Just Because I Have Narrow Eyes Doesn’t Make Me a…
Chapter 97 Table of contents

How did it come to this?

Looking around, I saw a neatly organized room.

A place I’d seen once before. Siwoo’s room.

Though I’d seen this tidy room once before, it felt different somehow.

“Where did I put that spare blanket…”

Siwoo started searching for a blanket for me to use.

That guy really doesn’t think anything through.

I sighed in exasperation.

For a moment, I almost misunderstood.

Though there was no reason for Siwoo to say such things to me…

I’d wondered if he’d fallen for me for some unknown reason.

But he really hadn’t thought anything of it at all.

…Is this because he’s the protagonist?

I never thought he’d say something so easily misunderstood.

“Arte, is something wrong?”

“It’s nothing.”

Wow, that startled me.

I was surprised when Siwoo suddenly spoke to me.

He noticed right away, even though I just glanced at him.

He’s so perceptive about some things.

Why can’t he realize his words and actions could be misinterpreted?

“Ah, here it is.”

Siwoo’s face lit up as he found the blanket.

He spread it on the floor and lay down on it.


“Um, that blanket…?”

“It’s for me to use. You should rest comfortably on the bed, Arte.”

“Ah, I see.”

It was a small, simple gesture of consideration.

The kind of courtesy often exchanged when visiting a friend’s house.

Something you might do when visiting a friend or when a friend comes to your place.

Siwoo probably didn’t think much of it either.

It was likely just a minor courtesy, as always.

But that small act of consideration warmed my heart.

…It would have been even better if not for one thing bothering me.

“But do you really need to sleep on the floor…?”

“Hm? Why?”

“There are several rooms here. Couldn’t you sleep in another room…?”

I still couldn’t understand.

With multiple rooms available, why did he want to sleep in the same room?

“…Do you really want to know?”


What’s with the serious face all of a sudden?

Siwoo’s expression hardened as if asking if I really wanted to hear it.

Hmm, I expected a casual answer.

Wasn’t Siwoo not seeing me as a woman?

Did he actually have some reason for needing to sleep in the same room as me?

I looked at Siwoo’s serious expression.

He was still staring at me with a stern face.

“…Yes, I’d like to know.”

When you talk so seriously, how can I not be curious?

I thought it was just the protagonist’s typical oblivious behavior, treating me like a close friend.

But there was a reason.

My curiosity was piqued.

“Haa, alright. Then I’ll step outside for a moment.”


“It’ll be fine, just for a bit. You’ll understand soon.”

Siwoo informed me.

He’d go outside for a moment.

Looking worriedly at me, confused by this sudden turn of events, Siwoo stepped out as he said he would.

Saying he’d be back soon.

…And a short while later. I trembled with anxiety that returned once again.

As breathing became harder, I was bewildered by the renewed sense of helplessness.

Siwoo came back into the room, bowing his head apologetically.

“…How was it?”

“W-What is this…”

I’m not stupid.

If a similar situation happens twice in a short time, I can guess the reason.

What happened just before it suddenly became hard to breathe?

Siwoo disappeared from my sight.

Just because of that small thing, I end up like this?

“Arte. I told you before. I know who you are.”


“The next day, you were late and clung to me in your sleep. Remember?”

“D-Did that happen…?”

“Since then, you’ve seemed a bit… unstable.”

I wonder if it’s okay for him to tell me this.

With that kind of expression, Siwoo spoke to me.

“I had a hunch, but seeing you struggle to breathe properly today, I became certain.”

“W-What do you mean?”

“That you seem anxious about being separated from me.”

Siwoo had come to the same conclusion as me.

But that’s why it was even more shocking.

Because it seemed that what I was thinking was true.

“That’s why I suggested we sleep together. Because you looked like you were having a hard time.”


I felt ashamed for thinking he was oblivious.

Siwoo was trying to help me while I was disparaging him.

“Th-Thank y-”

“And… There was something I wanted to say.”

“Y-Yes…? Something you wanted to say?”

I was about to express my gratitude, but Siwoo cut me off.

“We glossed over it before… But I think we need to talk about it properly.”


“…Amelia said it was dangerous, but I think this is the right time to discuss it.”

Muttering that, Siwoo closed the open window.

As if to ensure I had no escape route.

“That person you call the Author. Is she still watching?”

“H-How do you know about the Auth-!”

“You should be careful when you speak, Arte. I can still hear you if you mumble.”

I thought he only knew about me.

Is it because of my carelessness? Or because of the Author’s lack of ability?

Siwoo knew more than I expected.

…You could have at least given me telepathy.

Even though I knew it was impossible because of the one ability setting, I couldn’t help but complain.

“So? Is she watching?”

“…I don’t know. I can’t contact her.”

“You can’t contact her?”

“Ever since my identity was discovered, she hasn’t said anything…”

Even if I ran away now, he’d ask again tomorrow.

I was certain of it looking into Siwoo’s eyes. Running away now would only postpone the inevitable.

Giving up, I told Siwoo about my situation.

I can’t contact her at all.

I have no way to reach out to her.

It’s not Siwoo’s fault.

He knew but kept quiet because he trusted me.

But still, negative thoughts started creeping in.

He didn’t have to say anything.

I wouldn’t have had to be so anxious.

Even as I thought that, I couldn’t stand how disgusted I felt with myself for blaming others.

“Well, alright. Whether she’s watching or not, what I want to say won’t change.”

I thought we’d glossed over it.

Siwoo was more persistent than I expected, and I was too naive.

Just as self-loathing was about to overwhelm me.

He declared to me.

No, he declared to the Author.

“My goal, Arte, is for you to be happy.”


“But I don’t think you’ll be happy with that Author around.”


“So I’m declaring this.”

Siwoo said to me with a smile.

“If you get in touch with that Author again, tell her this.”

“…Tell her what?”

“To be careful from now on.”


That was my impression of Siwoo’s words.

Even I’ve never seen the Author’s face.

How does he plan to do anything against someone whose face he doesn’t know?

Perhaps my thoughts showed on my face because Siwoo pouted.

“…What, Arte? Don’t you trust me?”

“How could I possibly trust that?”

Siwoo is strong. That’s true.

But Siwoo is still human in the end.

There’s no way he could defeat a god. That’s what I thought.

“There’s no way you can win. No one in this world can defeat the Author. That’s the reality.”

“Is that just your guess?”

“It’s an indisputable fact.”

“…I see.”

Siwoo’s words were kind.

But impossible is impossible.

How could a mere human stand against a god?

“It’s a bit disheartening when you put it that way.”

After saying that, Siwoo suddenly embraced me.

“W-What are you doing all of a sudden…!”

“Let’s get some rest today and think about it again next time. It’s already way past bedtime. If you sleep late, you’ll be tardy again, right?”

As if refusing to discuss it further, Siwoo forcibly lifted me onto the bed.

In my moment of confusion, I found myself placed on the bed.

“Good night, Arte. I hope you sleep well tonight.”

“W-Wait a moment!”

Siwoo didn’t speak to me anymore.

He probably wants me to get a good rest.


Ultimately, he said what he wanted to say and didn’t even pretend to listen to me.

I reflected on Siwoo’s words.

He wants to help me. He wants to do something about the Author somehow.

I could clearly see that’s what he was thinking.

As if determined to find a way no matter what, Siwoo refused to entertain the word “impossible.”

“Hey, are you asleep…?”

As expected, there was no answer.

Is he sleeping? I didn’t dare to check.

Someone else’s bed.

Much harder than my bed at home and unfamiliar.

Normally, I should be unable to sleep and stay awake all night.

But for some reason, I felt a sense of reassurance.

In the darkness, Yu Siwoo lay nearby.

He, who completely trusted me and wanted to help me, was lying there.

…It feels nice somehow.

I buried my face in the pillow.

As expected, it didn’t suit me. There’s no way I could fall asleep.

That’s what I thought, but…

Sleep started to wash over me.

A comforting sense of security, as if embracing me. A warm coziness.

I felt like I might be able to get a good night’s sleep for the first time since coming to this world.

That vague feeling.

But it wasn’t wrong.

For the first time since coming to this world,

I fell into a deep sleep.

Author’s Notes

I really tried very hard to do the serial publication, but it didn’t work out. I’m sorry, dear readers…

It seems I overexerted myself on the break I took because writing even one episode a day was too difficult.

I’m a weakling, sigh.

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