Solo Max-Level Newbie
Chapter 221 Table of contents

221. Greetings to my master.

“A proposal, you say?”

The Dark Emperor’s eyes narrowed.

“Yes. After all, you also desire that I join you of my own volition, don’t you?”

The difference between compliance by coercion and willingly offering to follow was immense.

“How amusing. To think you would have the audacity to propose something in my presence; do you even realize who I am?”

The entire forest trembled violently as the Dark Emperor unleashed his internal energy.

A tremendous pressure bore down on everyone, constricting their entire bodies.

Yet, Jinhyuk did not change his expression amidst this intensity.

“What I propose is a rational exchange of equal value. If you accommodate my convenience, I will provide you with information unknown to you and a reason why you have no choice but to accept my proposition.”

“How preposterous. Do you honestly think you know something that we don’t?”

The Dark Emperor couldn’t help but let out a disbelieving chuckle.

It was the most disappointed laugh one could imagine.

‘I thought he was at least capable of distinguishing between a feasible strategy and a futile one…’

Could it be, the intelligence division of the Celestial Demonic Sect, hailed as the highest authority in information within the martial world, would be surpassed by a mere player?

Arrogance can be amusing, but even that has its limits.

Moreover, the part about him having reasons that made his proposal irresistible.

Rather than confidence, this sounded almost like recklessness.

‘Mixing up the two… Regrettable indeed. He may not live up to the potential I had hoped for.’

The Dark Emperor chewed over the bitter taste in his mouth, ready to dismiss his interest in Jinhyuk.

Then, suddenly.

“The Empire’s demonic weapon ‘Titan’.”

The words that came out from Jinhyuk…

“I can offer you a way to remove the ‘Magic Regeneration Stone’, which is essential for its operation.”

His statement was enough to instantly dissipate all previous disappointment.

In fact, it wasn’t just a matter of getting rid of it.

The expressions on the faces of both individuals twisted into something close to horror.

“The Titan moves using the Magic Regeneration Stone… That’s a secret known only to a select few within the Celestial Demonic Sect; how in the world did you…”

The pupils of the Dark Emperor seemed to quake.

“What sort of person are you…?”

Beside him, White Snake’s mouth hung open in disbelief.

It was to be expected.

For the Empire, the ‘Titan’ was a formidable demonic weapon used in major wars, resembling various animals and boasting tremendous strength.

The Titan, known for its solid armor and relentless breakthrough power that could turn any defensive formation into ruins, heightened the efficiency of battle by no less than fivefold.

Specifically, if knights equivalent to Swordmasters mounted horse-shaped Titans, even the most expert martial artists could be rendered helpless.

Indeed, just a few hours before, the Empire’s Titan Knight Brigade had annihilated three elite factions of the Jeomchang Sect at the plains of Rodemarius.

Knowing how to neutralize such Titans was information worth its weight in gold – something the Celestial Demonic Sect would deeply desire to avoid the same fate as their martial world opponents.

“By your reaction, I’ll take that as acceptance.”

“…Let’s start with hearing your proposal first.”

“First, understand that my joining the Celestial Demonic Sect isn’t an initiation, but is purely based on a contractual, temporary relationship.”

“You’re saying you’ll just walk out when it’s over?”

“If I wish to.”

“What nonsense…! Sovereign! You’re not seriously considering agreeing to such an absurd demand? Besides talking nonsense, are you even sane? We’re not some neighborhood thugs – once in, a disciple only leaves the Sect upon death!”

White Snake ranted furiously, but the Dark Emperor calmly gathered his thoughts.

“Any other demands?”


“Second, grant me use of White Snake and the Shadow Troops as my own for a duration of three days. That will be sufficient.”

“Why would you entertain such insolence… Eh?”

White Snake, his veins bulging with anger, suddenly widened his eyes in shock.

“But, White Snake and the Shadow Troops must follow my instructions as they would yours.”

“Wait, hang on! What are you saying? That’s utterly impossible. Ha, surely not, Sovereign?”

“I give my permission.”

If they could learn how to stand against the Titan, even granting him these two conditions was a win for them.

The Dark Emperor weighed the scales and determined thus.

“This is unbelievable…”

“Kindly treat me well for these three days. For a start, Mr. White Snake, you might want to relax a little. I’m starting to feel just a tad upset.”

Jinhyuk gave a faint smile.

His resolve was genuine.

Though it would only be for three days…

It might very well feel like heaven sitting by the Dark Emperor’s side.

“Any other conditions?”

“Lastly, I’d like to have Moonlight back.”


At Jinhyuk’s words, Moonlight, who had remained silent up until now, flinched noticeably.

“I grant it. Seems like she wants to return to you anyway.”

“I am…!”

“That’s settled then. I wouldn’t fail to notice such things.”

The Dark Emperor decisively ended the conversation.

“And now a question from me. What made you so certain that I would accept your proposal?”

While the Titan was indeed a useful card to play, there was no certainty that all three conditions would be met.

If it felt like an affront, he could overturn the balance anytime.

“That’s because you will definitely want to take me as a disciple.”

With that closing statement.


A blackish red energy wavered through Jinhyuk’s hand.

The Black Celestial Demon Imperial Technique.

A unique martial art founded by the Dark Emperor, and one that no one among the multitude of grandmasters in the Celestial Demonic Sect could master…

…was now beginning to manifest through the hand of a player outside the Tower.


Enduring beyond his limits on the endless path of a fierce warrior, his blood-stained hands would never rid themselves of the scent of blood, yet this never bothered him.

It was the path to becoming stronger.

It was the duty owed to his sect.

The martial world had named him the Dark Emperor, regarding him with fear and awe.

But even a journey seemingly eternal must come to a halt, and so did his, when he hit his own limits.

The realm only the ones who mastered all twelve forms of the Black Celestial Demon Imperial Technique could reach in their peak.

The 13th form of the Demon.

When he realized that not just talent and effort were required to break through that wall, the Dark Emperor fell into despair.

‘It’s time… Yes, time is what I lack.’

Too many trials and errors on his ascent, even after a complete transformation, time – his lifespan – stood as an unyielding barrier.

So, he decided. If he couldn’t do it…

He would find a disciple who could.

In the countless years filled with disappointment and despair searching for the right candidate, he’d almost given up the thought that such a person could exist.

But finally…

…he found one.

“Haha… Kuhaha!”

The Dark Emperor burst into mad laughter.

“That’s right. As you were outside the Tower, no matter how much I searched, I couldn’t find you. So that’s how it was.”

“If I’d known you’d be this happy, I might have searched for you earlier.”

“Heh. Truly, you should have. I nearly went mad waiting for you to appear.”

“Oops. My apologies for being such a negligent disciple. I almost turned my awaiting master into a restless spirit.”

“What? Is that any way to speak to your master?”

“What reason would there be not to? It’s your own fault for failing to properly find your disciple, Master. So, just accept it and move on.”

Jinhyuk shrugged nonchalantly.

Their banter flowed smoothly and naturally.

White Snake, witnessing this side of the Dark Emperor for the first time, looked like he might faint at any moment.

Indeed, a logical conclusion.

Who could have predicted the strict enforcer of the Celestial Demonic Sect, the Dark Emperor, acting so casually?

No doubt, the other chiefs would scoff if he mentioned this incident, mockingly asking how much he had drunk.

And yet.

The Dark Emperor himself felt a sense of dissonance.

“Strangely, even though I’m meeting you for the first time today, you feel strangely comfortable to me – as if we’ve been acquainted for years. I can’t fathom why.”

As it stands.

Since all the other players have left the Trial Tower, the residents inside were the only ones he could converse with.

Having shared years of joys and sorrows, Jinhyuk knew the person that was the Dark Emperor.

Of course, he couldn’t reveal the truth, so for now, he had to equivocate.

“Perhaps it is due to the shared roots of our martial arts. Though mine pales in comparison to what you’ve achieved…”

“Indeed, it must be the shared martial foundation. For now, I won’t ask where you learned the Black Celestial Demon Imperial Technique from. You must have your own circumstances.”

What mattered wasn’t the origin, but the talent.

If he had independently discovered the secrets of a unique martial art, then all the better.

It implied that Jinhyuk was a talent that only appears once in a thousand years.

The Dark Emperor let the trivial details slide for now.

“It would be premature to formalize our master-disciple relationship right now, considering the commotion. The Empire will notice soon enough and dispatch investigators.”

“Likely so.”

“Return to the Sect once matters are settled. I shall grant you the Shadow Troops for three days as promised.”

The Dark Emperor handed Jinhyuk a flute made from a unique weed.

“If you play this, the Shadow Troops will appear within a quarter hour. And White Snake.”

“Yes, Sovereign.”

“This man is now my chosen disciple. From this moment forward, act with the respect befitting his station. Should I hear otherwise, I will personally hold you accountable.”

“As you command.”

White Snake bowed his head sullenly, instinctively realizing something.

These next three days were going to be more excruciating than his entire life thus far.


Having concluded his affairs with the Dark Emperor, Jinhyuk headed directly to the opposite side of the forest.

“What’s going on? Why are you so late?”

“Master. Are you alright? Clank.”

Imprisoned in a cage made of T-Bone’s bones, Shadow Troops members and on top of that cage, Alice sipping freshly brewed tea, her eyes met with Jinhyuk’s.

As expected.

Although he had predicted it, the outcome was excessively one-sided.

Even with the limitations set on her magic, she was this powerful…

What heights could full manifestation bring? A risky curiosity to see her full strength ignited within him.

“There were a few things to take care of. I’ll explain in detail on the way.”

“Hm? But who’s that behind you? That one. Didn’t you get fed up with her constant lies and cut her off?”

Alice noticed Moonlight, who was hidden in the shadows.

“You… Why would you speak like that? Calling them blatant lies.”

“It’s the truth.”

“…Ahem! Well, yes, that’s true.”

He had indeed told lies, and he had indeed felt betrayed.

He would be lying if he said no regret filled him.

But right now, the pressing matter wasn’t about soothing Moonlight’s hurt feelings. The priority was to target the Giants’ Sanctuary.

[Giants’ Sanctuary.]

While it was a crucial stronghold, neither the Empire nor the martial sects could easily claim it due to the incredibly complex enchantment spread across the sanctuary.

‘Honestly, even the veteran players get frustrated with its difficulty.’

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