The Incubus System
Chapter 517 Table of contents

The Incubus System Chapter 517. The Secret Meeting II

The Demon Lords' PoV

The engine sound of two cars roared ferociously across the road towards the white mansion. One of the cars looked more like an ice cream truck. While the other was a gold luxury car.

Despite the contrasting appearance of the two cars, they were moving at their top speed and trying to catch up with each other. Behind them, a bunch of cars followed.

"Faster! Faster!" commanded Zatan who was sitting on the driver's side. This was his gold car so he wouldn't let Beel's stupid ice cream truck beat him.

His eyes were fixed on the side of the window, staring at the pathetic car by his side. Just like him, Beel sat on his driver's side. He looked at Zatan with an annoying grin as he ate the ice cream. Once in a while, Beel stuck his tongue to mock Zatan. And that made Zatan angry even more.

Zatan turned to his driver once again.

"C'mon! Faster!" he snapped. He couldn't believe his car couldn't beat Beel's.

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"We have reached our maximum speed, My Lord," replied the driver. His heart was beating fast since he had never done this before. Even if he was a demon, an accident at this speed would inflict a fatal wound on him.

On the other hand, Beel gave Zatan an annoying smile upon his rage.

"Look at that stupid face. He thinks his tacky car can match this cool car," said Beel as he shoved another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth. Eating under any conditions was Beel's special talent. So even though they were at top speed, it wasn't a big deal for him.

Just like Beel, even though the car was a big bit, it had the same power as Zatan's. That was because this car's engine was the same as it.

Due to the speed, it only took a few seconds to reach the mansion. Quickly, the two cars passed the open gate and stopped in front of the entrance where the spider queen and several of her subordinates were waiting for them.

The screeching sound of car tires echoed when the two cars stopped. Dust and smoke covered both of them before the two demon lords got out of the cars.

"Ha! I won!" said Zatan once he came out. His hand closed the car door while his eyes fell on Beel.

"It's a draw, dumbass!" Beel complained without further ado. Another cup of ice cream was in his hand. A spoon was in his other hand.

Realizing their stupid competition could turn into a bigger one because of their debate, Syntyche decided to end it before it started.

"Welcome to my mansion, guys!" She greeted in a friendly manner before she turned to Beel.

"I've prepared a gigantic cake for you." Then she turned to Zatan.

"And prepared a nice golden chair for you. Shall we check it out?"

Her words silenced Beel and Zatan. In an instant, they were no longer interested in their competition as their focus shifted to what awaited them in the mansion.

"I can't say no to food," said Beel happily. A smile blossomed on his lips as he jogged at Syntyche.

While Zatan also immediately followed suit.

"It's gold. I'll have to check it out and see how good it is." Syntyche had a lot of gems but Zatan had never heard she had a golden chair, of course, that intrigued him.

"Good, follow me," she said, turning around and entering the mansion.

Behind them, the three demon lords' servants brought all the evidence for the meeting. They moved to the meeting room which looked more like a dining room due to the food that filled the table. A ten-tier cake on the side of a chair.

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Excitedly, Beel ran and sat there without taking his eyes off the cake.

"Whoa! It looks delicious!" His eyes sparkled in happiness.

While Zatan approached the golden chair across from it. His eyes observed every ornament and jewel that adorned it. A smile of admiration on his face. Then he sat on it. His hands rubbed the handles and his eyes scanned every part of that chair. Even without a word, his expression was enough to say everything.

"I hope you don't mind if we start this meeting?" asked Syntyche once she sat down in her chair.

"I don't mind," Beel answered. While Zatan answered her with a nod that showed his approval.

Syntyche waved her finger, asking one of her servants to explain what she found along with all the evidence before Beel and Zatan gave their evidence.

The hologram in the middle of the table showed the CCTV footage. Sometimes their subordinates showed physical evidence and the results of their analysis. Still, despite the abundance of evidence at their disposal, there were many unanswered questions and unsolved mysteries.

"So it's really Letos, huh?" Beel asked before he put another spoonful of cake in his mouth.

Beel was the only one with the least evidence. He only had footage of an incubus sneaking into his building and roaming around before his army arrived to evacuate his documents. Based on the footage, he was pretty sure it was the same demon that had infiltrated Zatan's place.

"All the clues show that it is him. And I'm pretty sure it was him. Especially after what Syntyche saw. I'm sure that conference was just a drama stage for him, he tried to trick us like he tricked the king," Zatan replied.

"That makes sense. Unfortunately, he forgot that he won't be able to fool us that easily. As for the king, that goddamn incubus surely knew how to use His Majesty's pride well. He knew the king would choose to cover what happened in the capital up rather than announce it and find out who had succeeded in attacking his palace openly," analyzed Beel.

"But for what?" Finally, Syntyche let out her voice. She was sure that if they found the motive, they could solve this problem immediately.

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