon hearing that it could be as large as 4 meters, Diana gripped her sword nervously. Warden’s face was still vacant. Yes, it’s better than seeing him pretend and stand in the frontline without a weapon.


I drew out my dagger and ventured inside. As anticipated, a giant creature was there. At the same time, I could finally comprehend why there wasn’t a single monster inside the dungeon.


Because an abomination that seemed to be created by cutting and patching various parts from an ogre and a troll was licking its lips while staring at us.


“Ah! There’s a customer!”


There was another odd creature next to him.


The upper body was similar to human, but there was only one eye on the face it, which was so huge it nearly covered half of the face. There was only a mouth right below the lone eye since it lacked a nose.


The lower half resembled a lengthened yet thin slime, which fixated the body like a column. The creature was entirely grey. The peculiar creature was waving energetically and shouting,


“Welcome! We sincerely welcome you!”


“Why does your voice sound so… odd?”


It was like nails on a chalkboard. I dryly replied, but the entity just waved a hand without any disturbance.


“It’s been this way since birth! Oh, I apologize for the delayed introduction! Pleasure to meet you all! I am a Demon, serving under the Demon King with loyalty, and humbly commanding the 3rd legion! Please call me ‘Maker’!”


Clap, clap, clap. As soon as the demon finished speaking, he clapped alone. Strange creatures looking like a mixture of Trolls and Ogres clapped in response. None of us joined in.


The demon’s laughter echoed in the silence.


“Oh dear, such unmannerly guests!”


“Why would someone like you, a legion commander, be here?”


“Why indeed! I am here to carry out a harmless prank as per His Majesty’s orders!”


‘He actually answered.’


I received an answer, but I was prepared to filter out that kind of talk.


Either he was lying from the start, or the information was irrelevant. He wouldn’t have blurted out such important information otherwise.


“So you’re also responsible for the mess around here?”


Referring to the artificial dungeon core stained with violet and the scraps of ogres with the tip of my sword, the demon swiveled his neck to answer.


“Indeed! Indeed! I am delighted you’ve noticed my endeavors! So, what are your thoughts on my masterpiece?”


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“I could do better even if I tried.”


“What?! How rude!”


The demon jumped in surprise. His body stretched out as if it were rubber and then reverted back. The only visible eye on his face widened with shock.


“That’s right. The center of gravity is slightly off. If it were me, I would’ve moved the arm attached to the left slightly forward, and would’ve attached the opposite leg near the femur. Look, that is also bizarrely attached.”


Calmly pointing out the places he needed to improve, the demon bounced around like a spring in fury, but soon began to ponder something.




To my surprise, he stretched his body up and down, expressing admiration.


“I understand! I always thought there was something odd about it, and so it was this blind spot! I made a huge mistake! I am grateful to you!”


The demon created a hat out of thin air, removed it, and bowed as a sign of respect. Beside him, Diana and Worden watched with bewildered expressions.


I didn’t want to learn such insanity either.


“Since I have received your kindness, I must repay. Your companions seem unusually weak compared to you, so allow me! I will get them safely outside!”


The ground turned into a liquid-like substance, rose upward, and carried Diana and Worden. I unconsciously tried to cut it off with Eternity, but seeing the outside view exposed when the wall opened, I stopped.


The risen ground gently deposited the two outside and absorbed back into the wall. Diana and Worden were left in the middle of the monster corpse I had cut down.


The wall became solid again in no time. The demon, having discarded his imaginary hat, laughed eerily.


“Aren’t you going to escape with them? As far as I know, you were searching for the exit!”


“Why didn’t you take them hostage?”


“If you were a rude person, that would have been the case! But you have a sense for the art, and that changes everything! People with such artistic sense are rare in the demon world!”


“What is the chance it is an illusion outside?”


“I swear on my honor as an artist, it isn’t!”


An artist, huh.


I had once come across a lunatic like him in the first world. The advice I gave him earlier were mere trivial matters that I picked up while fighting tooth and nail with another such crazy person. Honestly, I never wanted to hear it.


“So, you came here just to enjoy a little prank? Why aren’t you in the demon realm minding your own business?”


“Excellent question! The reason I came all the way here is because… His Majesty the Demon King has truly awakened!”


“Really awakened?”


“That’s right! Until now, he was always languid, but a week ago, he suddenly began gathering all the forces in hell to launch an attack on the human world. According to my deputy, he had never seen His Majesty so ecstatic before!”


‘A week ago?’


That sounds familiar. I strenuously tried to erase the almost week-ago Belrium Academy’s entrance ceremony from my mind.


“Of course, the attack on the human realm was planned, but seeing the King take such an active role, I, as the legion commander couldn’t just sit idle! And so, I was unavoidably led to come here!”


I’ve generally finished sorting out my thoughts. It appeared that it was due to that evil villain that the monsters started appearing much faster than in the original story.


$How much time left until the invasion?$


$I’m not exactly sure! The preparations of the army that I’m commanding are already perfect! But if I dare to guess the Demon King’s intentions, I think we still have about a year left!$


The fiend cackled, letting out another chilling laugh.


A year, so I judged that the real preparation time would be about three to six months. There was no way such an information could be true.


$What’s the reason for telling me all that? Is it because I’m not rude?$


$Oh, no! That’s not it!$


The fiend’s throat faced me directly and rotated 360 degrees. It stopped after rotating once, twice, then three times.


$What purpose would it serve, even if I tell you?! How dare humans try withstand the overwhelming power of the Demon King and his army!$


The nefarious laugh reechoed.


I couldn’t just dismiss these words as simple arrogance. The hero of the original story spent a year and a half at the academy, added more strength by traveling the world in part two, and then challenged the Demon King.


But the current hero had just about a week left since he began at the academy. So, if the war began soon, chances were good it’d be a one-sided battle.


$Is that all the reasons?$


$What?! Are you implying there’s another reason?! One that even I, this maker, don’t know of?!$


The fiend’s neck stretched out long and took a genuinely surprised stance. I couldn’t help but chuckle.


$Why aren’t you including the fact that you needed time to completely transform the dungeon?$


$Ahaha, oh no! Oh no!$


The enormous hands of the fiend emphatically hit his eyes.


$How did you find out?!$


$How could you not notice when the purple becomes so vivid?$


$Haha! I’ve been hit this time! But the fact that you know this and still did not run away…$


The fiend slapped his forehead and bulged his eyes.


$Are you showing off?$


$Show off?$


I chuckled and raised my sword.


Had he not been a naked figure made of human bones and flesh, I wouldn’t have recognized him at first. But as soon as I heard that he’s the commander of the third unit, I was certain.


‘I remember what Priscilla told me.’


Her story obviously included information about the commander of the unit that I would be fighting.


$If you don’t believe it, go check it yourself.$


Diana and Warden were first surprised by the fact that the demon truly escorted them to the dungeon’s exit, secondly by the monsters lying around, and thirdly by the progressing demonization of the forest.


Jaina quickly approached them. She hurriedly took out a potion and tried to put it in their mouths, but dropped her hand awkwardly when she heard that Diana was unharmed and Warden had already drunk the potion.


Diana earnestly explained what happened inside. She said that the commander of the Demon King’s third unit appeared inside the dungeon and Mira Crate is facing him alone.


Of course, Jaina ran inside as soon as she heard the explanation.


And at the same moment.


$Dropping in unexpectedly like this, regardless of you being a saint, I find this very rude, don’t you think?$


The crown prince and Priscilla were facing the saint, who had unexpectedly dropped in without warning.



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