System's POV
Chapter 328.2 Table of contents

"Sir, I would like to be given permission to mobilize my troops to the Rigel Continent," Thirteen stated.

"The Rigel Continent?" Colonel Fischer frowned. "That continent has already been overrun by Jinns and Majins. Why would you want to go there? Are you planning on joining the effort to recapture it? That is a fool's errand, my boy."

"My battalion has just been formed and lacks the experience to handle an invasion in its initial stages," Thirteen replied. "A few Tier 5 up to Tier 7 Gates will open in Cygni after a year, but that's not really a cause of concern, is it? What everyone is waiting for is the opening of the twelve Tier 8 Gates three and a half years from now.

"There might be no Genocide-Level Gates detected, but those twelve gates can be considered a Genocide-Level Threat since they will all open at the same time. With that said, I plan to use the next three years to train my troops in the Rigel Continent."

Colonel Fischer looked at the teenage boy solemnly.

"You do know that there are Rank 9 Sovereigns on the Rigel Continent, right? Are you sure about this? The Central Government will not send reinforcements even if you ask for it… wait, are you perhaps thinking of going to Dvalinn first before heading to Rigel?"

Thirteen nodded. "Yes, Sir."

A sigh escaped Colonel Fischer's lips before he sat down and made a gesture for the teenager to do the same.

"Ever since the Rigel Continent has been overrun by Jinns and Majins, the Elrod Clan, the Rhodes, the Riggs, and the Nightshade Families have tried to reclaim it over and over again with very little success.

"Even if you go there, there's no way that you will be able to change anything. Of course, I heard about your legendary achievements in Solterra, and I do believe that it is true. But the Rigel Continent has already been occupied for decades. It will not be easy to fight them on their home turf."

Thirteen smiled. "Sir, I just want to let my recruits see what a Continent that has been overrun by Jinns and Majins looks like. Antares and Rigel have fallen. Soon, it will be Cygni's turn. Perhaps, after a decade or two, it will be Sirius or Aldebaran that will suffer the same fate.

"I want them to understand what the world will look like if it is overrun by Jinns and Majins. That will break any illusion that the same thing can't happen to other places."

Colonel Fischer sighed for a second time before lightly tapping the table with his hand.

"Just tell me one thing, Zion," Colonel Fischer said. "You're not going there for a suicide mission, right?"

"Of course not, Sir," Thirteen stated. "I'm just a Rookie with three hundred soldiers, and the strongest among them are only in the Initiate Rank. I would not dare to challenge monsters that were way out of our league."

The Colonel closed his eyes as he pondered Thirteen's request. A few minutes later, he reluctantly nodded his head.

"I'll tell the Field Marshal about your request," Colonel Fischer said. "But, there's no guarantee that he will approve it, okay?"

"Thank you, Sir."

"You may go."

After saluting his superior officer, Thirteen left the Conference Room and headed back to see his subordinates.

As soon as he left the room, Colonel Fischer glanced at the wall and shook his head helplessly.

"You heard him, so what's your answer?" Colonel Fisher asked.

A projection appeared on the wall, revealing the Field Marshal of the Central Government.

The second-in-command of the Army and had the Rank of Throne.

He was none other than Rianna's Father, Tristan Summers, who was looking back at the Colonel with amusement.

"Grant his request," Tristan replied. "My daughter always tells me that Zion Leventis doesn't do anything without a good reason. Since he wants to go to Rigel, then let him go to Rigel. Besides, he is right about one thing.

"The true threats to humanity will appear three and a half years from now. I don't know what he's planning, but I do hope that he will create another miracle like he did in Valbarra and Arcadia."

Colonel Fischer nodded his head in understanding. "Will we lend them one of our Battleships? He is planning to go to Dvalinn first after all."

"No," Colonel Fischer shook his head. "Our Battleships will be transporting our men to Cygni and help with the evacuation. We can't spare him one."

"Then, how will he get to Rigel?" Colonel Fischer asked.

The Field Marshal chuckled after hearing the Colonel's question.

"Are you perhaps forgetting something?" Tristan asked back. "That boy is a scion of the Leventis Family. I'm sure he can make the necessary arrangements to transfer his people. Besides, he also has a good relationship with the Remington Clan. I'm sure he'll think of something."

The Colonel did something unbecoming of an officer of his rank and scratched his head.

"Sir, I don't want to say this, but I think there's something fishy about this arrangement," Colonel Fisher said. "My gut instinct is that the boy is planning something big, and he's just making it sound like he's just going to take a stroll in a Jinn-Infested continent."

Tristan laughed out loud because he had the same thought as his subordinate.

After half a minute of laughing, the Field Marshal pressed his hands together and smiled evilly.

"Whatever he is cooking, let him cook," Tristan replied. "We didn't see what he did in Solterra, but it is possible to monitor what he is doing here in Pangea. Isn't it about time that we let our 'Mascot' do his magic? Maybe, just maybe, he will be able to give us a surprise or two, which will work in our favor."


Thirteen, who had no idea what the Field Marshal and the Colonel were talking about, appeared before his men who were still eating in the cafeteria.

He didn't mention anything about the meeting and simply ordered his own food. After taking his usual seat, he and Tiona still eating in the cafeteria.

He didn't mention anything about the meeting and simply ate silently.

'It's still a bit early to initiate my plan, but it's within acceptable parameters,' Thirteen thought. 'While everyone is going to Cygni to earn glory and merits, I'll take my people to greener pastures.'

Thirteen's former host had left many Cursed Artifacts in Solterra and Pangea.

In order to prevent others from being harmed by their curses, he hid them in places that would not be found by ordinary people.

These cursed items were Peak-Gold Grade Artifacts, which was the highest grade in Pangea, only second to Mythical Ranked Equipment.

The good thing about these items was that since they were cursed, anyone could use them.

Even ordinary humans who accidentally came across these artifacts would be able to use their powers.

Of course, there was a catch.

Anyone who wore them would be cursed.

Some artifacts even had the power to dominate a person, making them the artifact's puppets.

Thirteen wanted to reclaim the artifacts that used to belong to his former host and put them to good use.

Since any item he equipped and wore, would be overrun by his restrictions, the curses that were placed on them wouldn't work on him.

The teenage boy had four objectives in going to the Rigel Continent.

The first one was to reclaim the Cursed Artifacts.

The second one was to train his subordinates.

The third one was to gather resources.

And last but not the least, he planned to make connections with the people living on the Man-Made Island, Dvalinn, which was only two hundred miles away from the Rigel Continent.

This was the bastion created by the Elrod Clan, the Rhodes, the Riggs, and the Nightshade Families.

They only had one goal, and one goal only.

To reclaim their lands and get rid of the Jinns and Majins who took their homes, their loved ones, and possibly their future, away from them.

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