Academy’s Second Seat
Chapter 61 Table of contents

Books were scattered untidily across the desk, pens were rolling about, and papers with magic circles were pinned about haphazardly.

This was Luna's workspace.

After achieving impressive grades last semester, she'd been rewarded with her own desk in a study room.

Typically, the room would be bustling with other students, but since it was late, she found herself alone.

She sat at her desk, deep in thought.

"Just about two weeks left…"

Luna murmured, her eyes landing on the words 'Joint Practical' marked on the calendar.

"Can I become stronger by then…?"

Luna already knew the answer.

Conventional methods wouldn't bring about dramatic improvements in such a short period.

She could consolidate her existing abilities through studying and training, but two weeks was hardly enough to explore new avenues.

Yet, there was an option - Levian's spellbook.

If she reclaimed the spellbook she'd given to Rudy, she could wield a new, unconventional weapon alongside her original skills.

But Luna was scared.

Memories of the library engulfed in flames, panicking students, Rie and Astina working tirelessly to control the situation, and Rudy nursing his wounds swirled in her mind.

The chaos caused by that spellbook had hurt many, either directly or indirectly.

The thought of such an incident recurring made her apprehensive about using the spellbook again.

"Can I control that spellbook in my current state?"

Luna questioned, clutching her head.

Her desire for strength could harm those around her.

Ena and Riku, who would be in her group for the joint practical, could be in danger if she used the spellbook near them.

She might ruin the assessment, or worse, hurt her friends.

Luna was terrified of this.

She was frightened of the prospect of losing everything just for the sake of gaining strength, of causing harm, and of being abandoned by everyone around her.

"Is it right for me to make this choice just because I want to become stronger?"

Luna yearned for strength but not at the expense of her friendships.

She hated the idea of causing harm and didn't want to be a burden.

But at the same time, she yearned for greater grades and more powerful magic.

Luna found herself thinking back to Rudy's playful challenge.

-I won't go easy on you when we meet.

Even though they had both joked about it, she wondered if she could truly do her best if they crossed paths in the practical.

To secure top grades, Luna realized she might have to compete against her friends.

They'd always competed for ranks during exams, but directly fighting a friend felt distinctly different from merely outscoring them.

Could she bring herself to hinder her friends for her own benefit?

As she wrestled with this question, the night deepened around her.

The following day found Luna in Professor Mcguire's lab, looking over a scroll with a magic circle.

She had bought the scroll specifically for the joint practical.

Yet, progress was slow, the worries from last night still casting a shadow over her thoughts.

Watching Luna, Professor Mcguire eventually rose from his seat and approached her.

"Luna, is your preparation going well?"

Startled, Luna looked up. "Ah, Professor."

Sensing her struggle, he suggested, "If you're finding it hard to concentrate, perhaps you could use a break, maybe some fresh air?"

Luna shook her head, fists clenched with determination.

"No! I'll try to concentrate."

Mcguire observed her for a moment, then pulled over a chair and sat across from her.

"Luna, do you realize that worries only grow if you bottle them up? The more you dwell on them, the more they expand, like bubbles."

He offered a gentle smile.

"But even if you don't find a solution right away, speaking about them can help you shake them off."

He gestured to himself.

"Why not think of me as a wall and try to shake off your worries?"

Luna hesitated, her fingers fiddling anxiously.

After glancing between the floor and Mcguire, she cautiously spoke.

"What do I want to do?"

"What?" echoed Professor Mcguire, his smile warm and encouraging.

"I joined the academy because I wanted to learn magic. But now, I'm not so sure. I just want to enjoy my time with my friends."

In response to Luna's confession, Mcguire gently probed, "Can't you do both? Learn magic and maintain your friendships."

"I want to do both, I can. But if I use certain methods to get ahead, it might not work out that way."


"I'm worried I might upset my friends…"

Upon hearing this, Mcguire took a moment to ponder before asking, "So, you fear your friends will leave you?"

Luna nodded.

"In that case, would you leave your friends if they upset you?"

"No! I…."

Luna started, taken aback by the question, but she faltered, unable to continue.

"Do you believe your friends would abandon you if you upset them?"

"…No. They're all really kind and good friends…"

Seeing Luna's response, Mcguire smiled and opened his mouth to speak.

"Isn't it alright then? Nobody's perfect. We all make mistakes that may inconvenience or even upset others. But nobody holds that against you. We've all been a burden to someone else at some point. Rather than fretting over being a burden, wouldn't it be more constructive to focus on how you can help them?"

At Mcguire's words, Luna just stared.

"But… I could hurt my friends, ruin their grades."

"But it's also possible that you won't, right?"


Mcguire rose from his chair.

"Think about it carefully. Is your choice truly a hindrance to others? Or, just an opportunity for you to grow."

Later that night.

"You have a thoughtful friend."

Professor Mcguire mused aloud as he gazed out his window, savoring his wine.

Yesterday, he'd had a visitor.

It was Rudy Astria.

"Luna seems troubled these days," Rudy had informed him.

"Oh, really? What seems to be bothering her?"

"I'm not entirely sure."

Rudy had then asked Mcguire a favor.

"Could you lend her your ear?"

"You want me to listen, so you can find out what Luna's concerns are?"

Rudy shook his head.

"No, I simply want you to hear her out."

Mcguire had frowned at that.

"Why not lend her your ear then?"

"It's a worry that I'm not able to listen to."

"Do you have an inkling of what this concern might be?"

Rudy hadn't answered.

Mcguire sighed and conceded, "Alright, I'll do as you asked."

He raised his wine glass in a solitary toast.

"Reminds me of the old days…"

Mcguire, Cromwell, Robert— they'd all had such worries back then.

Matters that felt of immense significance yet were somewhat trivial in retrospect.

They had grown through sharing troubles and also through suffering alone.

He saw echoes of those days in Luna and Rudy.

But their relationship was slightly different.

Rudy seemed to act as Luna's sponsor.

Certainly, he officially held that role, but Mcguire observed that it was often Rudy guiding Luna, providing subtle answers to her concerns, clearing her path.

"Is this the right way…"

When a bear raises its cub, it doesn't only give it fish but also teaches it how to catch them.

This ensures the cub's survival when it's on its own.

However, looking at Luna and Rudy's relationship...

"If Rudy were gone, would Luna be able to stand on her own…"

Rudy possessed the strength to forge his path, even without Luna.

But for Luna...

Mcguire looked up at the moon.

His tenure as a professor had been long, and he considered himself an adult with plenty of experience.

But facing this situation, he was reminded of his own inadequacies.

"I wonder what tomorrow's weather will bring."

Mcguire gazed skyward, muttering to himself.

Several days later.

I found myself in an academy laboratory, preoccupied with a series of experiments.

This was the 'weapon' meant for the upcoming joint practical.

With the joint practical drawing nearer, this marked the final experiment before its was completed.

What nagged at my mind, though, was that Luna hadn't yet come to see me.

Only a handful of days remained...

I thought it best to hand it over to her before the joint practical.

But it seemed Luna wasn't quite ready.

I could just pass over the spellbook to her, but that would be meaningless.

I believed she could grow the most when she felt the need and became desperate for it.

"Ha... I hope this works out."

Just as I was about to start the experiment, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in."

A voice sounded from outside.

"Rudy, may I enter?"

The voice belonged to Luna.

"Of course, come in."

At my reply, Luna swung the door open and stepped inside.

Her face held an air of unwavering determination.

Seeing this change in Luna, I couldn't help but smile.

"Do you have something to say?"

At this, Luna nodded slightly.

"Could I have it... returned now?"

I moved over to the bag I had stashed to one side and took out Luna's spellbook.

As I placed the spellbook firmly into Luna's hand, our eyes locked.

"Give it everything you've got."

With these words, Luna's face lit up with a vibrant smile as she replied,


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