The Incubus System
Chapter 522 Table of contents

The Incubus System Chapter 522. Two Queens I

But Nefaris responded with a scoff.

"I know you didn't come just because of that," she said sarcastically.

"I want to tell you that Lilieth will be back soon. So... we're going to have dinner tonight," he announced.

My happy smile bloomed.

"She is?"

Nefaris immediately hugged my arm.

"What with that smile?" Another pout on her face. Her jealousy was evident from her expression.

I glanced at her.

"She is my mom. Isn't that natural if I'm happy?"

While Lord Damon replied with a smirk.

"Jealous already?" he said in an annoying tone, adding gasoline to the fire.

"No. I'm not," she retorted. "I just don't like sharing my food," she complained.

Her words made me frown.

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"You only see me as your food?" I clarified. Indeed it was my blood that attracted her, but her statement kinda bugged me.

"Uh… Partner," she corrected nervously with a blushing face. "But Lilieth is a succubus. I'm sure she also saw Ethan as food."

"Damian. His name is Damian. Or at least you should use that name here," Lord Damon emphasized.

"He is right, Nefaris. Don't we agree with this?" I reminded her.

"Yes. But you said I could call you Ethan once in a while. So I thought to call you Ethan when we are not in public. You don't mind that do you?" She said she preferred my human name to my incubus name since she preferred to think of me as Erebus' descendant. Not Lord Damon's son.

"Fine," I said.

"Right, whatever. Just make sure you guys are ready at 7.00 PM and lower the noise. I have so many things to do, okay?" he was warned.

"Do you want me to help you?" I offered.

"No. I will have a meeting with some other demons after this. The ones that don't have the mark of servants on the 98th floor," he refused.

"Oh... okay."

"Right, see ya at dinner." Then the dark force swallowed Lord Damon's body.

"Alright…" I turned my head to my servants and pets.

"Looks like we should continue our practice on the rooftop."

After spending another couple of hours practicing, we took a bath and got ready for dinner. Actually, after what I had been through, I wished we could throw a mini celebration or something like that. But it was too early for that. At least we had to make sure everything ran smoothly.

Still… I couldn't deny it. I was a bit bored. Even though I was in a different world and really wanted to explore it, I couldn't go out as much as I wanted due to the plan and could only interact with certain people. So during this one week, I only spent my time training my pets and servants, deepening my relationship with Nefaris, studying about the demon world, and training my swordsmanship. Even though there were a lot of things that kept me busy, my curiosity about the demon world remained unchanged.

I mean, with all this setup and everything, I was kinda the same as traveling abroad. Something similar to a vacation. But rather than a real vacation, it felt more like a staycation.

The clock showed 07.00 PM. We were already in the dining room. Something we hadn't done since I returned from Nefaris territory. The reason? Because I was busy training my pets. Especially explaining a lot of things to them, the rules and what was allowed or not, and training them. Even though they were much stronger once they accepted my contract, they still had to learn to control their strength and learn to fight well. Without good fighting skills, their power and skill would be of no use.

We were sitting at our dining table and waiting for Lilieth when she walked into the dining room.

"Why do we have a lot of pets now? Are they Kir's friends or something?" she said in confusion.

Even though my pets slept in my room since the dining table was not enough for all of them, they decided to skip dinner and hang out with Kir.

Our conversation stopped out of her complaint. Our eyes were on her.

"Oh, they are Foxy's friends. I brought them from---" But Lilieth interrupted me.

"And why is she here?" She pointed to Nefaris who sat beside me.

Nefaris smiled confidently and raised her chin a bit.

"Cause I'm your son's partner. Duh!" she said in an annoying tone.

But Lilieth decided to respond calmly.

"I see, so you decide to suck my son's cock now. Is that delicious?" She walked to her seat and sat down.

I held my cringe. Nervously, I scratched my hair and turned the other way to cover my awkwardness. While my other servants could only cover their smiles with their hands.

'Please stop bringing up that topic as if it is a common one. That's embarrassing,' I grumbled internally.

"It is. He is tasty. Both his cock and blood," replied Nefaris.

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"He is my son after all," answered Lilieth proudly.

"You mean your food? I know you also slept with him," Nefaris corrected her.

"Like I said. He is my son, Nefaris. There's nothing wrong with that. I only fed him. He needs it," she asserted.

Nefaris scoffed upon Lilieth's answers.

"Oh, c'mon he isn't an innocent incubus anymore. You don't need to feed him. That's just your excuse for sleeping with him."

"Again, I didn't find what's wrong with that," Lilieth shrugged nonchalantly. Yet her annoyance was evident in the tone of her voice.

Their fierce gazes were on each other.

Due to their weird relationship, I decided to telepated Lord Damon.

[You are connected with Damon Arcano Malignus]

'Is there something bad that happened to them before?' I guessed.

'No. They only met once or twice. Why?' he replied.

I frowned.

'Why do they argue over trivial things?'

'They have equal status and the same age. Even if you don't realize it, they are fighting to take the same position in your heart,' he explained.

My frown of confusion was getting obvious as I glanced at Lord Damon. But his expression remained unchanged.

'I don't get it.'

'Just relax. This is just a high demoness thing. Something that will only happen between the queens,' he said in a nonchalant tone.

It gave me a bit of an idea about what he meant. Maybe...That was because there was only one queen position. So they felt intimidated by each other. Well, think again Lord Damon also reacted the same way when Nefaris arrived here. Even though they had another history.

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