One Day, My Dad Showed Up
Chapter 50 Table of contents

As soon as I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was my mother, sleeping while holding Eciel tightly.

Since Eciel’s sleep habits were pretty rough, I guessed she hugged her to sleep to prevent her from falling out of bed.

But Dad was nowhere to be seen.

Maybe he had gotten up and left a long time ago; there was no sign that anyone had been lying next to us.

He would come back if I waited, but…

Since Dad had always come to me first, wouldn’t it be nice for me to greet him first for a change?

Impulsively, I jumped out of bed.

I wanted to meet the person who gave me a dream of crossing the sea and a morning full of light just a bit sooner.

As soon as I ran barefoot across the smooth floor and opened the door, I saw Dad in the distance.


I called out cheerfully.


Dad turned and smiled, walking towards me. Louis, who had been talking with him, bowed and stepped away.

“Did you sleep well?”

Without waiting for my answer, he knelt down and gently brushed my forehead with his hand.

“Your temperature is back to normal now.”

The relief in his voice wrapped around me like soft silk.

Though I had always known his affection was mine since the first time we met, my heart trembled anew.

I took a step back and mumbled awkwardly.

“… I told you I’d be fine yesterday.”

My words were clumsy, but Dad smiled as if he understood his young daughter’s heart perfectly.

Around that time, I heard rustling behind me.

Eciel had woken up.

“Did you sleep well, Eciel?”

Dad greeted her warmly, approaching the bed.

My little sister, who had crawled out of Mom’s arms, yawned loudly and blinked sleepily.

It was time for her to wake up anyway, but it seemed our talking had woken her a bit early.

“Why did Dad and Claire wake up so early?”

“No, I just woke up too.”

Clear, transparent light poured onto her young face. Though Eciel squinted as if it were too bright, she immediately asked.

“Are you okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“You said you were sick last night. Are you better now?”

“I wasn’t really that sick. I’m perfectly fine now.”

While we were talking, Dad walked over to the bed and sat down.

Eciel, who had been lying on the empty spot, naturally rolled over to Dad and rested her cheek on his knee.

… I wouldn’t have even thought of doing that, even if I were four years younger.

‘She’s really amazing…’

I even felt a bit of awe.

My little sister, unaware of my thoughts, continued to stare at our still-sleeping mother.

“When will Mom wake up? I want to play with her.”

“Well, should we wake her up?”

Eciel thought for a moment and then clung tightly to Dad. Dad leaned his head slightly to make it easier for Eciel to whisper in his ear.

“But Mom usually doesn’t wake up easily. It seems hard for her to wake up.”


“Yeah. Mom is a sleepyhead.”

Eciel whispered seriously as if sharing an important secret.

Dad couldn’t hold back his laughter and asked softly,

“Is Mom a sleepyhead? Why?”

“Because when I wake up, Claire is always awake before me, but Mom is still sleeping even when I wake up. It’s the same now.”

“Then should we not wake her up?”

Eciel quickly shook her head.

“No, wake Mom up. I want us all to have breakfast together.”

So, Dad called the sleeping woman.


His voice wasn’t loud, high, or even particularly urgent. It seemed far too gentle to wake someone.

But Mom’s eyelids fluttered.

Still smiling, Dad spoke again.

“Charlotte, wouldn’t you like to get up now?”

Mom, who had her lips pursed, responded reluctantly.

“If I say no, will you leave?”

“Oh, that’s difficult. Surprisingly, this is my bedroom.”

It was clearly a teasing remark.

… it was enough to make Mom angry and get up.

She sat up immediately, retorting sharply.

“Sorry for taking over your bedroom. I’ll leave right away.”

“No need for that. What’s mine is yours.”

“I’ll handle my property claims, so just manage my assets properly. Are you prepared to lose everything if I file for property division?”

With that fierce remark, she got out of bed with the same fervor.

She seemed ready to storm out, but her green eyes suddenly fixed on me.

I had been waiting for a chance to assure her it was okay. I quickly spoke first.

“I’m okay now, Mom.”

Still, Mom insisted on checking my forehead before believing I was alright.

“I was really fine, Mom.”

“You never say you’re sick when you are. If there’s even a hint of a problem, I have to check thoroughly.”


“So, you should’ve fussed a bit more when you were sick.”

Mom, worried that her meticulous daughter might be upset, added a joke.

But I didn’t actually dislike Mom’s concern. In fact, I rather appreciated it.

Who could dislike such a devoted heart?

Mom’s worry was always sweet. Her hand touching my forehead was always gentle.

The reason why what should have been a bitter concern felt sweet was because it was filled with affection.

The hands that took care of me all night, wet and swollen, were gentle because they were always kind and careful.

Knowing this, no matter how sweet and gentle her worry was… I didn’t want Mom to be troubled because of me anymore.

Mom had already been through too much because of me.

So, I wished only joy would remain in her life from now on. And if possible… I wanted to atone for her sins, avenge her wounds, and multiply her happiness.

‘Mom wouldn’t want that from me, though.’

Therefore, I just reached out my hand.

Even if I couldn’t suddenly hug her like Eciel, I could at least hold her hand first.

This was probably all Mom would ever want from me.

For her child to be healthy, stay by her side for a long time, and walk with her hand in hand.

As expected, Mom forgot her anger and gave me a bright smile.


* * *


“Claire, we talked about the sea before you fell asleep yesterday. Do you want to see the sea?”

Luckily, I was eating sorbet that melted quickly in my mouth. If it had been anything else, it would’ve gotten stuck in my throat.

I quickly swallowed what I was eating and answered briefly.

“It was nothing. I just dreamed about going to the sea.”

But Dad calmly asked.

“What do you think about actually going?”

Before I could react, Eciel’s eyes lit up and she chimed in.

“Are we going to the sea?”

“If you want to.”

“I want to!”

I blinked and responded hesitantly.

“… as long as you two aren’t too busy.”

It wasn’t that I didn’t like the idea of going to see the sea.

Although quite some time had passed, I still vividly remembered Eciel’s wish for the whole family to go on a trip together.

I… was just worried that they might strain themselves because of a comment I made in passing, even though they were already busy.

Dad spoke casually.

“I’m not saying we should go right away. We have to visit the estate after the harvest festival anyway, and by then most urgent matters should be settled, so let’s go in the fall.”

If that was the case.

I nodded slowly. She was a bit disappointed that we weren’t leaving immediately, but Eciel’s face remained bright.

“Even in the fall, we’re all going together, right? For a long time?”

… this seemed excessive.

Watching my delighted sister, I quietly stated the reality.

“Even if there aren’t formal lessons, the tutors will surely give us assignments.”

“… huh?”

“And I’m not sure about the other tutors, but Louis will definitely come with us.”

Eciel’s smile vanished in an instant.

She seemed to be happier because she expected to be free from lessons and assignments during the trip.

As soon as she realized the cold reality, she looked earnestly at our parents.

Of course, it was a pointless effort.

Dad turned slightly to hide his smile, but Mom firmly said.

“Claire is right, Eciel. You have to study.”

Eciel’s gloomy gaze shifted to Louis, who stood behind Dad.

Louis, though slightly troubled, showed maximum flexibility for his superior’s young daughter.

“Then, how about this, Miss Eciel?”

“… what is it?”

“I will give you a test at regular intervals during my lessons. If you pass the test, there will be no further assignments for that section. You can ask the other tutors if they could consider a similar approach.”

Eciel’s expression twisted at the mention of a test.

But realizing that this was the surest way to guarantee free time during the trip, she reluctantly nodded.

Oh dear. Poor thing…

I watched Eciel with mild pity, but suddenly she looked back at me with a mischievous glare.

“Claire, you’ll help me, right?”

“… me? How?”

“Thanks in advance!”

“Wait a minute. Eciel. We haven’t agreed on anything yet.”

“I can’t hear you! Figure it out!”

… it seemed I had really upset my twin sister just by speaking the truth.

If I had known it would turn out like this, I would’ve just kept quiet.

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