Academy’s Second Seat
Chapter 57 Table of contents

A few days prior, within Mcguire's lab.


Luna studied a piece of paper in Mcguire's lab, brow furrowed in thought.

The paper bore a magic circle.

A circle she intended to use for her individual assessment.

There was a problem, though.

Scrolls weren't allowed in the assessment.

With scrolls out of the question, she had to make a magical tool using mana stones.

The amount of mana stones Luna could get, however, was limited.

Using low-quality mana stones reduced the amount of mana you could inject into the magic circle.

This meant you had to pick between using a subpar magic circle or maximizing the circle's efficiency.

Since using a low-grade circle was out of the question, the only option was to maximize efficiency.

The problem was, even the most efficient magic circle Luna could create with the available mana stones would struggle to make an impression during the assessment.

With no other alternatives, all she could do was make her magic circle as efficient as possible.


The lab assistants glanced towards Luna.

They wanted to help Luna, but how could they understand when Luna was simply staring at the paper, groaning in frustration.


Suddenly, a female assistant rose from her seat.

She slowly approached Luna.

"Um... Luna? Do you need help?"

Luna turned her head at the voice behind her.

She responded with a smile.

"Well, I'm having a bit of trouble with this magic circle..."

Hearing this, the assistant's face lit up.

"Really? Can I help you then? What's the issue?"

"No, it's fine. I appreciate your concern."

"Um... what part are you stuck on? I might be able to help..."

"No, thank you! I'll figure it out!"

With Luna's polite refusal, the female assistant, feeling defeated, returned to her seat.

Her defeat, though, signaled an opening for the other assistants.

'A problem with a magic circle?'

'It looks well-made to me, what's wrong with it?'

They all stared, unflinchingly, at the magic circle before Luna.

Yet, they couldn't pinpoint any issues.

This magic circle was near perfect, activating smoothly and demonstrating excellent efficiency.

The only issue was Luna's limited mana stone supply.

Luna groaned once more, striving to squeeze even a fraction more efficiency.

However, the magic circle, already operating at peak efficiency, offered no room for improvement.

"What's everyone doing?"

Just then, Professor Mcguire entered the lab.

He frowned at the sight of his assistants squirming in their seats, scrutinizing Luna's magic circle.

"Oh, Professor. Hello!"

Hearing Mcguire's voice, Luna jumped up from her seat and greeted him with respect.

Mcguire's face warmed into a smile at Luna's response.

It was refreshing to see such an earnest young student, a welcome change from his worn-out assistants and arrogant colleagues.

Mcguire approached Luna with a friendly tone.

"So, how's your preparation for the assessment going?"

"Ah... well..."

Luna responded with an awkward smile, lifting the paper that held the magic circle.

"So this is the magic circle for your individual assessment?"


"Alright, let's have a look."

Mcguire sat down and took the paper from Luna.

He scrutinized the circle carefully.

There seemed to be no issues.

Luna had maximized the efficiency to the best of her knowledge, and the runes controlling the magic circle were well-placed.

The magic circle’s harmony with the other runes was also well-done.

Luna seems to have a good grasp of the individual assessment, playing to her strengths nicely.

Mcguire looked up at Luna.

Despite presenting a well-crafted magic circle, Luna was nervously fiddling with her fingers.

'Something must be bothering her.'

His quick observation led him to this conclusion.

His instincts, sharpened over years of teaching at the academy, surpassed those of the assistants.

Mcguire paused to think.

What could be the issue?

The magic circle was fine.

The issue must be external.

Mcguire then remembered Luna's biggest problem.


He recalled that Professor Cromwell had footed the bill for Luna to attend his special lecture.

After a few sessions with Luna, recognizing her potential, he returned Cromwell's money and continued teaching her for free.

Still, Luna's financial troubles remained.

Mcguire rubbed his chin.

In this situation, he could offer her a mana stone, but he knew Luna would decline.

Whenever he offered to pay for her meals or other items, she always politely refused.

He needed to find a way around this.


Mcguire frowned, trying to devise a clever plan.

"Your magic circle isn't quite up to par."

Luna's mouth fell open at Mcguire's words.

"...Huh? Really?"

She hadn't thought there was anything wrong with her magic circle.

Naturally, she was taken aback by Mcguire's sudden critique, especially as he had always praised her work before.

However, a spark of hope ignited in her eyes.

Could there be a way to further optimize the circle's efficiency?

Setting the magic circle aside, Professor Mcguire pointed to its center.

"It's too weak."

"......I beg your pardon?"

"It's too weak."

Mcguire rummaged through a drawer and fetched a mana stone.

"This won't cut it. You need to aim for the top."

Mcguire placed the mana stone in front of Luna.

"I've made a wager with the other professors."

Mcguire smirked, revealing his gamble.

"I bet on you securing first place."


Surprised, Luna pointed to herself, eyes wide with shock.

"Correct. With this magic circle, securing first place is next to impossible, don't you think?"

Truthfully, her magic circle had somewhat a chance of success.

But he wanted to challenge Luna, to spur her growth.

"Take this mana stone. Create a stronger magic circle and return as the winner."

He understood Luna's character quite well.

With this approach, Luna would not decline the mana stone.

If he simply gifted her the stone, she would have rejected it.

Mcguire's intuition was correct.

Luna's determination flared to life.

A sparkle appeared in her eyes at the prospect of helping the professor.

And she decided.

"I'll... return as the winner!"

With that, Luna gripped the mana stone firmly.

Mcguire couldn't help but smile.

"Luna Railer, let's begin."

With his words, Luna activated the cube she'd withdrawn from her pocket.

The cube expanded, and the black mana stone at its heart gleamed brilliantly.

'Activate the cube and…….'

Having done so, Luna focused on the scarecrow.

She carefully determined the coordinates of her target.

As she did so, Luna's gaze drifted towards the spectators.

To Rudy in particular.

'Rudy, I won't back down this time.'

She saw him there during Rie's performance.

But she didn't approach him.

It would distract her focus.

Her resolve to claim first place would waver.

Professor Mcguire had entrusted her with a mana stone and placed his faith in her.

She refused to let him down.


Having set the coordinates, Luna activated the cube.

The mana stone at the cube's core erupted with intense light.

The magic circle Luna made...

This circle housed a spell that overlapped several times on a single point and is then activated all at once at the pinpointed coordinates.

The main spell within the framework was a basic fire spell.

She had chosen it for its efficiency.

But with Mcguire's mana stone, she could pick a much more potent spell.

Luna considered her options.

What spell should she choose?

Then, she recalled a certain magic.

Professor Cromwell's telekinetic magic.

This type of magic was iconic within the Academy.

Only a select few among those of remarkable talent were chosen by Cromwell to learn it.

And it was magic with overwhelming power.

Although she could not cast it herself, she could incorporate it into the magic circle.

Inwardly, Luna shouted a single word.



An immense force exerted itself on the small area housing the scarecrow.

Tiny pebbles surrounding the scarecrow disintegrated into sand, and the scarecrow itself began to bow under the gravitational pull.

"What... what is happening?"

Spectators stared, taken aback by the unfolding spectacle.

The scarecrow, unaffected by Rie's magic, now bent under Luna's spell.


"Uh... uh!!!"

Luna groaned.

Though the mana stone was responsible for activating the spell, Luna was responsible for setting the coordinates.

So, Luna's mana continued to funnel into the mana stone.

She kept her focus, eyeing the scarecrow.

And gradually, the cube's operation stopped.


The black mana stone within the cube flared red, and only then did the cube retract, dropping into Luna's grasp.


She took a deep breath, then looked at the scarecrow.

The bottom had been shriveled and pressed down, its body bowing as if in reverence.

A wave of elation swept over Luna.

Then, she heard the announcer's declaration.

-Luna... Railer, with 4520 points, claims first place!


Hearing the announcement, Luna pumped her fist, her face lit up with joy.

Her score nearly doubled Rie's.

She was the overwhelming first place.

"What just happened......"

And the crowd couldn't conceal their astonishment.

She had used telekinetic magic, said to be wielded exclusively by Cromwell's chosen few.

She used that spell as if to mock those chosen geniuses.

Of course, that hadn't been Luna's intention.

Nevertheless, it was enough to instill both shock and inspiration in the spectators.

Joyful, Luna departed the field.

She headed in Rudy's direction.

Beside Rudy stood Rie, her face contorted oddly.


As Luna called his name, Rudy returned a beaming smile and a thumbs up.

"Well done."



Rie, standing adjacent, eyed Luna with apparent annoyance.

Then, Luna beamed confidently and voiced her achievement.

"I secured first place in this assessment."

Luna confidently declared first place.

Rie frowned, but Rudy just chuckled.

"Do you want to watch me? I'm number 80."

"Huh? Absolutely!"

After nodding, Luna watched the assessment for a while.

Before long, the announcer's voice echoed again.

-Number 80, student Rudy Astria.

Upon hearing his name, Rudy turned to Luna and Rie, declaring,

"Luna, sorry, but I'll return after claiming the top spot."


With that, Rudy briskly made his way to the field.

"Rudy Astria, let's start."

Without even properly positioning himself, he called for the start while still moving.

Luna and Rie exchanged puzzled glances, watching Rudy.

Not just them, but the surrounding spectators also stared at Rudy, perplexed.

Unfazed by their gazes, Rudy continued advancing.

He walked until he was near the scarecrow, and with about five steps remaining, he gripped his right wrist with his left hand and balled up his fist.

He twisted his waist, pulling his fist back as far as it would go.

In this stance, he launched towards the scarecrow.



Everyone looked on, shocked by his actions.

After all, it was a student from the magic department, charging with his fist raised.

And then...


Rudy's punch connected squarely with the scarecrow's face, toppling it over.

The scarecrow's face was slammed into the ground.

"This...can't be."

"What just happened?!"

Where the scarecrow's face had smashed into the ground, an indented and cracked patch marked the spot.


Rudy exhaled, loosening his shoulder and wrist.

His face showed neither joy nor surprise, just a matter-of-fact expression.

-Ru...Rudy A-a-astria!!!! He's scored 9510 points!!!!!

The announcer's voice, filled with excitement, echoed throughout the academy grounds.


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