A Maiden’s Unwanted Heroic Epic
Chapter 179 Table of contents

***Arc 8 One Who Spread Death, Chapter 179 Ceremony of Start of Battle***

Clear skies as far as the eye can see and a warm spring breeze.

South of the kingdom――the Milhirrea Plains.

But none of the Alberan soldiers there were enjoying the spring weather.

Everyone pushed down the chills and shivers and simply stood facing forward as they had been trained and taught to do.

Ahead of them was a large Gulshan army of over 100,000.

In contrast, theirs was only 46,000 strong.

They were standing in the very place of death, everyone thought.

They had understood this for several days.

However, the commanders kept repeating that their opponent was Gulshan's soldiers were weak, and that if they could defeat the beast, they would have a chance of victory.

And this is a battle where the survival of the kingdom was at stake, there was nowhere to run, and if they didn’t win here, the entire kingdom would be overrun.

There was no other choice but to fight on, even if it was a tough battle.

They, too, mustered up courage from the words of their superiors and stood there to dedicate themselves to this noble mission.

‘Even if I die, I will definitely stop this invasion’, they were determined.

Commanding the Alberan army was the fierce general Garhka, and the hero of the civil war, the Heavenly Sword, Princess Krische.

They believed that there was no way they would be defeated unilaterally.

――However, there was something standing opposite them that trampled on their small courage.

"Against that thing..."

"Don't whine, it's just a beast with a big body."

The centurion chided the young soldier.

Elephants, sand lizards, and rock-like unicorns.

They had imagined the kind of beast they had heard about.

They were also prepared for them.

However, the one animal in the center was outside the scope of their imagination.

One would have to look up if one gets close to it.

Even from a distance, from Nakria, from the height of its castle walls even the gigantic elephant could be seen.

It truly was a fortress.

In fact, what it carries on its back is a gigantic turret.

Its physique was like two giant elephants stacked vertically and horizontally, and the ground rumbled as it simply walked to form a line of battle――it was like a small castle moving.

Even the centurion, who scolded his men for their weakness, could not quell his fear in the face of it.

‘In front of such a monster, what is the point of the battle line?’――An instinctive fear arises in his heart.

It was easy to imagine that they would simply advance forward, reap the army's ranks, and push through.

For the sake of the kingdom, he would risk even his life.

Even a noble soldier who is entrusted with leading the line did not want to die a dog's death.

‘If I can give some meaning to this life then’――that was why he was able to throw his life away.

‘If even that is not possible, then what would I lose my life for?’

There’s no one who is not afraid of losing their life.

There is no one who can endure the meaningless loss of life, even if they deceive themself into thinking that they can gain honor in exchange.

The days of grueling training, and the deeds of valor earned on the battlefield.

Family, lovers, and friends――the weight of what they have worked hard for, won, and accumulated in their lives turns directly into their fear.

Their instincts told them that they should run away somewhere amidst the chaos of the battlefield, and even their way is almost swept away by it.

"Make way! Alberinea coming through!"

Two corps commanders emerge from the ranks, riding large horses and leading the way.

Kolkis Argand, commander of the Second Corp, wearing a majestic armor helmet shaped like a silver tiger.

Likewise, the color of silver that reflected the sunlight.

A slender man wearing a platemail that represents the goddess, the Third Corp Commander Bagil Sandika.

"Hahaha, if you don't clear the road, you'll be eaten. Focus more."

Both had smiles on their faces that showed no fear.

Bagir stroked his gray beard and what called out to him was a sweet voice.

"Bagil. Gururun is a smart child, so it's okay."

"No, but there may be some unscrupulous people who might try to peek inside your skirt. You have to be careful."

"...Bagil is strangely concerned about Krische’s skirt. It's long, so it's okay."

Then, a slight scream was heard, and from behind came a huge monster larger than a horse.

Eight shaku tall at the shoulders, easily exceeding the height of a human, it has elegant green and black lines.

On top of a demonic beast that could truly be called a magical beast――Alberinea was naturally sitting sideways on it.

Her long silver hair swayed in two tails, and inside her black cloak was a white dress.

She wore no armor, except for a pair of rather rugged boots and a pair of elegant cuirasses, showing off her fairy-like beauty――she was there looking no different from her usual self.

"Meow-Meow, Bagil, Krische'll go and say hello, so do whatever you like."

Passing between Kolkis and Bagil saluting from horseback, Krische headed to the center between Alberan's and Gulshan's armies.

Kolkis and Bagil head to the front of their own army.

"Look, Gururun, that's the elephant. It's tonight's feast."

While patting the Suiko on the shoulder, Krische said that, and the Suiko whether she understood or not.

‘Gururu’, groaned and headed forward.

The pleasant sun made Krische yawn, and the Suiko followed her master's lead and gave a sleepy, voiceless yawn as they walked.

For Suikp who is basically nocturnal, they felt sleepy at this time of the morning.

In the center of the room, Alberan and Gulshan met each other.

The first person to speak was the general commander of Gulshan, who wore armor shaped like a lion.

It was the hero Orugan.

"You showed up well without being scared, Garhka, Alberinea. First of all, let's praise the courage of both of you."

He laughed and jumped down from the top of the elephant, followed by Zalvaag, who was also wearing light armor with lion carvings.

Orugan carried a large curved sword on his left hip.

Zalvaag carried two curved swords on his back.

Zalvaag silently glared at Krische and did not move from his spot.

Only Orugan stepped forward, and Dougleen laughed when he saw him.

"This is my line, Orugan. I thought you would get scared and just run away."

As if matching each other, Dougleen was also wearing armor in the shape of a lion.

Although the designs were different, they were all lions――Krische looked at them with admiration.

‘They must all love meow meow’, Krische thought.

"Do you know? Between Gulshan and Alberan, I'm always the winner in important battles."

"If you think about the number of wins and losses, I'm the winner, Garkha. And this time, I will never let you escape."

"Ha, the one who laughs at the end is the one who wins the war. It's sad to be proud of victory in a skirmish."

"If that's the logic, then in a match with you, I would be the one who would laugh and win at the end. It's not a difference that can be overturned by small tricks."

"...The two of you are really good friends after all."

It felt like watching Bery and Selene fight.

Krische looked at them troubled, then looked up at the elephant and narrowed his eyes.

The outer skin seemed to be quite hard. As expected, it would be difficult to pierce through with an arrow at a curved angle.

Its size and its power were clear.

In a head-on collision, it is the soldiers who will lose.

It would have been troublesome if handled incorrectly, but that was it.

It was simply a single factor of the battlefield.

"...Finally, I was able to show it to you as promised. I'm glad that this day has come, Alberinea."

"Um...thank you. But, Krische felt a little bad about killing it, even though Orugan took such pains to bring it here."

"Kuku, don't think it will be that easy. Even if that's true for you, it's probably different for the soldiers. ...Especially that, even for you it’s not something you can handle carelessly."

Orugan gestured to the huge body of Alcazaris――a blue monster born from an elephant, and then laughed as he looked at Alberan's army.

"I can hear the voices of fear coming from your army. You may be able tame a magical beast, but it’s still just a tiger after all. It’s no match for that."

Despite Alcazaris' huge size, it can run as fast as an elephant.

Tough flesh and bones――the power to break down even castle walls.

No matter how good a magic possessor is, it’s extremely difficult to get hold of Alcazaris once it starts running.

The handlers and escort who rode on its back were also carefully selected, making Alcazaris a walking fortress.

They made full use of siege bows and trebuchets, and it would have been impossible to defeat it unless it attempted to attack a castle.

"Hmm... Gururun is just Krische’s pet, so Krische didn't bring it here with the intention of using it for something like that in the first place... Krische just used it in place of a horse because it's easy to ride."

While listening to those confident words, Krische vaguely thought about the horse she left behind――Bururun.

Since it coincided with the breeding season, it was now the time when he’s working hard to make babies.

It was a horse that had a really nice physique and ran well――it was definitely a good horse, but it seemed like those rumors had spread from some noble messenger.

It seems that his name was sold as a famous horse that ran as if flying, rode by Krische to Selene's predicament, and he received such requests from all over, including Kolkis.

He is also quite popular now.

Thanks to this, Krische was able to leave him behind and bring Gururun along without worry.

In terms of riding comfort and speed, Gururun is superior to Bururun, and except for its poor fuel economy, it was a perfect top competitor.

But as expected even for Krische, ever since Gururun came, she's been treating him as useless, and since he seems to have free time every day, except for walks, she feels a little bad for him, so it's just right.


"Yes. Krische would be troubled if she were to get injured...putting aside if it's in the forest, but in a plain like this, it's no different than just a big meow, so Krische doesn't have any intention of using her in battle."

While patting her back, Krische looked at Alcazaris.

"Also, from its looks it’s just a bigger elephant after all… It doesn’t emit magical power or fly in the sky."

The jewel-like purple wrapped in silver eyelashes narrowed.

"Krische’s sure was aimed at having a morale effect...but it’s a failure. In fact, Krische was saved because you brought it to a position where Krische could easily aim from the front."


"Vice-chairman Orugan seems to have misunderstood Krische.…This kind of easy-to-understand coercion is a double-edged sword if it ends in failure. Soldiers aside, Krische won’t be disturbed…"

Then her eyes turned to the Orugan.

"――It's just a big target for the cliché."

Her graceful smile made her eyes just look inorganic.

The purple color of her eyes shone with absolute self-confidence and self-conceit.

‘How serious is she? Is she insane?’

He looked back at her searchingly and laughed.

"...I see. Then, first of all, let me take a look at how my future bride will be doing."

"Krische won’t lose, so it won't happen in the future but...ehehe, but make sure to keep the promise okay. ...General Garhka?"

Dougleen, who was listening with a smile, was criticized by Krische and nodded.

Then his gaze turned to Orugan.

"As you can see, she is a very confident girl. My feelings about her are not that different from yours, but...I put all my money on this girl because I thought it was a winnable game. It’s better not to underestimate her."

"Kuku, that’s quite a gamble, Garhka. I don't think you're insane, but..."

Orugan glared back.

"The match has been agreed upon. We can't back down now, can we?"

"Ah...that’s mutual."

After saying that, Dougleen turned on his heel and Krische did the same.

The two who were left behind saw them off and jumped onto the elephant's back.

"How about Alcazaris?"

"Don't move now. I'm interested in what they’re planning to do. First, let’s just know what Alberinea is like."

While watching Kolkis and Bagil give instructions in front of each army, the girl sitting on the Suiko advances in front of the battle line.

The sight of him looking around at the battle lines was completely unsuitable for a battlefield, and even the Suiko, who was supposed to be terrifying, looked somehow cute.


"Bald Eagle, Krische've been looking for a while, geez. From now on, it would be better to take off the helmet when in a crowd so it will be easier to tell."

"M-my apologies.... Just a few final confirmations."

He lowered his head to Krische who was pouting cheeks, and immediately turned behind her.

"Koza, flag."

"Yes sir!"

Archer Captain Koza steps forward with a crescent skull flag, the Black Flag Special Force banner.

His tough, scarred face looked a little happy, perhaps because he was happy to have the role of hoisting the banner in front of a battle line of over 40,000 soldiers.

Mia and Kalua followed, and Aleha, who was behind them, handed the spear he was carrying to Krische.

"Wow, I can't believe that Krische-sama will show us a sample in person. The soldiers will be motivated as well."

"This is the job of lower-ranking people, Aleha should hone your spear-throwing skills more. Krische, really want to sit in the back and drink tea while taking command."

"Yes ma’am, I will put in more effort in the future."

Aleha saluted him with a smile on her handsome face, and Kahlua looked at Krische in shock.

"...I can't really imagine Usa-chan sitting silently in the back and calmly taking command."

"Krische has no choice but to come forward. Actually, Kurofuyo's role is to quickly defeat the enemy and capture the head of the enemy general so that Krische doesn't have to move."

"I don't think the day will ever come when that request will be completely met, based on Usa-chan's standards..."

Even if all the Black Flag Special Force members became superhumans like Kolkis, this princess would definitely voice her dissatisfaction.

Above all, Krische’s own evaluation of herself is limited to ‘fairly (so-so) strong’.

Even though she was on equal terms with such a dragon, just what did she mean by ‘so-so’.

Krische glared at Kalua with dissatisfaction, and Kalua instantly placed Mia in front of her.

"That's what Mia said."


"Mmm...... Mia, that kind of thinking is no good. Mia gives up too quickly."

"K-Kalua! Stop doing that――"

"Cough, Krische-sama, for now the sermon..."

Dougleen was pained by the puzzled glances of the soldiers toward him.

This normal appearance was not bad at all.

Some of the soldiers who were listening to the conversation even laughed, and it was a good way to relax.

However, even though a battle that would go down in history was about to begin, the three of them had no single trace of tension, and it hurts his head to see them like that to no end.

"Hmm, aah...... I see. Mia, Krische'll continue the sermon later."

"Why, why me...."

"Adjutant-dodno, it is unbecoming to talk back to your superiors in front of the troops."

"......Uuu, you......!"

Mia glared at Kalua as if she wanted to complain, but Dagra stared at her and held her tongue.

Dagra sighed in exasperation, looked at Koza and raised his voice.

"――Attention, those who are looking down, lift your head!"

Krische continues toward the right wing, and Koza waves the banner wide.

"There are 100,000 enemies, and they are controlling a huge unknown monster. But there is no need to be afraid!!"

Dagra followed, looking at each of the soldiers one by one.

"My name is Dagra Rinea Arkus, Commander of Black Flag Special Forces Company! Just like you guys, I'll be the first to cut down on the enemy!"

And he smiled manlily.

"But now I have no uneasiness in my heart, and I have no fear in my heart! Because I know that defeat is impossible. ...I'll tell you the reason why I don't doubt our victory――the difference between me and you guys! "

Dagra, who was not riding a horse, could only be seen by the soldiers in the front row, and many people could only hear his voice.

"What kind of existence is Alberinea, who leads you all――I know it, and you guys don’t know it! That’s the only difference!!"

But that's fine.

He wasn't supposed to draw attention to himself.

"――As a proud centurion of the Kingdom, under Alberinea, I fought the war against the Holy Empire and the civil war. That's why I know. If I follow this person, there is no such thing as defeat――that experience teaches me that!"

The eyes of those at the rear of the battle line were inevitably drawn to the flag waving in front of them and the Krische sitting on the giant Suiko, and then further forward――towards the gigantic monster.

"First of all, take a close look and see for yourself! Then know! What it means for Alberinea to command you!! Soon you will all have the same heart as me!!"

While listening to those words, Krische moved towards the center of the right wing――directly in front of Alcazaris.

"Alcazaris is famous for being ‘one who tramples on everything’, how ridiculous! They will soon regret bringing him in front of Alberinea."

Krische jumped off the Suiko and twirled the spear that had been given to her as if to examine it.

A melee spear as usual.

It's heavy enough that it fits comfortably in her hand.

She glanced behind her, and when she felt enough of the soldiers' eyes on her, she switched the spear to her other hand.

"Because――you will realize that it’s no different than a rabbit before Alberinea!"

Listening to Dagra’s voice.

It was the same step as usual.

Her posture was slumped low, as if she had just gotten dizzy.

The angle of stepping was as perpendicular as possible, minimizing wind resistance.

From one step in a stationary state, to the second step she took, she was already at her highest speed.

What her body unconsciously embodies was the theoretical maximum efficiency.

Alberinea's essence was not strength.

It was an insane accuracy that brought out the best of all logic and theories without any doubt.

Turning theoretical theory into reality.

Her body easily reaches its physical limits.

She suddenly brakes as if slamming her heel down.

The kinetic energy, which immediately loses its place of destination, was absorbed by the knees and transferred to the upper body without any waste――like a pendulum the body was bent and released from the tips of the fingers.

――The girl's fingertips played a sound of destruction that could even kill a god.

A spear that pierced a ri in an instant.

No one would have been able to follow it.

However, what everyone could clearly see was the monster’s skull being crushed, its inner flesh blooming, and the rain of blood raining down around it.

The sight was almost like a fantasy, and after a moment's delay, an indescribable sound of crushing echoed in the distance.

At the same time, they slowly regain the reality that was left behind.

Even the voices of the commanders who were encouraging the enemy soldiers had disappeared.

With just one throw, the giant beast collapsed, making the ground rumble.

All eyes on the battlefield were once again on the girl who leapt onto the magical beast.

In response to her unconventional military accomplishments, she neither boasts of her power nor cries out.

It was a natural thing for her.

――It was as if to indicate that it was as trivial as squashing a bug.

"――Who is the truly terrifying one!"

A voice spoke in place of her.

"If you understand, raise your voice! Offer your blade!! You all deserve Alberinea’s blessing!!"

A flag with a crescent skull was swung high above their head.

Or perhaps it's similar to an explosion.


――A loud cheer filled the venue.

Everyone raised their voices as if their previous fear was a lie, offering their spears to Alberinea as if they were raising their swords.

Everything that clings to them disappears, and they simply surrender to the frenzy.

Their eyes held a beastly quality that was even greater than the beast in front of them――they now turned into beasts called humans.


"Hahaha, that's really shocking. ――Clear the road! Alberinea is passing through!"

Aleha laughed at Krische, who was holding her ears.

He, like the soldier behind him, lifted his cheeks madly.

"Leave the rest to me. As you requested, Captain Dagra and I will take care of the rest."

"...Yes, Bald Eagle, Areha. Do whatever you like after that."

"Ha! Leave it to us."

Leaving Dougla and Aleha behind, Koza, the flag bearer, and Mia and Kahlua led the way.

Krische sighed and crawled through the arch of the spear made by the soldiers with an annoyed look on his face――After seeing him off, Dagra called out to Aleha.

"Adjutant Areha, in this situation it will be difficult to signal with a flag. I would like to leave the first spear to you."

"Haha, it's actually the second spear, but leave it to me. It seems like I'm remembering the past. I'll keep the lizard in its tracks, and I'll take control of the soldiers."

"Understood. ――Adjutant Aleha."


Dagra stuck out his fist.

"Even though we were once in a position where we fought each other...However, I am truly happy to be able to fight alongside such an honorable warrior like you."

Aleha looked at the fist and into Dagra’s eyes, surprise on his face.

He smiled and reached out his hand.

"Those are my lines. I never thought that someone in my position would be accepted as a matter of course and entrusted with such an important role. ――I have no choice but to repay this favor with a sword."

and bumped their fists together,

"...Tonight, let's drink together in the delicious wine of victory."

"Of course. ...I left the front to you."

"I'll take care of it, Commander Dagra."

The two smiled at each other.

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