The Incubus System
Chapter 500 Table of contents

The Incubus System Chapter 500. The Hounds' Territory III

In just under 5 minutes, we managed to turn all the Hounds into ashes.

We regrouped in front of Foxy and smiled proudly.

"Not bad. Only five of them managed to approach me. Good job, everyone," she complimented us like a noble demon praising her subordinates. A smug smirk on her lips.

"Thank you, My Lady," we replied.

"Looks like we are not welcome here. I wonder when their leader will come to us." A heavy exhale came out of her mouth.

"Oh well, coming or not, it doesn't matter to me." Her smug smirk turned into an evil one. "I just need to kill everything that gets in my way," she said as she walked past us.

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Without a word, we quickly tailed her.

Hour after hour passed. As our feet moved, more Hounds came at us. But all of them were Grim Hounds. We hadn't seen any other type of Hounds or anything. We had killed at least a thousand of them, likewise with the other demons lurking around us. Most of them were low-level demons.

Although they were not a problem to us and seemed harmless, according to Foxy, those harmless looking demons also sometimes bullied low-level demons like her. In the past, they liked to take food from her and her friends, but Foxy and the others couldn't do anything since their level was below those demons. So I could say, Foxy was on the bottom of the dark dimension's food chain before. Well, if the old me entered this place, I also was in the same position.

As for the queen, I was sure she was already aware of our presence. So it was a matter of time until her subjects welcomed us. But I hoped she would let us.

The red moon went down and we were getting closer to the red mountain. Foxy's face looked more cheerful as soon as she started to recognize her surroundings, which meant that her home was getting closer. Still, she kept her composure.

"This way," said Foxy. Her index finger pointed in the direction she was referring. Rather than the maps, we left her to guide us.

Due to Foxy's enthusiasm, we hastened our steps. After all, we had been walking for hours so resting sounded good to me. Unlike the previous terrain, the bushes and trees were getting thicker as we almost arrived at our destination. While this confused the others, Foxy said this was normal since her home was more like a hiding place rather than a real village.

But our steps stopped as soon as I parted the bushes in front of us. Our eyes fell on a tall wooden fence not far from us. Although the modern touch was far from it, it was definitely not what Foxy described to us. Rather than a hiding place, it was more like a strong fence that protected a headquarters.

"This isn't right..." Muttered Foxy in disbelief. A frown on her forehead and her composure cracked due to her panic. I could see her hands shaking for the same reason.

Of course, we also realized that something was so wrong here even before Foxy said it. According to her, she and her friends did not have any resources to build sufficient defenses against the Hounds. What they could do was hide and gather as much food as they could. A peaceful walk in the forest was a privilege, let alone building a fancy fence like this in a few months.

So there were only two possibilities that occurred. The first was that there was a high demon who had joined them and decided to help them build the fence for their safety. Or secondly, the Hounds had found and taken over this place as their base.

Although I preferred the first scenario, judging by what happened and how much the Hounds had attacked us, it was more likely the second scenario. If there was another high demon here, at least the Hounds number wouldn't be that much.

I glanced at Foxy. It was clear from her expression that she was also aware of this. But luckily she still maintained her calm and was not hysterical.

A second later, her feet moved again. Her eyes remained on that fence. But I quickly caught her hand. I could feel her trembling body. Her worries and emotions were clear from it.

She turned to me, showing emotion on her face. And I answered by shaking my head from side to side.

"Why?" She asked. I caught a clear impatience from there.

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"We must investigate first, My Lady. Whoever's there, I'm sure they won't like our presence. Besides, the worst scenario happens and they know what we came here for, the Hounds will use your friends as hostages," I reminded her without breaking my character.

Foxy glanced at the fence for a moment, staring at what she once called home before she returned her gaze to me and nodded.

"You're right, we have to be careful with this, or we're going to make things worse," she replied.

I released my hand.

"We should find a resting place," I said, but what I did was different than what I said. At the same time, secretly, I used my Evil Eye. My One Eyed Demon formed in my palm and went quickly to investigate what was inside.

The others immediately realized my plan to investigate the place before attacking.

"I think we should rest somewhere far from here, My Lady," Ivy quickly added.

"Fine. We'll be back tomorrow morning," Foxy replied. Without waiting for our answer, she turned around and asked us to follow her to her other hiding place via telepathy. She could only hope the Hounds hadn't found and destroyed it.

But the cracking sound of heavy objects stopped our steps and made us return our gaze to the fence that was already wide open. A Hound with a level far above the others stood in the middle of the Gruesome Hounds. Behind them, the Grim Hounds bared their teeth on us.

"Where are you going, my beautiful brides?" he said with a sly smile.

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