Academy’s Second Seat
Chapter 53 Table of contents

TL/Editor: Raei

Illustrations: Here

Academy training ground.

"What just happened..."

Evan sat alone, deep in thought.

The moment when Rudy Astria punched the scarecrow to pieces.

How did a wizard break a scarecrow with just a fist?

Evan couldn't make sense of it.

No matter how many times he swung his sword at it or launched spells, the scarecrow remained unscathed.

But Rudy Astria had shattered it with a single punch.

"Could I survive that punch?"

Shaking his head, Evan knew he couldn't.

Not that he'd willingly receive such a blow, but it was overwhelming even with his defensive skills.

"Rudy Astria..."

Evan mumbled to himself.

He was indeed the top student.

That was confirmed as the first term concluded.

And Rudy Astria was second.

Yet, why did he feel like he couldn't win in a fight against Rudy Astria?

What Evan saw was merely Rudy breaking a scarecrow.

He had only witnessed that one act, but it felt like Rudy was already one step ahead.

Of course, Evan was learning not only magic but swordsmanship as well.

But, even when combining both fields, he felt he was trailing Rudy Astria.

Rudy was moving too fast.

Too fast for him to keep up.

"I can't... let this go on."

Evan clenched his fist.

Being first in academics wasn't everything.

He was ahead in grades but lagging in other areas.

If he only focused on academics, he'd lose to Rudy overall.

Evan began to train harder than ever.

To truly surpass Rudy Astria.

The following day.

Morning arrived in the Persia territory.

Rie, Astina, and I were enjoying breakfast at a restaurant.

"You're leaving today?"

At my announcement, Rie wore a puzzled expression.

"I need to get back. I was only planning to meet the Head of the Persia family and then leave."

"Why not stay and enjoy yourself a bit more?"

"Is this your place?"

Astina responded to Rie with a surprised look.

Rie shrugged off Astina's remark confidently.

"After all, we're all subjects of the Royal Family, so I have the right to speak my mind."

"Even so, I'm returning to the Academy today. I've packed my things, and a carriage is already waiting."

At this, Rie fell silent, thinking.

Then, she flashed a playful smile.

"Then, should I head to the Academy too?"

"The carriage is..."

"I can share it with you."

"It might be a tight fit. It only seats one."

"Then I'll sit a bit closer. It's fine. A little close contact is inevitable..."

As we carried on our conversation, a servant entered the room and whispered something to Astina.

Then, Astina glanced at Rie and smiled.

"It seems you don't have to worry about that."

Rie tilted her head, not understanding.

"What do you mean?"

"If you've left home without permission, you should return."


Rie's expression tensed at those words.

As Rie's face grew stern, a knight in golden armor entered the dining room.

The golden armor symbolized the Royal Knights.

Two more knights trailed behind him.

Rie's eyes widened at the sight.

"Why are you here?"

"We're here to bring the princess back. We have orders from His Majesty the Emperor to retrieve the princess who left without permission."

"I didn't run away! I let everyone know where I was going!"

Despite Rie's protest, the knights grabbed her arm without hesitation.

Their practiced ease suggested this wasn't their first time handling such a situation.

"You... Astina...! You betrayer!!"

"I can't ignore the Royal Knights, can I? After all, I'm a subject of the Royal Family too."

Astina shrugged off Rie's outburst with a smug grin.

"I, I want to go to the Academy!!!!"

"That's not an option. You need to return to the Palace."

"No! Noooooo!!!"

Rie was hauled off by the Royal Knights.

Is it really okay to treat royalty this way...

Wouldn't they face consequences later?

Well, if it's the Emperor's order, I guess it's not a problem.

I watched as Rie was led away.

Then the first knight turned to Astina, giving his respects.

"Thank you for your help."

"When the Royal Knights ask, I'm obliged to assist."

Astina responded to the knight with a bright smile.

That look felt odd.

Usually, she wore a forced smile in such situations, but today it was genuinely happy.

Was she happy about Rie being taken away......

"Well, till we meet again."

The Royal Knights saluted Astina, and they took Rie away.

The room felt empty, like a storm had just passed through.

"So, Rudy Astria. Are you returning to the Academy?"

"Yes. There's nothing else for me here."

"Alright, then I will see you off."

With that, I climbed into the carriage with Astina's farewell.

Professor McGuire's Laboratory.

"Strengthen the control field further... maybe etch a reinforcement rune here?"

"Hmm... that might work. Then focus on the control rune over here and calculate."

"Yes! Understood."

Professor McGuire was guiding Luna in magic circles.

'The more I see, the more amazed I am...'

Professor McGuire had mentored many students and disciples.

Among them, some were hailed as geniuses, and some wizards made their mark in research.

However, Luna was unlike any student he had encountered before.

She possessed an intellect and aptitude uniquely suited for magical circles.

While theoretical knowledge was important in magic circle creation, one particular aspect was crucial.

That was mathematical ability.

Luna's aptitude for mathematics was beyond that of an average person.

She calculated control equations in her mind and can quickly compute the various probabilities.

Possessing superior problem-solving abilities, she factored in all exceptions when crafting a magic circle.

These skills marked Luna as a wizard completely optimized for magic circles.

Magic circles constructed by Luna were of unprecedented mana efficiency.

However, as a young student, she occasionally made errors due to a lack of fundamental understanding on magical theory.

They were basics that anyone could master with time.

Professor McGuire couldn't afford to let such a student slip through his fingers.

So, he put his plan into action.

"Luna, is there anything you'd like to eat?"

"Huh? No... I just had lunch..."

"Luna, do you enjoy chocolate?"

"I do like it... but I just brushed my teeth..."

"Luna, would you like a cup of tea?"

"I'm fine..."

However, Luna's unwavering focus tested Professor McGuire's patience daily.

There was a single motive behind McGuire's persistent offerings.

He wished to secure Luna as his laboratory assistant.

Though still a student, if the professor had the authority, he could appoint her as his assistant.

While her role would be as an assistant, she was still a student, so he couldn't delegate her academy-related tasks.

It was purely a position to aid with research.

Of course, Luna would undoubtedly be invaluable in research assistance, but enlisting her as an assistant now bore another implication.

It was about securing her in advance.

Once a year passed, then two, it would become evident that by the time Luna graduates from the academy, she would be extraordinary.

At that point, all professors would vie for Luna.

That's why he wanted to take her as an assistant now.

Designating Luna as his assistant at present wasn't about tasking her with responsibilities from this point forward, but about working with her even after graduation.

The aim was to secure her early, preventing other professors from poaching her later.


Then, a nearby assistant approached Professor McGuire and asked.

"Professor, no luck today either...?"

"Nothing today."

At Professor McGuire's words, the assistants too felt a sense of disappointment.



When an exceptional individual joined the lab, it wasn't just the professor who felt it.

The research assistants in the same lab did as well.

So, all members of McGuire's lab were united by a single concern.

How could they entice Luna to join their lab...?

What in the world was Luna partial to...?

How could they convince Luna to accept the role of an assistant...?

The individuals in Professor McGuire's lab were consumed by these worries once again today.

While the lab members were focused on their predicament, Luna too had her own concern.

'Rudy's back today... should I invite him for a delicious dinner?'

Luna was drawing a magic circle with such a concern in mind.


3/5 Enjoy the chappy!

Coming soon!

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