The Incubus System
Chapter 444 Table of contents

The Incubus System Chapter 444. Are You A Tsundere? I

Ethan's PoV

As soon as I snapped my eyes, I got up and summoned upon my sword in panic. My eyes looked in all directions, preparing to attack my enemies. I was so careless! How could I fall asleep in the middle of the battlefield?

But what I saw was my room. At my bedside, Lord Damon sat in his usual seat with his eyes closed.

A series of announcements were in front of me.

[All enemies have been defeated!]

[Level up! ] X 49

[You are now Level 170.]

[You have 245 unused stat points.]

[You have 55 unused skill points.]

[Congratulations! You have killed over 2000 lv 100 demons!]

[You have earned a new title: Abyss Master. Kill them all! VIT + 20 ]

[Congratulations! You have completed your daily quest!]

[You have earned a new title: King of Massacre. VIT + 10 ]

[Your Demonic Power is fully charged.]

[Congratulations! You just got 1 sex point!]

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I frowned in confusion.

'I'm back? But when?' The sword in my hand turned into a dark aura.

I tried to remember what happened. My dark aura covered my naked body as I used my Demon's Clothes, creating my usual clothes. A black shirt and trousers.

As for the other, that sex point announcement had given me enough explanation about why I was naked. I just didn't know who had done it.

The memory of what happened in The Abyss flashed through my head. My gaze shifted to Lord Damon who was asleep on the chair. Even though his eyes were closed, with his arms folded in front of his chest, he still looked cool.

A faint smile appeared on my lips.

"Thank you, dad..." I muttered under my breath. I didn't expect he would go to the Abyss to pick me up.

I looked at the clock to find out how long I had passed out.

06. 51 PM

Another frown on my forehead.

'Wait, I've only been in the Abyss for 12 hours?' I thought it was longer than that.

Lord Damon's voice made me turn to him.

"How do you feel?" he asked without further ado. Even though he had opened his eyes, his position didn't change.

I moved my hands and some parts of my body. Although a little stiff, I could confirm I was fine.

"Great. Just a little hungry," I answered.

"Rin and Ran are preparing our dinner. Just wait a bit longer. I've asked them to prepare a double portion for you. You will need it after your long sleep," he said.

"Long sleep?" I said in confusion before I turned to the clock.

"Didn't I only sleep a few hours?"

"You've passed out for a whole day, Damian."

"A whole day?" I half yelled in surprise.

"So this is the next day?" I added in disbelief.

To which he replied with a nod.

'That explains everything...' That meant I was indeed in the Abyss for more than 12 hours. That fact reminded me of one important thing.

My eyes glanced from side to side.

"So... Where's Lilieth?" I asked in hesitation. I couldn't imagine how freaked out she was after she found out I was trapped in the Abyss.

"Are you worried that she will scold you?" guessed Lord Damon.

I smiled wryly.

"More or less." Well, I felt guilty for worrying her to be precise.

"Something urgent happened, so she went to the human world yesterday. She will return before dinner."

"What's going on?" My tone turned serious. So was my expression.

"Just some annoying cracks. It's the Glob King's subordinates. She should have handled them by now and closed the cracks. You don't have to worry about that," he said casually.

But that didn't relieve my worry. The fact that Lilieth had to interfere with this incident, indicated that this crack was not an ordinary event.

"Do you know where the attack was? Or how many victims are there?" At the same time, I quickly open my status and check all my partners' statuses. Luckily, they were fine.

"It's Lightglen City. I don't know how many victims there are, but that should be not much since I didn't feel any massive number of slaughter except the Abyss." Again, he answered with a casual tone.

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I breathed a sigh of relief upon his statement. But what he did next surprised me.

Without a word, he teleported in front of me and grabbed my shoulder before teleporting us.

Realizing we were in a battle arena and his tight grip, I teleported away from him. But when I just appeared on the other side of the arena, Lord Damon's fist was already in front of me.

I raised my arms and put them in a cross position to protect myself from his attack. At the same time, I activated my Demonic Energy and Demonic Claw.

A loud bamming sound echoed as his fist landed on my arms. The strong wind followed. The branches on the trees around the arena waved around due to the impact, showing how much his strength was. Surprisingly, this attack was not as heavy as before. Also, despite my shabby stance, that attack only pushed me a few centimeters.

"Another test?" I guessed. My annoyance was clear from the tone of my voice. He should say so if he wanted to do it.

"Test?" he scoffed.

"This is your punishment, Damian. For breaking my order!" Ten of his skeleton hands came out of his wings and charged at me.

But I teleported away to escape.

"If you're talking about what happened in the Abyss, it's not my fault. They expanded the barrier when I used my Dark Energy to close the hole," I explained.

"Didn't I tell you to keep your distance?" Despite our conversation, he didn't stop attacking me. His Demonic Spikes launched fiercely at me.

"I did!" I shouted. At the same time, I used my Hell Inferno, burning all his spikes with my fire pillar.

"You did? Then why can you end up there?" he asked in disbelief.

I canceled my skill so we could see each other clearly.

"That barrier swallowed me up. I kept my distance as far as I could. There wasn't a single demon when I got there and the hole was only about human size. I even teleported away before the barrier expanded, but I failed to escape," I explained.

My explanation silenced him and made him deep in thought.

I exhaled a long breath.

"Look. I know you were worried about me. But I didn't mean it. I tried my best, but it was unavoidable. I didn't make any stupid mistakes."

"You better not. This is the last time I saved your ass. I won't do it next time," he threatened before turning and walking out of the arena.

While I stood there and stared at him away. A faint smile on my lips. Despite his sharp tongue, the fact that he picked me up at the Abyss and waited for me until I woke up indicated something else.

"If you're worried about me. You should say so, dad..." I muttered before I tailed him to the exit.

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