Academy’s Second Seat
Chapter 45 Table of contents

A few days later.

Finally, I was well enough to leave the hospital.

Originally, the doctor suggested a few more days of rest.

But I begged for an early discharge, tired of being cooped up in the hospital room.

Then it was time for magic practice class.

"Oh, Rudy Astria. Are you sure you should be out of the hospital so soon?"

Professor Cromwell looked at me, concern etching his features.

Rie mirrored him, her expression just as worried.

"I couldn't bear to stay cooped up in there any longer."

The truth was, it wasn't that bad.

In fact, I'd slept a lot and enjoyed a well-deserved break.

Yes, I did study some, but without my regular training and the books I needed, it wasn't as productive.

I thought about asking Rie and Luna to bring me books, but they had already been kind enough to visit.

I didn't want to trouble them further.

In the end, I had just rested.

A touch of anxiety lingered, but my body welcomed the rare break.

Professor Cromwell gave a soft chuckle.

"You're a bit like Robert, surprisingly."

"Professor Robert? How?" I asked, furrowing my brows.

I couldn't understand the comparison.

"You're similar in that aspect too. Let's start the class."

With that, Cromwell kicked off the lesson.

Following the class wasn't too hard.

Rie had given me the notes from the classes I missed and explained them well, helping me catch up fast.

And, with only two students in the class, Professor Cromwell could easily answer any questions I had.

"Let's wrap up for today."

"Thank you for your hard work."

Rie and I expressed our gratitude to Professor Cromwell and began to gather our books.

"Hey, Rudy."


She turned to me.

"Do you know what Luna has been up to lately?"


I was about to say that she was obviously preparing for the final exams when I remembered something Luna had said.

She said something unexpected when I suggested we go to the library together today.

-Sorry! I have something else to do......

Although I've declined her offers before, Luna turning me down was a surprise.

Even when I asked Riku and Ena, I didn't get a clear answer.

All they told me was she was busy with something.

I was slightly puzzled by the sly grin on their faces, but I shrugged it off.

"She mentioned she was occupied with something else."

Upon hearing this, Rie thought for a moment before gathering her book.

"I see. I better head out, then."

With that, Rie exited the classroom, a knowing look on her face.

"Rie, I hate to ask, but could you do me a favor?"

Days earlier, Luna had approached Rie with a request.

"A favor? What kind?"

"Well... could you help me find a mana stone? A friend from the alchemy department said they're tricky to find...."

"A mana stone? What do you need it for?"

Rie tilted his head, puzzled.

"I'm trying to make a magic tool... Is it too much?"

Luna asked hesitantly.

'A magical tool...? But finals are around the corner.'

Rie thought.

Acquiring a mana stone wasn't tough in itself.

However, Luna's sudden mention of crafting a magic tool was suspicious.

There was nothing about magic tools in the finals, right?

She knew Luna wasn't overly worried about her grades, but she wasn't one to mess around before an exam either.

She was a very dedicated friend.

It meant there was something else.

Rie wondered if Rudy had something to do with it.

But on second thought, that didn't seem likely either.

If Rudy needed it, he would've approached her directly, not Luna.

"Alright, I'll get it to you tomorrow."

"Really? Thank you, Rie!"

Luna's face lit up with a bright smile.

Rie felt there was more to it.

She subtly asked Rudy, but he seemed just as clueless.

Walking down the corridor, Rie mulled it over.

"Luna's crafting a magical tool..."

Luna wasn't particularly close to many.

Her classmates liked her, but she was only close to a few.

And she wasn't close to the professors either.

As far as Rie knew, no one around Luna would ask her to craft a magical tool.

"So, she's doing it on her own..."

Why would she choose to make a magic tool during finals?

There must be a reason.

That day, Rie tasked Locke with finding out why.

"Find out why Luna is making a magic tool."

"... Luna Railer?"

Locke stared at Rie.

"Yes, Luna Railer. Is there another Luna here?"

Rie grumbled, her brows furrowed.

It was out of concern.

When Rie heard Rudy had been injured, her heart dropped.

She realized how upsetting it was to learn someone she cared about had been hurt.

Such an emotion was new to her.

At the royal palace, she had no close friends.

Just like Rudy, Luna might be in trouble, right?

So, she thought it necessary to be prepared.

The following day.

"Luna appears to be planning a birthday present for Rudy Astria."


Rie's eyes widened at Locke's words.

"Rudy... his birthday is coming up?"

"Yes, the day of the final exam coincides with Rudy Astria's birthday. She also bought a gift box."

Rie abruptly rose from her chair.



"From now on, your task is to determine the most suitable birthday gifts for a friend."

Locke paused before responding.

"...For a friend?"

Rie shot Locke a stern look.

Her face started to flush, and she held her lips tightly together.

After a moment, she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.

"That…Yes, we are...we're friends, so what…"


With a nod, Locke left the room.

"Professor, how have you been?"

I paid Professor Robert a visit after a while.

"Ah, you've returned to the land of the living."

He greeted me with a wave, chewing on a piece of bread in his other hand.

"How does it feel to have your gut stabbed? Your experience with dark magic must've made it easier, right?"

"Does dark magic backlash really compare to a stab to the stomach...? Also, why didn't you come to see me even once?"

"Why would I visit you? It's not like your injury was my fault."

"But, I'm your dear student, aren't I?"

"Dear student, huh... You're far from being dear or a student, you rascal."

I couldn't help but chuckle at Professor Robert's blunt retort.

Most people at the academy avoided such language to preserve their dignity, so hearing such cursing was a breath of fresh air.

"Now, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be studying?"

"I just came to check in. Thought I'd share how demanding training has been."

"Alright, ease off the training for a bit and avoid using dark magic. If you're reckless, your wound could reopen. And here, take this."

Professor Robert tossed a book my way.

It was Luna's spellbook.

"I've extracted almost everything of importance."

I had entrusted Luna's spellbook to Professor Robert for a while.

Since I needed to return the grimoire to Luna, I planned on making a copy of its contents.

Though I was concerned about handing the book over to Professor Robert, I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

I trusted a professor at the academy wouldn't do such a thing.

Robert paused, pondering, before he began to speak.

"The book's owner is Luna Railer, correct?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"Make sure you never reveal that book to anyone else."


I wore a puzzled expression.

"I won't restrict you from using it, but never hand it over to anyone else. This book isn't created in a conventional way."

"Isn't it expected, given its unique nature?"

If it were possible to mass-produce infinite-use scrolls in a conventional way, they would've already flooded the market.

Professor Robert sighed.

"That's not what I'm saying. If Levian created such an exceptional book and then vanished, there has to be a reason."

His words reminded me of a conversation I had with Rie and Astina previously.

The cause of Levian's disappearance.

Actually, Rie told me she would find the truth, but she hasn't given any updates.

Rie usually has a knack for speedy investigations, but even after months, there's been no information on Levian.

Someone is deliberately concealing facts, making it difficult for even Rie to discover them.

Professor Robert carried on.

"I've been studying that grimoire, and it contains several formulas and ingredients I've never seen before."

"Unknown ingredients......"

"Steer clear of trouble if you can. You've been in a lot of strange events recently; this will only cause more trouble."

I chuckled lightly.

His concern for me was unmistakable.

"Why didn't you come to visit if you're so concerned?"

"Haa... wouldn't a squabble over who gets to play nurse cause you more distress?"


I questioned Professor Robert's sudden odd remark.

"There's such a thing."

Are people finding it trendy to randomly say things nowadays?

Rie also did the same.

Given I'm not one to pry into matters that others clearly aren't willing to share, I simply nodded and returned to my studies.


5/5 Enjoy the chappy!

Coming soon!

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