Academy’s Second Seat
Chapter 10 Table of contents

Nothing ever goes exactly as planned.

Of course, in the grand scheme of things, it may appear that it did.

However, it's impossible for every small detail to proceed according to plan.

Countless variables exist.

Sometimes luck doesn't cooperate, and at other times, predictions may be off, causing things to go awry.

"Rudy Astria."

Such variables can be addressed with adaptability.

However, the outcome may change depending on the adaptation.

Nevertheless, one must make an effort.

To achieve the best possible results.

"Could you give me a hand?"

I could hear the students chatting in the classroom.

"Evan, a commoner, fought with Baron William's son?"

"They say Baron William's brat started the quarrel."

"Evan... I've never heard of him before... Well, at least that ruffian got what he deserved. That's satisfying."

After making a contract with Luna, I devoted myself to my studies.

Even though I only focused on studying, the main story continued to unfold.

Evan caught the professor's attention during magic practice and even ended up fighting with some troublemakers.

Slowly, the protagonist began to make a name for himself at the academy.

When I heard the news, I felt relieved that Evan was growing well.

However, the news that followed made my head throb.

"Rudy Astria, could you please come to the discipline office for a moment?"

A student called out to me.

He wore a green scarf, indicating he was a second-year student.

On his arm was a badge with the word "Discipline."

The Discipline Committee.

At Liberion Academy, it was more than just an ordinary discipline committee.

Typically, students with average swordsmanship skills but lacking money for tuition would join the committee to earn some money.

However, the committee also oversaw criminal activities that occurred within the academy.

While they handled minor disputes, if a major incident occurred, the empire would dispatch investigators or professors would deal with it.

In a way, they were like local security guards with some power.

But why were they calling me?

I couldn't see a reason.

I hadn't been causing any trouble and had just been focusing on my studies.

There was no need for the discipline committee to involve me, as I hadn't done anything wrong.

With these questions in mind, I went to the office and saw the red-haired ruffian I had encountered before.

"Rudy Astria ordered it..."


The ruffian pointed at me as he spoke.

I was puzzled by what he was saying.

"Rudy Astria, is this true?"

"I'm not even sure what's going on. What's the matter?"

When I asked, the committee member stroked his chin.


I had a feeling I knew what was happening.

That red-headed ruffian had fought Evan and now accused me of being behind it.

This situation wasn't just my speculation.

If things had gone according to the original story, that's how it should have played out.

However, the current situation was slightly different.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

The disciplinary committee briefly explained the situation, and I denied their accusation.

However, this was the problem.

In the game, Rudy Astria would have denied responsibility after causing trouble himself.

The game's situation overlapped with my current predicament.

Even though I didn't do anything, people thought I was trying to evade the blame.

It was simply infuriating.

How should I explain this...


The disciplinary committee members shot me suspicious glances.

But nobody openly expressed their doubts.

Instead, they just kept watching me with suspicion.

This was giving me a headache.

In the game, Rudy Astria hung out with that guy, but I told him to leave me alone.

Ever since then, I hadn't seen him, and their suspicions only made my head throb.

I felt like just leaving this place, like Rudy Astria in the game.

"Why do you keep holding onto someone who claims they didn't do it?"

A man with his hand in his pocket approached us.

He was dressed casually, wearing glasses, and had a scruffy beard that seemed to be the result of not shaving for a few days, rather than intentionally grown out.

He looked like a typical middle-aged man who might be on his way to buy soju at the local supermarket.

"Ah... Professor."

"What's the point of holding onto someone who says they didn't do it? You think you're accomplishing something by trying to maintain security in the academy? You're not even investigators."

The man, referred to as a professor, grumbled and left the disciplinary committee room.

The second-year student who brought me in then spoke up.

"Go on."

As soon as I heard those words, I followed the professor who had just helped me.

Since he'd come to my aid while I was being falsely accused, I wanted to at least express my gratitude and ask for his name.

"Excuse me... Professor?"

I tried to start a conversation, but the professor ignored me and kept walking.



"Professor? Can you hear me?"

When I kept following and talking to him, the professor finally turned around.

"Why do you keep bothering me?"

"Thank you for your help."

I expressed my gratitude, and he waved his hand dismissively.

"Fine, now go."

"May I ask your name, sir?"

The professor then gave a short response.


With that, he walked away with an air of nonchalance.

"Understood. Thank you."

I didn't want to be a nuisance, so I backed off.


I mulled over the professor's name as I headed towards my next class.


After all the classes had ended, I was tidying up my books.


From afar, Luna approached with a worried expression.

"Rudy, are you alright? I heard you went to the student council room."

"Ah, I think it's nothing serious."

Surely they wouldn't call me back for questioning without any evidence.

If they did, I'd have no choice but to take a firm stance.

Regardless, my anger surged at the thought of letting that red-headed brat off the hook.

He probably knew what he was getting into when he used my name.

He knew my reputation as Rudy Astria wasn't great, so he figured he could use me.

In his mind, he'd probably avoided punishment as much as possible while taking revenge for when I told him to get lost last time.

What could a third-rate punk like him be thinking?

I wasn't going to let this slide.

If I let it pass now, something like this would happen again.

"I'm glad it's nothing serious."

Luna said, her expression relaxing.

"Oh! Are you going to the library today?"

Luna asked me with a beaming smile.

Behind her, two students glared at me.

Luna seemed oblivious to this, smiling innocently.

"I don't think I can go today."

"Is that so?"

Lately, I've been studying with Luna in the library.

Of course, when it came to practicing magic, we went to separate research rooms.

However, for theory-related studies and other subjects, we headed to the library.

Since she asked me every day to join her, I couldn't refuse.

"Luna, it's time for class. Shall we go?"

"Huh? Sure! Let's go."

When we studied in the library, it wasn't just the two of us.

Luna's friends were there every day as well.

Rika was quite open about her dislike for me, while Ena tried to peer into my heart like Princess Rie.

Their gazes made me uncomfortable, but they didn't interfere with my studies or cause me any harm, so I ignored them and carried on.

After finishing all my classes, I headed to the top student research room in the dormitory basement.

"Status window."

「Name: Rudy Astria

Age: 17


Beginner Magic: LV 6

Fire Attribute Magic: LV 5

Wind Attribute Magic: LV 4

Earth Attribute Magic: LV 2

Swordsmanship: LV 2

Elemental Magic: LV 2」

While studying magic alone, I had acquired Earth Attribute Magic.

Frankly, I didn't think I would use it much, but it was a necessary step to raise my magic level.

My Fire Attribute Magic was at level 5, and while it would become more powerful as it grew, its growth rate was too slow.

So, I resorted to a trick.

Instead of delving deeply into one type of magic, I learned several types to quickly reach intermediate magic.

As we advanced, basic attribute magic became less useful in battle.

Of course, it could be helpful if applied well.

However, I was an ordinary modern person.

A modern person who had never fought anyone before.

I didn't have the ability to think of various ways to apply magic in a fight with someone.

So, to defeat my opponents, overwhelming them with sheer power was the best approach.

For now, my goal was to quickly advance my basic attribute magic and reach intermediate magic.

Then, I would learn dark magic among the attribute magics.

Dark magic wasn't well-regarded.

People perceived it as ominous because of the risk of mental contamination when spells failed.

But one thing was certain: the power of dark magic.

Everyone acknowledged that fact.

Dark magic boasted much greater power than magic of the same level.

It was a high-risk, high-return magic: dark magic.

"I was going to ask Professor Cromwell for a favor..."

Robert, one of the few dark magic professors at the academy, didn't have a family name, which was unusual.

I didn't know much about him since I hadn't seen him in the game.

All I knew was that he was close to Professor Cromwell, so I intended to ask Cromwell for an introduction.

"But why was he there?"

There wasn't much reason for the professor to be in the guidance room.

"Ugh... I'll think about that later."

Gathering mana in my hand, I recited the incantation.

"Water Ball."

Upon speaking, small water droplets gathered before my eyes.

"Should be good now. Status window."

「Name: Rudy Astria

Age: 17


Beginner Magic: LV 7

Fire Attribute Magic: LV 5

Wind Attribute Magic: LV 4

Earth Attribute Magic: LV 2

Water Attribute Magic: LV 1

Swordsmanship: LV 2

Elemental Magic: LV 2」

Finally, my beginner magic reached level 7.

It was a sweet accomplishment.

The hard work I put into Professor Cromwell's classes had paid off.

Knock knock

While I was relishing my achievement, I heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Housekeeper Azela."

Housekeeper Azela was the chief administrator managing the dormitory.

I had encountered her before, but this was our first direct meeting.

"Come in."


Azela greeted me with a polite and upright posture, like a textbook example.

"What's the matter?"

"It's dinner time, and I noticed you haven't come out, so I thought I'd inform you."

Has it already been that long?

The laboratory had protective magic on all the walls, so there were no windows.

That's why I had been practicing magic without realizing the sun had set.

But did maids usually inform students about meal times?

I didn't know because I usually went to eat right on schedule.

Well, she was managing all the dormitory students, so it made sense.

I heard that female students received help with their hair and makeup, but as a male, I didn't need such assistance.

"And also..."


"Miss Astina Persia asked if you would like to have dinner together if you haven't eaten yet."


So that's why she came.

Why was that person calling for me again?

Wasn't leaving someone who hadn't finished their food a gentle refusal?

I thought she'd understand I didn't want to get closer...

I thought she had stopped paying attention to me, but apparently not.

She had a student council election next week and should be busy.

But I don't understand why she's doing this to me.

Should I tell her directly to stop approaching me?

It seemed better to meet her in person and talk since she would approach me

again even if I avoided this meal.

"Tell her I'll meet her in front of the dormitory in 10 minutes."


I quickly tidied up the books and went to the dormitory entrance.

A red-haired woman stood there.

"It's been a while, Rudy Astria."


Astina usually wore her hair up, but today it was down.

Her usual look was too prim, giving off a stifling impression, but today she appeared more relaxed.

Astina's typical image was that of a stern female knight.

Although she belonged to the magic department, her demeanor was no different from that of a serious, aspiring female knight.

"Is it alright to keep your senior waiting?"

Astina wore a slightly annoyed expression as she spoke.

"I apologize. I didn't have time to prepare since you suddenly made plans."

You're the one who asked to meet so suddenly.

I came out within the 10 minutes I said I would.

I kept the appointment.

But with her saying that, I couldn't help but feel wronged.

Then Astina revealed a playful smile and opened her mouth.

"Just kidding. Let's go grab some food."

Are we even that close?

It would have been more understandable if Astina was genuinely angry, but this friendly attitude made it even more awkward.

What pace should I follow?

"Hello, Senior Astina."

"Yeah, hello."

As Astina walked, the surrounding students greeted her.

Being the top second-year student and a strong candidate for the student council president, she was the object of everyone's admiration.

Since she approached everyone warmly and never failed to return their greetings, people couldn't help but like her.

"Let's eat."

Astina accepted everyone's greetings, causing our mealtime to be slightly delayed.

And then...

"Who's that?"

"Isn't that Rudy Astria? Why is Senior Astina with him...?"

Everyone's attention was on us.

It was a headache.

I did my best to avoid drawing people's attention.

If someone disliked you and you kept being noticed, their opinion wouldn't change.

It would only remind them of their dislike.

So, I planned to lay low until people forgot about me.

Of course, I had to provoke Evan's competitive spirit and promote his growth.

But with my abilities lacking, I didn't have time to give him encouragement.

"I heard you've been studying hard lately. How's your progress?"

Astina continued the casual conversation, as if she knew my thoughts.

I vaguely answered her questions while looking for an opportunity.

An opportunity to tell her not to approach me anymore.

"Don't you find it boring to study all the time? Don't you have any hobbies?"

"Studying is my entire life."

It wasn't a lie.

If I didn't study now, I'd die later.

"Really? So you don't have any hobbies?"

"No, I don't."

As we continued our casual conversation, a question arose in my mind.

Did she call me just to have this kind of conversation?

Astina wasn't friendless like me.

She'd have these casual conversations all the time, so why come to me?

While we were talking, Astina's expression changed slightly.

"You know I'm running for student council president soon, right?"

"There's no one at the academy who wouldn't know."

Then Astina spoke with a completely different atmosphere.

"Rudy Astria."

A serious expression.

"Could you give me a hand?"


What kind of nonsense is this?


"Without Rudy Astria here, I feel so much more at ease."

"Rika! Don't be so mean to Rudy!"

Luna and Rika were on their way to eat after studying in the library.

Ena had said she would eat separately due to an alchemy experiment, so it was just the two of them.

Lately, Luna had been having lunch with Rudy.

However, unless they made plans, they didn't eat dinner together.


While Luna was getting her food, she noticed a familiar face.


It was definitely Rudy Astria.

But he was in a rather unexpected situation.

He was eating with someone else.

And that someone was a girl.


It's getting interesting!

Enjoy the chappy!

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