The Incubus System
Chapter 514 Table of contents

The Incubus System Chapter 514. Two Death Demons I

After Nefaris completed the contract, killed a dying demon in her prison, and said a few things to her subordinates, I opened my portal to pick up my servants and pets before we returned to the Illusion Night Towers.

Since I didn't want to shock Lord Damon, instead of opening my portal directly in his office, I decided to set the destination to the royal mansion's living room. That should make our arrival a little more normal. At least for me. Besides I could introduce the house since she would be staying with me.

But when we just exited my portal and the black hole behind me closed, suddenly a dark aura appeared behind us and grabbed Nefaris.

From his demonic power and the heavy atmosphere that stabbed me, I realized who he was

"Dad---" I was about to call him and turned around, but he and Nefaris had turned into a dark aura and disappeared like smoke.

"Oh shit!" I muttered in panic. Since I brought her here directly, I bet he detected her as an intruder and did this by reflex just like how he attacked me the last time.

I turned to my servants who were still stunned by Lord Damon's killing intent.

"Stay here!" Without wasting any time, I used my Teleportation skill. Although I didn't know where he took her, two places came to my mind. The battle arena and his office.

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My dark aura engulfed my body. In a blink, I had arrived at the battle arena in front of the mansion.

"Dad---" I called him once again. But even before my dark aura completely disappeared, what greeted me was a big impact that charged over me. The two demon lords' dark force invaded my body and pushed me away.

Reflexively, I used my Shadow Barrier and raised my two hands to protect myself. Still, it managed to push me at least 5 meters. After all, my barrier could only withstand it for a few seconds.

When the impact had disappeared and I had lowered my hand, I could see Lord Damon and Nefaris standing face to face with their wicked smiles on their faces. Both of them show their arrogance and pride clearly from their posture and their faces. Although they didn't look like they wanted to kill each other, it was clear they were intimidating each other.

"Long time no see, Damon. You are still an asshole like in the past," Nefaris greeted with a sarcastic tone.

"And you, Nefaris, you are still annoying as usual. Are you still looking for tasty blood? Or laziness has eaten your brain? I heard you don't care about your territory anymore?" replied Lord Damon in the same tone.

Surprisingly, even with that rude greeting, I didn't catch the anger from the two of them.

Nefaris chuckled upon his questions.

"My quest for tasty blood will never end. I will always look for the best and tastiest blood I've ever met. Like..." she glanced at me. "Your nephew for example. It's the tastiest blood I've ever tasted." Then she returned her gaze to Lord Damon and gave him a cynical look. "It was much better than a certain death demon's blood," she sneered.

Which was followed by her exhale.

"As for my territory, I let nature take care of it. Demons are supposed to live by their instincts. We should not tie them to the rules. At least that's what I wanted to create in my territory. I want them to get stronger by themselves and be their full self," she stated.

I didn't agree with her statement. A territory still needed some rules to prevent chaos, but it was her territory and our relationship was just sex and the contract. Asking her to change all of it in an instant was not an easy thing.

A frown appeared on Lord Damon's forehead. His unpleasant expression was evident on his face.

"My nephew?" he repeated in displeasure, completely ignoring what Nefaris said about her territory.

"You mean my son?" he corrected her words.

She scoffed.

"Oh, c'mon, Damon. You know he is your nephew, not your son. Your son, Damian, is dead," she emphasized. A mocking smile on her face as she pointed at me with her gaze. "What's standing here is Ethan, your brother's descendant."

I thought it would make Lord Damon lose his shit. But I was wrong. He looked calm.

"So is my nephew. He is dead. It was my son's power that awakened him and turned him into him. If not, how could he possibly be an incubus?" he asked.

'True...' I thought. I and Damian died once and in order to live again, we needed each other. Even though my consciousness belonged to Ethan, I was both of them. Once they took Damian from me, I would die and once they took Ethan from me, I was no different from a broken puppet. It was the same thing.

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"Tch," she clicked her tongue in annoyance. "But he has Nephilim's blood in his veins, so he is Ethan," she retorted.

Lord Damon rolled his eyes to the side in annoyance. A long exhale came out of his mouth.

"Then explain why he is an incubus?" he asked.

Nefaris pressed her lips. She knew that fact was what made her fall into my arms.

A confident smile appeared on Lord Damon's lips.

"Ha! I know you won't be able to answer it!" he mocked.

But that didn't mean Nefaris let him win.

"Then how do you explain his Nephilim's blood?" She replied fiercely.

This time, it was Lord Damon's turn to press his lips.

That stupid argument was closed by a fierce gaze between those two death demons.

A long tired exhale out of my mouth.

'I need to end this stupid argument.' I was just about to open my voice, but suddenly their hands were on each other. The enormous dark force gathered in their palms indicated that the battle would start soon.

'This is definitely not good,' I panicked internally.

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