Solo Max-Level Newbie
Chapter 214 Table of contents

Chapter 214: The Everlasting Anvil ‘Orun’ (1)

Jinhyuk’s eyes narrowed as he looked at the destroyed bracelet.

“Just as I expected…”

Everything was going according to plan.

Orun, known as the ‘Everlasting Anvil,’ was once a great blacksmith who even crafted the crown of the Dwarf King himself. However, following a series of events, he lost his status and was expelled from the kingdom.

Now he lived a life dependent on alcohol, barely scraping by working for humans.

His clientele dwindled further with each frequent failure in enhancement.

Jinhyuk quickly checked Orun’s status through ‘Eye of Gluttony.’

Name: Orun

Race: Dwarf

Age: 71

Level: 23

Strength 23 Agility 13 Stamina 21 Magic Power 1

Available Stat Points: 0

Profession: Blacksmith of Steel

Unique Ability: Breath of Metal

Skills: Lv32 ‘Smelting’, Lv31 ‘Expert Hammering’, Lv31 ‘Sequential Enhancement’, Lv31 ‘Fire Control’, Lv30 ‘Workshop Weaponization’…

[Copy Conditions: Orun, the ‘Everlasting Anvil’ of the Dwarven Kingdom ‘Penta Hon’ and one of the ‘Five Hammers.’ Rekindle the sincerity of the iron artisan who, worn by time, has grown weary of everything. By doing so, you may replicate one of his unique abilities or skills.]

[Notes: He bears a deep scar and shows severe symptoms of alcohol addiction.]

The title of ‘artisan’ was not given lightly.

With an average skill level well over 30, such proficiency among those of his personal level would be rare, even throughout the entire tower.

“Okay. I have an idea of what needs to be done.”

The first step was…

Jinhyuk offered an amiable smile to Orun, as if to reassure him.

“It seems you’ve made a slight mistake.”

“Ahem! Exactly my point. I usually don’t make mistakes, but this time my condition wasn’t quite right. With that in mind, could you perhaps give me another chance?”

Orun brazenly spoke as if it was the most natural thing.

At this point, it wasn’t just thick-skinned; it was at a level where even a Brazilian waxing shop would refuse service.


“Since it’s Orun who’s offering, of course, I should give you another chance.”

“Ha-ha, thank you. Truly, you are a genuine… customer.”

“In return, could you teach me some techniques for working with iron?”

“What? Iron?”

“Yes. Ah! Of course, I don’t mean to ask for every detail. If you just slow down a bit, that’s enough for me. Just observing the process of a master blacksmith like Orun strengthening a weapon is worth a fortune to a beginner like me.”

He flattered his opponent just the right amount without being dismissive, and attached a reasonable plea, likely carrying a shred of guilt for having destroyed the bracelet Elis gave him…

It would be quite burdensome to reject the offer.

“Ha-ha. I’ve never before met someone who wants to learn blacksmithing skills rather than combat skills among players. Are all players like you?”


“If all players were like me… I suppose the entire tower would turn into hell.”

Just the mere thought was horrific.

Thinking of fossilized, top-tier players giggling as they banded together…

“A rare kind, then.”

“I simply believe that the true skill lies in working with iron.”

“Pu-ha-ha! I feel like I should show off my real skills for once. Watch closely and learn, since the chance to see my hammering is quite rare.”

Orun burst into laughter.

He then fiddled with the heavy, runic-etched hammer once more.

“Ah, perfect weather for strengthening. Somehow, I’ve got a good feeling this time.”

With dark clouds brooding and a drizzle settling in, it kindled a fire within him.

The hammer soared high into the sky again.

Naturally, the materials to be used were the various accessories Elis was wearing.

“Ah… No, that was made as a commemoration of my inheritance to the family…”

Despite Elis’s plea, which seemed near to tears…



[Enhancement has failed!]

[‘The Ring of the Sun’s Ruby’ has been destroyed!]

Bright flames burst forth.

Yet again, the result was the same.

Orun, undeterred, swung the hammer again.



[Enhancement has failed!]

[‘Heart of Delsus Lake’ has been destroyed!]


The hammer swung wildly up and down.

Splinters flew in all directions with each blow.

This place was hell.

At least, for Elis.

[Enhancement has failed!]

[‘Rainbow Gem Necklace’ has been destroyed!]

“My, my necklace! I only used that on special occasions…”

Elis was frantic to the point of madness, but it was already too late.

Items destroyed by the hands of a blacksmith could never be restored.


It took a considerable amount of time before Orun stopped his hammering.

A total of 11.

That was how many accessories were shattered in failed enhancements.

Even Orun, with his thick face, could not lift his head in this situation.

“Huff, huff, huff…”

Out of thirst, he grabbed the bottle from the table and gulped down the alcohol.

“Curse it… If it were just 3 days younger…”

“Are you already exhausted?”

“Watch your words. Do you realize the level of effort this task requires?”

“The hammer swings looked aimless, but you were employing 3 to 4 skills simultaneously. Even the wrist snap and timing weren’t half bad.”

Everything was decent.

But the reason for the enhancement failure was simple:


At the most critical moment—

The tragic blacksmith who had to endure the loss of a loved one due to his own hammering.

‘Now, what I need to do… is to help him overcome that wound and return to his prime.’

Jinhyuk picked up a hammer in the forge.

Though significantly smaller compared to Orun’s hammer, it was a hammer with a perfect grip.

“…You seem to have an eye for quality, human. What do you intend to do with it?”

“It seems I can do it well enough after seeing you hammer a few times.”

“What did you say?”

At Jinhyuk’s words, Orun’s expression twisted with disbelief.

Until now, Orun had only responded with his carefree laughter, but this statement seemed to have struck a nerve. Of course, that was what Jinhyuk had intended.

“Even a great blacksmith like you struggle when drunk and emotional… Why wouldn’t I be able to do it? I’ve learned everything I need from watching you hammer ten times.”

“You’re ridiculous. Are you serious?”

“Of course. If you wish, we could place a wager on it. I’ll stake this. But if you lose, Orun, you must grant me one wish.”

Jinhyuk brought out wines that Elis had fetched from the imperial treasury.

Each bottle was a treasure worthy of the title ‘fine wine.’

“Hmm… Surely you’re not worried you might lose? Well, I would understand, given your constant failures…”

Here, the trick was to slightly lift the corner of the mouth by about 13.5 degrees.

As if to say, if you think you can do it, then show me.

And the provocation worked perfectly.

“…Alright. It seems I must teach you the meaning of metalworking.”

The atmosphere changed in an instant.

The previously lax air suddenly tensed up.

[Orun activates his unique ability ‘Breath of Metal’!]


Who would have imagined a non-combat, artisan resident could emanate such a heavy sense of presence?

‘If this had been a fair contest, I would never have been able to beat Orun.’

Capable of handling almost anything, Jinhyuk could manage hammering to a certain extent as well—he’d be akin to a 4th-dan in the game of Go, or a Diamond Tier in gaming; impressive among common folk, but far from Orun’s level.

Even if his trauma from the past prevented Orun from performing at his peak.

But he proposed this contest because…

[You have met the copy conditions!]

[Unique ability ‘Breath of Metal’ has been copied!]

Jinhyuk never intended to lose the challenge in any sense.

“Let’s proceed with this as our object.”

Jinhyuk took out the ‘Blood of the Red Dragon’ and ‘Fang’ from his spatial inventory.

“Tough materials.”

Orun scowled.

He anticipated something challenging, but had not expected such a difficult venture.

The blood of a Red Dragon was a top-grade magical ingredient even the court mages of the empire had failed to handle.

To enhance it with the ‘Fang,’ crafted from the tooth of a superior beast Penta Gryphis, was indeed challenging.

“It is essential for gauging skills.”

“…Alright. Who goes first?”

“I will.”

Jinhyuk stepped forward.


Watching Jinhyuk grasp the hammer, Orun sneered disdainfully.

‘Thinks he knows about metalworking?’

Living a life among metal and fire, he knew it required tremendous talent and relentless effort to walk the path of a blacksmith.

‘Hmm… not bad hammering.’

Despite everything, his initial hammering was decent, with apt speed and timing.

And there was something oddly familiar about it.

‘What? He can do that too?’

Orun’s pupils contracted in surprise.

The beginner, who’d ordinarily falter at such intricate steps, moved through them with ease, exuding an air of confidence.

‘Not bad. Not… bad.’

But that was the limit.

Handling the temperature of the fire and dealing with dragon’s blood were entirely different leagues.

The essence of metal must be understood, its breath felt.

To prevent the powerful magical ingredients from devouring metal, one has to read even deeper.

‘There’s no way he could do it.’



But Orun was completely unaware.

[Unique abilities ‘Breath of Metal,’ ‘Fire Element,’ and ‘Star’s Blessing’ fuse together!]

[Success in fusion!]

[You have acquired the unique ability ‘Breath of the Flame Dragon’!]

[The fused ability is saved in the ‘Memories of the World.’]

[Breath of the Flame Dragon]

Difficulty of Acquisition: SSS

Description: Rulers of fire, the mighty dragonkin. Among them, the Flame Dragon ‘Tensia’ used fire to create countless artifacts. This power, allowing you to penetrate the essence of fire and iron, holds the essence of her being.

The world has yet to learn…

that there are veterans who can crush both effort and talent.

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