System's POV
Chapter 342.2 Table of contents

Within the chaotic battlefield, a teenage boy had become the center of everyone's attention.

The moment Thirteen jumped into the front lines and stood beside the Champions, the first thing Benedict did was yell at the boy to scram and leave the vanguard to the adults.

However, the teenage boy ignored him and simply raised his modified guns, coolly pulling the trigger.

The heads of two Rank 2 Monsters exploded in an instant. However, they were easily replaced by dozens more, who were advancing in their direction.

Thirteen wasn't fazed and even charged forward, almost giving the Champions a heart attack.

Originally, they thought that the boy was just a mascot the Central Government accepted in order to recruit more Wanderers into their Ranks.

While they might have heard about Thirteen's adventures in Solterra, his current Rank made all of them believe that the story had been exaggerated to make him look like a hero in the eyes of the people.

They thought that it was just propaganda by the Leventis Family to make their name look good on paper.

But after spending time with the teenage boy, they realized that he was a very down-to-earth person.

Not only that, but he was also a precious golden goose who produced golden eggs.

The Empyrium Mine and the Palladium Mine were two important resources that the Dvalinn Federation needed desperately.

So, Thirteen's importance to them had skyrocketed beyond words.

They were even ordered to ensure that the boy was well protected at all times so that his life wouldn't be in danger.

However, how could they protect a boy who was charging straight into a horde of monsters?! All the Champions suddenly had a strong urge to spank him!

The Wolf Spiders, whose eyes had locked into the boy, thought that a snack had happily presented itself to them.

Naturally, they didn't hesitate to lunge at him, intending to take a bite out of his body, which was covered in green armor.

But before they could even approach the boy, a black whip of death sliced off their bodies, killing them instantly.

Tiona, whose body could now turn as hard as adamantium and as sharp as a blade, cut through the monsters like a hot knife through butter.

She also had the Levitation and Lengthening Ability, allowing her to swim in the air and lengthen her body, creating a razor-sharp whip that was as hard as adamantine.

From within this blood storm, Thirteen's guns roared to life, targeting the monsters in systematic order, aiming at their weak spot.

The Wolf Spiders tried to attack him from his blind spot. However, as if he had eyes in the back of his head, Thirteen dealt with them easily.

Those he couldn't hit in time were blasted apart by Cristopher's long-range sniping, ensuring that his Young Master was safe from harm.

For a brief moment, both the Humans and the monsters gazed at the boy, whose deadly dance of death decimated everything around him.

"… So that's the strength of someone who faced a Majin Prince and won," Alexis muttered as he clenched his fists tightly.

This was the same thought that ran through everyone's mind as the teenage boy continued to massacre Rank 2 and Rank 3 Monsters with ease.

An Ordinary Rookie wouldn't be able to do such a thing, but Thirteen was no ordinary Rookie.

His power level was higher than even the most talented Rookie, for he had absorbed the Core of a Majin Prince.

'This strength doesn't belong to a Rookie,' Benedict thought. 'His power level is like that of a Grandmaster.'

Thirteen, who had no idea what the Champion was thinking, continued his deadly dance of death, creating an absolute killing zone within his region.

Whenever a Rank 4 Monster moved toward him, he would not hesitate to back away and shoot at its eyes, forcing it to take steps of retreat and change its target.

His accuracy was on point, and every shot he made connected to the place he was aiming at.

With Tiona slicing the small fries to pieces and Thirteen killing all the monsters that weren't within her reach, they were able to overwhelm their opponents.

Aside from that, the Wolf Spiders weren't able to fight Thirteen properly due to the killing intent he emitted, which made them hesitate to attack him.

As someone who had witnessed countless deaths and had fought against a God, Thirteen's killing intent was like a sharp blade that threatened to slash anything that came near him.

Animals who relied on instincts would fight or flee depending on the situation.

Even monsters like the Jinns had these primal instincts, so Thirteen was using this to his advantage.

As more spiders died, the more the witnesses felt that the teenage boy was someone whom they couldn't defeat no matter what.

The only monsters on the battlefield, who weren't too intimidated by Thirteen's killing intent, were the Rank 6 Overlords, who unanimously decided to target the boy and end his life.

But before they could even make their move, the ground beneath their feet gave way, making them fall into a pit hole.

Waiting down there was none other than Rocky, who was a peak Rank 6 Sovereign.

Opening his mouth, the Magma Bal-Boa unleashed a breath of fire, which made the three Giant Spiders shriek in pain.

Their bodies were instantly set ablaze, making their movements erratic as they desperately tried to climb out of the pit hole with their long and powerful legs.

However, Rocky bit one of them from behind, crushing it with his powerful jaws.

The other two Wolf Spiders didn't even give their comrade a second glance as they fled, their bodies still burning from Rocky's attack.

When they emerged from the hole, the two spiders retreated, making their subordinates retreat as well.

Thirteen then casually killed as many stragglers as he could before the sea of spiders vanished without a trace.

"That was a nice workout," Thirteen said. "Did you have fun, Tiona?"

The black snake nodded before flicking her tongue on the teenage boy's right cheek as if giving him a kiss.

Benedict and the other Champions who were at the scene couldn't help but look at the retreating spiders in awe.

Originally, they thought that they would once again be forced to retreat due to the disparity in number.

Even when Thirteen and his soldiers arrived to help them, the tide of battle was still in the Spider's favor.

But when the three Overlords momentarily disappeared from their sight, a blazing flame emerged from the ground and shot into the sky.

After that, two of the three Giant Spiders emerged from the hole and ran away like two fireballs, burning the spiders that were unlucky enough to be on their paths.

Thirteen walked toward his people with a smile on his face.

"Good job, everyone," Thirteen replied. "All of you did well."

Thirteen knew that there was some dissatisfaction within his Battalion, with a few thinking that the stories about him were just lies.

Because of this, he knew that he needed to create a demonstration to make sure that his people would know that he wasn't a mere figurehead but someone who would accompany them on the battlefield.

Wanderers were people who recognized the strong.

He knew that once he showed his strength, they would naturally listen to him more and look at him in a different light.

With just a single battle, the teenage boy's image in the hearts of his subordinates took root, subconsciously making them less resistant to his orders and more proud that they were under his command.

Little did he know that it was not only his subordinates who had recognized him as the strongest Rookie in the world.

On that night, those who had fought at Sector 8 would forever remember the teenage boy's dance of death and learn that his title as Legendary Rookie was not just for show.

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