Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 94 Table of contents

“You woke up.”

“Yes, yes… I’m sorry…”

“No, it’s fine. Let’s get you signed in first.”

Her face flushed red, Arte got up primly as if she hadn’t heard anything.

But such an act didn’t work on Siwoo.

Arte seems to be forgetting, but his ability is intuition.

‘…But even I’m doubting whether it’s really that.’

He knew that Arte was already awake.

That’s why he didn’t bother stopping Amelia and Dorothy from saying those things to Arte as they looked at her.

‘We can help you. We’re your friends.’

Even if they said that, there’s no way Arte would accept it.

He thought it was a natural opportunity to convey their thoughts to Arte, so he didn’t tell them she was awake.

…It didn’t seem to go as planned though.

She was blushing as if she had made a spectacle of herself, but she didn’t seem to believe in them.

She was treating Amelia and Dorothy the same way she always did.

‘Well, it’ll be fine. I didn’t expect it to succeed in one go.’

The fact that Arte wasn’t eliminated by that Author is proof that she needs her too.

There was still time left.

‘Arte thinks only she and I are human.’

He didn’t know the reason, but it was clear that he was special to her.

Then it should be fine to think there’s still a chance.

He made up his mind to help her accept other people as human too, besides him.

‘…Before that, one thing.’

He tried his best to ignore it, but he couldn’t help it.

He had to talk about this.

“Arte. Can you move away a bit?”


“Why, you ask…”

‘It’s because you’re sticking too close, so it’s hot.’

No, it wasn’t just because it’s hot.

She clung to him like a child sticking to their parents’ back, so the students’ gazes were gathering.

“Those two, were they always like that?”

“They always went around together, and I guess they’ve finally…”

Right. Let’s say even the gazes around them are like that.

He’s used to Amelia and Dorothy’s fuss now, so those gazes don’t hurt anymore.

But there are some things you can’t get used to, no matter how much you experience them.

“I’m a guy after all…”

“? Yes, I know you’re a guy.”

“No, I don’t think you do.”

‘If you know I’m a guy, you shouldn’t be clinging to me this much, right?’

Because of Arte clinging to him to the point of being burdensome, he could only sweat and be nervous.

It wasn’t because it was hot.

It’s hot since summer is still in full swing, but he was sweating for a different reason.

Soft skin.

The scent of her skin stimulating his nose.

Even the restless behavior when it seems like she’ll move away a bit.

It was too much stimulation for him.

“Hey, Arte. Siwoo looks pitiful, so move away a bit. Okay?”

“That’s right. People are watching too…”


He didn’t know if she pitied him or minded the gazes around them.

Amelia separated the two.

But Arte didn’t seem to like it.

She kept fidgeting her fingers, looking uncomfortable about something.

No matter how he thought about it, Arte’s behavior was strange.

Her suddenly staying up all night.

Her trying to cling to him.

Like a puppy showing anxiety symptoms.

…Could it be.

“Arte. I’m going to the restroom for a bit…”



“C-come back soon. I’ll be waiting…”

“…Okay. I’ll be right back.”

Leaving Arte, who had stopped in front of the restroom, Siwoo entered.

He thought she might try to follow him here.

But it seemed it wasn’t to that extent.


Feeling irritation rising, he wet his face with the cold water from the faucet.

He thought Arte was showing strange behavior often today.

But it might be more serious than he thought.

“…Anxiety. Is it anxiety when I’m out of her sight?”

He didn’t know people’s psychology accurately. I haven’t learned that professionally after all.

But I could tell Arte was feeling anxious.

Why? For what reason?

He didn’t know the exact reason. It’s probably something related to that Author.

That’s the only thing that could change Arte’s attitude in a single day.

He raised his head and looked at the mirror.

He saw the face of a man frowning as if irritated.

…This won’t do.

‘I decided to help Arte, didn’t I?’

If he made an anxious expression, wouldn’t Arte feel it too?


Arte is in an emotionally difficult situation.

‘Then, as her friend, I should help her.’

Siwoo reaffirmed his resolve once more.

To make Arte able to smile happily.



I swung my legs back and forth, wondering when Siwoo would come out.

When is he coming out? Now? It seems about time for him to come out. Why isn’t he coming out?

“Arte. Why are you suddenly like this? Let’s wait a bit more. Not much time has passed.”

“I know.”


I know.

Right now, I’m in a situation that’s hard to see as normal. I know that better than anyone.

A situation that’s hard to see as normal no matter how you look at it.

Anyone could see that my state was hard to call fine.

Yeah, I know well.

“When is he coming out? When is he coming out…”

But even if I knew, there was no way to solve it.

I’m anxious. I’m anxious. I’m anxious.

Why isn’t he coming out?

Why is it taking this long?

Bad imaginations were shaking my mind.

Did a new villain appear?

Or is he flustered because his ability suddenly broke?

Could the inside of the restroom be actually a portal to my world?

I know these are absurd delusions.

He’ll probably walk out fine if I wait a bit longer without doing anything.

But I couldn’t bear the anxiety.

No matter how I thought about it, I couldn’t erase the suspicion that something might have happened.

The Author isn’t talking to me. Not yesterday, and not today either.

Why is that?

Could it be she’s trying to find someone to replace me?

Is that why I’m still alive like this?

Is she just keeping me alive for a bit until she finds a replacement?

…No. Let’s not think about it.

For now, think about the protagonist.

Why isn’t he coming out? Why isn’t there any news?

“Ah, he’s out.”


At Amelia’s words, I hurriedly raised my head and looked ahead.

Siwoo was approaching us, looking more put-together than before.

“Sorry. Am I a bit late?”

“It’s fine. Let’s go quickly. You said it was a robbery in progress?”

“Yeah. Since it’s a first offense, there might not be many points… But it’s good to have them anyway.”


I could clearly realize.

That my current state isn’t normal.

The anxiety I felt when Siwoo wasn’t in sight disappeared the moment I saw him.

I won’t be replaced as long as I’m in front of his eyes.

As long as he’s in front of my eyes, he won’t die to a mysterious assassin.

We’re watching each other.

“Arte? Are you okay?”

“…Yes, I’m fine.”

I smiled brightly at him as he asked me.

Yeah, I’m fine.

As long as you’re in front of my eyes.

As long as I’m in front of your eyes.

No matter how out of control the Author goes, she can’t change the protagonist.

What if I suddenly disappear from the protagonist’s sight?

Then he’ll chase after me. Because he’s a good person who cherishes his friends.

If that happens, it’ll be troublesome for the Author. The development will be set.

So I can relax a little.

On the other hand, I need to keep watching the protagonist too.

That way, I can protect him from this world.

The only human besides me. The protagonist of this world. It’ll be big trouble if he dies.

It would be terrible if the Author got disappointed and left after destroying the world.

“Well then, shall we go?”


Amelia, Dorothy, me, Siwoo.

The four of us have probably already established ourselves as important characters in the Author’s story.

But I don’t know when Amelia and Dorothy might betray me.

The only one I can trust is Siwoo.

Just Siwoo

“Hey, Siwoo.”


“Hmm… How should I say this…”

I saw Amelia calling Siwoo and having a conversation.

It made me uncomfortable.

Normally, I shouldn’t have any thoughts, but…

No matter how I thought about it, I couldn’t erase the thought that I was strange, but I still couldn’t hide my discomfort.

I hurriedly squeezed in between the two and grabbed Siwoo’s sleeve urgently.


“Let’s go quickly.”

“Huh? W-wait a second.”


Why am I doing this?

If I act this strangely, they’ll look at me weirdly.

As expected. The three of them looked at me with startled expressions.

But I didn’t regret it.

Because I could feel my heart gradually calm down.

No matter how I thought about it, it was infuriating.

There are only two humans in this world, you and me.

Why can you be so carefree?

Is it because you’re the protagonist?

I complained in my mind, unable to say it out loud.

I didn’t like seeing Siwoo acting so carefree.

…Should I kidnap him?

Kidnap him, lock him up in the basement, have Lyla, Spira, and Lee Ha-Yul bring him food, and watch him 24/7?

I suddenly had that thought, but I shook my head.

No. Siwoo has to save the world.

Kidnapping won’t do.

I felt a little regretful.


Author’s Notes

Arte is broken.

That was quick… well, whatever.

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