Academy’s Second Seat
Chapter 42 Table of contents


An elemental with the power to freeze an entire city.

A force that was impossible to ignore.

The full extent of her power hadn't been revealed.

Each of her contractors had failed to fully harness Priscilla's power.

But I'd seen her full might before.

In the later parts of the story, Serina successfully taps into all of Priscilla's power—an overwhelming sight of her standing alone against thousands of soldiers and dozens of wizards.

It was overwhelming.

"So, will you enter a contract?" Priscilla's voice echoed in my mind.

Given her immense power, it was tempting.

But remembering the havoc she had wreaked in the past, her offer seemed more like the devil's whisper.

"Hmm... What's there to consider? Why are you so hesitant?"

Would you jump at the chance if you were me?

I could lose my mind if I messed up.

Even if I could save Astina from Serina's attack, losing control would endanger not just Astina, but everyone else too.

"Come on, agree to the contract. When else will you get such a chance?"

But, if I refuse the contract, I lose the chance to protect Astina.

She'd have to bear the full brunt of the attack herself.

Though she wouldn't lose her life from just it, she'd be incapacitated for the rest of the fight.

I was already severely injured.

My only choice was clear.

'Can I control you?' I asked Priscilla.

"Control? What do you mean? Even with a contract, you're the one using the power, not me."

'Will my sanity hold on if we form a contract?'

At that, Priscilla burst into laughter.

"Control? Huhu... Do you see me as a ticking bomb? I don't know where you got that idea, but I'm not some sort of pervert."

I knew otherwise from many scenes.

However, I didn't have all the details.

I only knew that neither Serina nor her mother could control Priscilla.

"Do you think I enjoy watching my contractors perish? I'm a kind elemental, you know?"

'I can't believe that an elemental that consumes the mind would say that.'

"Hmm... consumes the mind..."

Upon hearing my words, Priscilla pondered for a moment.

"Sure, you need mental fortitude to wield me, but isn't that a small price for the power you gain?"

'You could drive a human mind insane, and you call that a small price?'

"To master other abilities, you need to invest time and effort, but I grant immense power instantly. Isn't that a risk worth taking?"

"And..." Priscilla continued, a note of annoyance in her voice.

"I only provide power. The contractors are the ones who lose control. I never approach those who can't handle me. They're the ones who get drunk on power and destroy themselves."

Realization dawned as I listened.

'So, what if someone unable to handle you wishes to form a contract?'

"Are you talking about Serina?"

I didn't respond, so Priscilla continued in a regretful tone.

"If she genuinely wishes to challenge herself, I will give her the opportunity. But not now."

With that, a hidden part of the story seemed to reveal itself.

Serina must have tried to form a contract with Priscilla, despite not being able to handle her.

Serina's mother had done the same.

And the emotion embedded when she spoke of Serina just now.

Priscilla doesn't want to form a contract with Serina at this time.

That's why she was now trying to form a contract with me.

'So, you're saying the contract can be canceled later?'

"If Serina grows to that extent, I'll break it."

This was rather good news for me.

"Now, has the misunderstanding about me cleared up a bit, kiddo?"

I made up my mind.


And I told Priscilla my decision.

'Let's form a contract.'

Astina raised her arms, preparing to absorb the impact of the incoming attack.

She closed her eyes tightly, knowing that her arms alone wouldn't be enough to withstand it.



A loud crash rang out in front of her.

It was the sound of a collision.

She opened her eyes and looked ahead.

A blue-furred wolf stood in front of her.


She turned to Rudy and saw him using the sword to prop himself up.


[It's been a while, Serina.]

Priscilla greeted her.


[I formed a contract with that guy.]

Priscilla pointed at Rudy, who was barely managing to stand.

"Why...? Why him..."

[I simply formed a contract with someone capable.]

"But... me? You refused to form a contract with me earlier..."

[Serina, you're not ready to handle me yet.]

Priscilla asserted.

"But... without a contract, Priscilla..."

Serina's voice trembled.

[Aren't all your worries resolved at this point?]


[I no longer need to be confined to that sword. If the kid allows it, I can meet you whenever.]

"But still..."

[Serina, now is not the time.]

Priscilla calmly walked over to her and placed her right front paw on Serina's head.

Priscilla's touch was soft, as if she were patting it.

[Grow more and return.]

With those words, Priscilla vanished, dissipating like smoke.

Serina dropped her gaze and collapsed on the spot.

Rudy, too, began to lose his balance.


Astina raced towards Rudy, catching him just as he was about to fall.


Rudy, falling into unconsciousness, let out a low moan.

Blood was steadily seeping from his abdomen.

"Rudy Astria!"

Astina frantically covered Rudy's wound with her hand, trying her best to staunch the bleeding.

But if it continued like this, she couldn't even imagine what might happen to him.

Astina was at a loss for what to do next.


She channeled her mana and attempted to cast a healing spell.

But, there was no change in Rudy's wound.

"We need to get him medical attention fast..."

In a state of panic, Astina attempted to lift Rudy.

They couldn't remain here...

Then, someone gripped Astina's arm.


"Lay him flat on the ground."

Turning to the voice, Astina found Professor Cromwell standing there.


And following him were more professors and guards.

The guards detained the fallen Harpel and Eric, while a few professors surrounded Serina, who was recalling her elementals.

"Don't worry, help has arrived," Professor Cromwell reassured Astina as he gently took Rudy from her arms.

Due to the commotion near the Elementalist Department building, most events in the main building were canceled, plunging the entire place into chaos.

Amidst all this, Saintess Haruna was slowly preparing to depart.

She had met everyone she had planned to, and with such a disturbance, there was nothing else to do.

Haruna moved away from the hubbub and towards the carriage sent by the church.


At the sound of the voice, Haruna turned around.

There stood the First Princess, Rie.

"Ah, Princess Rie. Hello."

Haruna greeted Rie with a warm smile.

"The situation seems quite serious right now, shouldn't you check on things?"

"Hmm... I should, but it looks like things have somewhat settled. More importantly..."

Rie began with a sly smile.

"Why do you keep your eyes covered?"

Rie observed Haruna's reaction as she posed the question.

When Haruna showed no immediate response, she asked again.

"You don't seem to make much effort to hide it?"

Haruna held Rie's gaze.

Rie continued.

"Indeed, you go around with your eyes veiled, leading to many rumors that you're blind. However, upon seeing you now, you hardly seem visually impaired."

Rie stroked her chin as she recounted the rumors she'd heard.

"In the Church and other places, there's little information about you. Your origins, your day-to-day life..."

"Do you mean to suggest that you've been prying into the Saintess' life? That doesn't sound like a good rumor to go around, does it?"

Haruna retorted, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Well, spreading rumors won't do much."

Rie countered, her gaze piercing Haruna sharply.

"What could a Saintess, who abstains from worship and wields no influence within the Church, possibly do to me?"

"You claim to have found little, yet you seem to know quite a bit."

"Regardless, I am the heir to this Empire."

While Rie maintained an aggressive stance, Haruna's remained unruffled, and she responded calmly.

"I'm neither blind nor the Saintess. I'm merely a naïve girl with the ability to glimpse the future."


She furrowed her brow at Haruna's sudden revelation.

Haruna spoke too easily.

It was suspicious.

Nonchalantly, Haruna brushed off Rie's wary gaze.

"If you've already delved so deep into my past, you'd have eventually discovered this. What could an ordinary person like me possibly do against a princess?"

Haruna untied the cloth obscuring her eyes and met Rie's stare directly.

"I cover my eyes because I foresee my future blindness."

"Your future?"

"I'm destined to lose my sight. I don't know when or how it will happen... I'm simply undergoing an early adjustment period."

Haruna stated, her smile teasing.

"As for being the Saintess... where to begin..."

Haruna mused, her hand supporting her chin.

Suddenly, as if a realization struck her, she clapped her hands together.

"Oh! Perhaps it's best to withhold that information."


Rie stared at Haruna, bewildered.

"It seems to be the smartest choice. It's better if you remain in the dark."

With that, Haruna made her way toward the carriage.

"Wait! Saintess?"

"You'll discover the truth in due time. Don't fret. As one who can glimpse the future, I can assure you. All you need to know is that I'm not the Saintess."

As Haruna climbed into the carriage, she left Rie with a final remark.

"Gaining knowledge too quickly... can do more bad than good."

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