Pregnancy Is Too Much For The Villain
Chapter 1 Table of contents



In life, there are moments when a lightning-like realization strikes you.


This story is a journey of peeking into the clumsy and tumultuous life of a beautiful and adorable boy named Valentin.  


Now, let us look into this story starting from when he gained his second realization in life.


That realization was very simple, and could be explained in just one sentence. 


Valentin’s second realization was this:


‘I’m screwed.’


* * *


“You’re pregnant.”


“Excuse me…?”


On a vibrant day when the morning sunlight was brightly shining in through the window. 


Valentin, the only son of Viscount Wiche’s family and a beautiful dominant omega coveted by high society, was sitting on a chair in his bedroom listening to his doctor’s declaration when he unconsciously cleaned his ears without realizing it.  


And then, there was a moment of silence with nothing but the chirping of birds heard.


Valentin momentarily thought he had misheard something.


If not that, he thought there was no way a word he never expected to appear in his life would suddenly emerge out of the blue like this.


Seeing Valentin’s dumbfounded reaction, the doctor opened his mouth again to reaffirm it.


“You are pregnant, young master.”


“Th-that’s impossible…!”


Unable to believe what the doctor said again, Valentin shouted as he shot up from his seat.


Despite the carpeted floor, the sound of the chair toppling over rang out loudly. Muttering that it made no sense and this couldn’t be, the soft and beautiful platinum blonde hair, like threads of Arachne, fluttered this way and that on top of the head of the one denying reality.  


“Is there nothing at all that comes to mind…?”


The doctor carefully asked while looking at the young master pacing around in confusion. It was his way of trying to respect the privacy of the young master, who was now an adult at the age of 20. But while his tone feigned caution, his face was honest.


‘If you’re not the Virgin Mary, there should be something that comes to mind. There really should be.’ 


…His narrowed eyes and expression were saying.


And his guess was correct.


Of course there is!


Valentin, who had been shaking his head while looking at the floor, raised it. Then, looking straight at the doctor’s face, he answered with his eyes. His eyes were so wide open that his delicate face, known as the most beautiful in the capital, and his water-like sky blue eyes were vivid.


That’s why I’m out of my mind like this…! 


But I never imagined something like this could lead to pregnancy. It wasn’t even during a heat cycle…!


Valentin stomped his feet, unable to believe the doctor’s declaration.


Of course, it was an intentional night together under his grand plan, but not even once did he think it would lead to pregnancy. That was the reason Valentin couldn’t stay still and was pacing around like a mad man, stomping his feet.


“It’s not that you don’t know who the other party is… right…?”  


It was an expression begging him to say it wasn’t.


The doctor’s desperation was piercing through his heart and screaming on his face.  


Mason. No matter how long we’ve known each other, aren’t you revealing too much…?


Valentin called the name of the middle-aged doctor who had been caring for him since childhood inwardly and swallowed his words. What was important now wasn’t this.


“I know who it is, but……”


Of course he knew. Furthermore, it was someone he met again afterwards and got into trouble with one more time.  


The first time must have been so amazing for that to happen!  


To know there was such a heavenly sensation and pleasure!


Valentin felt wronged.


No, at first he really didn’t know who the man was.  


But he found out who he was the very next day. After spending a passionate night together, the man kindly told Valentin about himself.  


At that moment! 


When he found out who the man was, he should have stopped then!  


Damn this body of his that was weak to temptation…!


He should have bolted right after the first night.


He should have run away somewhere outside the capital, but he couldn’t because he had something he definitely needed to do after that day. That thing he had to do was the reason Valentin slept with Reynard Dennox, the heir to the Grand Duke of Dennox, as well as the Marquis of Valkyries, the war hero who conquered the seas.


And even if he didn’t have that ‘thing’ he absolutely had to do, there was no guarantee he wouldn’t have succumbed to temptation again if he ran into him somewhere.


That’s how alluring the man’s appearance and pheromones were. He really liked it so much.


Valentin recalled the huge physique and movements of the alpha who held him that night.


[Ah, slow down… Please….]


[But this place isn’t saying that?] 


The rough motions roughly exploring Valentin as he said that. The alpha’s strong and suffocating sexual pheromones.


A physique bigger and larger than any dominant alpha Valentin had ever seen, with thick and distinct, sculpture-like beautiful features. The deeply sunken eye sockets under the dark and thick eyebrows were just begging to be kissed. And the straight and high nose bridge, with the corners of the mouth curving into an alluring shape.


The gray eyes of the man who came up after licking and sucking between Valentin’s legs for a while, saying it was his first time, were full of lust.


The dark black hair flowing down over the forehead raised to kiss Valentin. He thought the man’s appearance was neat, but that hair drenched in sweat as soon as they started showed just how alluring and wanton the alpha before his eyes could look.


And the large hands that lightly gripped Valentin’s waist and buttocks after wiping the mouth wet with fluids from Valentin. 


The hands were rough and sturdy, befitting a soldier……




“Young master, what are you thinking about right now…?”


The doctor Mason clapped his hands, as if performing a shaman ritual, to bring Valentin’s soul that had left his body back, as he suddenly stopped pacing around like a madman with a flushed red face.


At that sound, Valentin quickly returned to reality.


He’s going crazy…. In this situation, how can he leisurely recall that incident? He cursed himself inwardly for being pathetic. No matter how fantastic of an experience that night gave him, now was not the time to savor it sweetly.


No, even calling it free time was a luxury.


This wasn’t the time to be doing this.


The ‘thing’ he had to resolve after getting into trouble was already finished. The plan succeeded and it was as good as done.


I just need to leave the capital right away. Since turning 15, he had longed for this freedom.


Of course, it was Valentin’s own huge misunderstanding that he would find freedom as soon as ‘that thing’ was resolved.


To briefly explain what ‘that thing’ was, it wasn’t a plan to find true freedom. It was just Valentin’s own ‘Escape from Engagement’ project to nullify the strange engagement that wasn’t really an engagement set up since childhood.


This was Valentin’s long-time wish and the first step in his journey towards the freedom he always wanted.  


But pregnancy…!


He thought he had barely escaped the strange shackles of an engagement made since boyhood, but now it felt like he was trapped in an even more solid iron cage called pregnancy.


And the child belonged to that notorious Reynard Dennox.


Valentin pulled at his hair.


What to do? What should I do?


Should I run away now?


I’m screwed, really….


But even if he succeeds in running away, can he find freedom in a life with a child…?




It feels like the ceiling is spinning round and round.


“Young master…!”


And like that, Valentin fainted.


The second realization of his life made Valentin faint.


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