Academy’s Second Seat
Chapter 97 Table of contents

"Do you enjoy this sort of thing?"

"Experiencing freedom is the greatest pleasure for those who lack it. Those who are always free wouldn't understand this exhilarating feeling."

I stared intently at Priscilla.

Despite her words hinting at something profound, when I actually looked at her, she seemed like nothing more than a 'dog' taken out for a walk.

Priscilla was joyfully hopping around in the snow-covered garden.

After seeing her play with Serina, I thought to treat Priscilla like a ‘dog’ and decided to take her for a walk in the garden.

It seemed to be the right decision.

She panted excitedly, much like a delighted dog, sniffing around.

I watched her for a while, then wandered around the garden myself.

"It's cold..."

The biting chill was sharp, but it wasn't entirely unpleasant.

I enjoyed the sensation of snow crunching underfoot, and taking a deep breath filled my senses with the crisp winter air.

"Hmm... Perhaps it's time to head back to the academy?"

My injuries were healing, and I no longer felt discomfort while moving.

From the whispers I overheard, Ian likely doesn't have the time to be focusing on me.

So, the likelihood of him attacking me again seems slim.

It felt like the right time to return to the academy.

While Rie made sure I was comfortable here in the Royal Palace, I had to return to the academy eventually.

I had to get back to my studies.

Just then, a voice called out from behind me.

"Feeling better now?"

Turning around, I faced an elderly man with deep wrinkles and a long beard.

Recognizing him, I promptly bent one knee in reverence.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor, it's an honor."

The man in front of me was the ruler of this empire, Rie's father, the Emperor.

"Heh, rise. I didn't come here to make you uncomfortable."

The Emperor spoke with a gentle smile.

Looking at him, he seemed to be dressed casually, possibly out for a walk himself.

As I stood up, the Emperor, still smiling, said,

"Care to walk with me for a bit?"

"Of course."

He gestured to the maids behind him to stay back.

"Is the palace to your liking?"

"Thanks to your kindness, Your Majesty, my stay has been very comfortable."

The Emperor glanced at me with a gentle smile,

"I'm glad to hear you've been well."

I laughed awkwardly, and silence ensued.

I wanted to escape this situation quickly.

Despite him being Rie's father, he was also the ruler of the Empire.

I had to be cautious; any misstep would be disastrous.

In situations like this, it seemed best to stay silent and stand still.

With that, the Emperor began to speak gently.

“How is Rie faring at the Academy?”

I bowed my head and replied,

“Yes, Rie is doing quite well at the Academy. She's doing great both in the student council and in other aspects.”

"Heh, that's a relief to hear. I've always been a bit concerned given her fiery temperament."

“Ah, yes...”

Like the time she fiercely struck down an assassin's head with a stone at the midterm camp...

While I was lost in such thoughts, the Emperor posed another question.

"What do you think of her?"


“I mean, not Rie as the First Princess or a member of the student council at the Academy, but just Rie as herself.”

I was taken aback by the question.

My opinion of Rie?

After some contemplation, I responded sincerely,

“Rie... is a dear friend.”

I continued,

“She can sometimes be naïve, and her impulsive actions can be startling. But she's someone I deeply trust and have high hopes for."

Hearing my response, the Emperor smiled warmly.

"That's a wonderful assessment."

I smiled back, albeit awkwardly.

The Emperor looked at me, then turned his gaze to the sky.

"I don't have many days left to live."


This sudden proclamation made me tilt my head.

The Emperor indeed seemed aged, but he still appeared healthy and strong.

"However, knowing that someone like you stands beside Rie eases my concerns."

"...Thank you."

I bowed to the Emperor's words.

The Emperor gave me a gentle smile.

"I have a favor to ask of you. Would that be alright?"

"Of course. Please, tell me."

The Emperor's expression grew serious.

"I'm not too worried about Rie. She's strong and surrounded by many who care for her."

His face shadowed with concern.

"But Yuni isn't the same. No one truly looks out for her, they only see the power she wields."

The Emperor met my gaze.

"I won't ask you to do anything specific for Yuni. Just prevent the two of them from fighting. If they clash, Yuni might...”

He couldn't complete his sentence, but I understood the gravity of his words.

I was well aware of both Rie's nature and the kind of person Yuni was.

"I understand. I'll do my best."

"Heh, I trust you will. But..."

The Emperor wore a playful smirk.

"Who confessed their feelings first?"


"Hmm, as Rie's father, I believe I have the right to ask that."


I found myself growing increasingly flustered.

In the northern region, within the territory of the Lucarion family, the Lucarion estate was buzzing with activity.

A meeting was in full swing.

"…The Rebel's influence continues to grow, and we're struggling to find a way to curb it."

The harsh climate of the north was riddled with monsters and was notorious for its scarcity of food supplies.

The head of the Lucarion family, along with his heir, Locke, had much to discuss.

Certainly, the conflict between Rudy Astria and Ian Astria in the central region was concerning, but for them, there was a more pressing issue at hand: The Rebels.

These rebels, who had once been active in the south, had now made their presence known in the north.

Furthermore, these rebels were winning over the locals by distributing food.

Such gestures, although temporary, were undoubtedly effective in swaying public sentiment.

The Count of Lucarion, Locke's father, was well aware of this tactic.

He had long-standing experience dealing with the complexities of the northern region and was not ignorant of these strategies.

However, the reason the Lucarion family refrained from such acts was because they only provided a momentary boost to public sentiment.

A lord should prioritize the sustainable development of his territory.

A short-term spike in popularity achieved through food distribution wouldn't solve any long-term issues.

Therefore, investing the same resources in strengthening the foundation of the territory was a far better decision.

Such an approach was ideal for a lord, but not for the rebels.

The rebels' immediate priority was to quickly secure the loyalty of the majority and shift the balance of power.

Given this, countering the rebels, who were freely distributing food, was challenging.

The Count of Lucarion finally spoke up,

"First and foremost, we need to apprehend these rebels as soon as possible."

A knight present at the meeting cautiously replied,

"However... for now, all they've done is distribute food. They haven't caused any harm or committed any crimes."

The Count nodded in understanding.

"Regardless, we must arrest them. If they possess any food, don't bring it to the castle. Distribute it among the people instead. It's the best we can do right now."

The knight seemed to disaprove of this command, but he bowed in acknowledgment.

"Understood. We'll carry out your orders."

The Count then turned his gaze to Locke,

"Locke, do you have a different opinion on this matter?"

Locke, who had been seated next to the head of the family, deep in thought, responded cautiously,

"May I ask a question?"

At the Count's nod, he continued,

"It's strange that merely distributing some food would so drastically shift public sentiment. Hasn't our family protected these people from monsters for decades? Haven't we helped them during famines?"

The Count stroked his chin, acknowledging Locke's point.

"You're right. Even considering the winter food shortages, this sudden shift in loyalty seems unusual."

Rising from his seat, the Count of Lucarion gazed out of the window, lost in contemplation.

Outside the window, the agitated citizens of the territory could be seen.

Even with the food distribution, it made no sense for the citizens to react this way.

"I'll investigate this matter as well."

At the knight's words, Locke nodded.

"Thank you."

After hearing Locke and Count Lucarion's words, the knight walked out of the mansion.

Once outside, he glanced around.

Making sure no one was nearby, he walked towards a dark alley.

In that alley stood a man.

"Have you been well?"

"As always, I'm doing fine."

The man, raising his hood slightly, greeted the knight with a smile, a notable scar evident on his eye.

The knight spoke, looking at the man.

"Still... will you continue like this? Don't you know what kind of family the Lucarions are?"

However, the man with the scar on his eye shook his head.

"I apologize to Count Lucarion, but it's necessary for the greater good."


The knight bowed slightly and walked out of the alley.

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Another chappy tonight!

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