Academy’s Second Seat
Chapter 184 Table of contents

Dozens of students were standing in the auditorium, huddled together and chatting.

As each name was called, one by one, they left the auditorium.

"Let's meet there then."

"Okay! You have to come there at least on the second night!"

"The seniors might just leave, but not us."

"If we can't make it, we can't. Anyway, we'll have to gather on the third day whether we like it or not."

Like the others, we were gathered and chatting.

Starting with Luna and Rie, then Kuhn and Emily, and Locke.

And then.

"When will I ever be invited to such a grand gathering?"

"You could make it if you try, Riku. Stop playing around."

Ena and Riku too.

It seemed like everyone we knew was invited.

I wondered if we had gathered too many people, but based on what we learned about the Red Dragon, it seemed we wouldn't have too many, only perhaps too few.

The Red Dragon was not an opponent to be taken lightly.

It would take all of us, including Astina, to stand a chance.

Even then, it wasn't a guarantee of victory.

Regardless of being a Hatchling… the offspring of a Red Dragon, its majesty was undiminished.

A dragon's skin can deflect all magic and blades, and the breath it emits can burn down mountains.

Even if it's just a Hatchling, it could still unleash half of that power.

But that didn't matter much.

If you know your enemy and yourself, you will never be defeated.

I had thought about myself and those around me, and diligently researched the dragon.

I had even devised a plan.

I wasn't sure how it would turn out, but it was a plan with a good chance of success.

I smiled and looked around.

Then I noticed someone who was usually there was missing.

"By the way, isn’t Yuni participating?"

It was unlikely that Luna hadn’t asked Yuni.

Yet, she was nowhere to be seen.

"Ah, Yuni said she'd observe the situation and decide. She said it's hard to give a sure answer."

Was it because I was part of this group?

I thought that shouldn't matter.

After all, we were competing based on our academic year and rank.

I turned to look at Rie.

"Is Yuni not feeling well...?"

"She seems fine. And she wouldn't get nervous over something like this. It’s an event that lasts for days without an audience."

Rie shrugged her shoulders.

Indeed, if she wasn't feeling well, she'd be more inclined to join, having supportive people around her.

Then what was the reason?

Just then, the announcer’s voice rang out.

"Yuni Von Ristonia, please board the carriage."

"How can I achieve first place?"

Yuni had pondered this deeply.

Her skills were certainly exceptional.

Armed with the theories learned in the lab and the lightning magic taught by Gracie, she felt confident against any first-year student.

However, this assessment was such that even with outstanding skills, one might not secure the top spot.

It required the support of fellow students and a bit of luck.

Among the first-years, she was strong, but if the second-years were included, she would be in the upper-middle tier.

If a powerful second-year targeted Yuni, she would lose.

Not only would she miss the top ranks, but she could also plummet to the very bottom.

In such a case, perhaps it would be better to heed Luna's advice.

That might be a more stable approach.

However, Yuni was not satisfied with this.

In Rudy's group were Kuhn and Emily.

Kuhn, a talent ranking third among the first-years.

If she was in the same team, she might be overshadowed by Kuhn.

To secure the top spot, she had to take a slightly different, albeit riskier, approach.

"Even if I join Luna's group later... I can’t start off with them from the beginning."

She needed to earn as many points as possible on her own.

That was the only way to score higher than Kuhn or Diark.

"Now the question is, what should I do from here?"

Yuni gazed up at the sky.

She was in a forest dense with trees.

Even though it was autumn, many trees were still green, interspersed occasionally with trees shedding their autumn leaves.

The scent of fallen leaves and earth enveloped her.

Yuni had arrived at the mountain where the joint assessment was to take place.

Then, a voice from behind spoke.

"Yuni, you may proceed directly to the assessment."

"Ah, yes... I mean, understood."

Yuni initially responded informally before quickly correcting herself.

The staff member smiled at Yuni's cute mistake and boarded the carriage they had arrived in.

Then, the carriage traveled to the mountain.

"How did they make a path through the mountain?"

Yuni looked in wonder at the trail leading up to the mountainside.

Trees had been cut to create a neat pathway.

"This isn't the time to worry about that."

Yuni shook her head.

The first-years had arrived at the mountain earlier than the second-years.

Limited carriages and the inability to teleport all students to the mountain at once meant that the disadvantaged first-years started the evaluation first.

With no second-years around, she had to earn as many points as possible.


At that moment, a sound came from the bushes in front of Yuni.

She quickly turned her head towards the sound.

"A magical beast?"

Yuni watched the bushes warily, a look of surprise on her face.

Then, a small creature burst through the undergrowth.

"...A rabbit?"

A rabbit with fluffy fur appeared.

Yuni gazed impassively at the rabbit.

Then, she manipulated her mana.


Static electricity formed around her head.

"There shouldn't be a rabbit like this in such a place."

The rabbit was actually a 'White Rabbit,' a type of magical beast.

It was clearly listed in the Bestiary.

This mountain was home to numerous magical beasts.

A mere rabbit couldn’t survive here.

The White Rabbit’s eyes turned red.

Its fur bristled, revealing sharp teeth and claws.



Yuni used her magic, and small electric currents shot out from her hand.


The White Rabbit dodged Yuni's magic by rolling away.

Seizing the opportunity created by the White Rabbit's dodge, Yuni used another spell.

"Fire Ball."


The Fire Ball hit the White Rabbit.

Small flames clung to its body, and it rolled on the ground.

However, it didn’t collapse completely.

Despite being hit by the Fire Ball, the White Rabbit got back up.

“Squeal...! Squeak!!!”

But it didn’t continue the fight.

Making strange noises, the White Rabbit quickly began to flee.

‘Did I use too weak a spell?’

Choosing the Fire Ball was a decision to conserve mana, considering the 3-day duration in the mountains.

However, it was Yuni’s mistake to allow it to escape.

‘Should I chase it?’

Each of these magical creatures represented points, so she needed to defeat them.

Yuni moved to chase the fleeing White Rabbit.

But she didn’t need to go far.



She had just started chasing when she heard noises from the surrounding bushes.

Rustle─ Rustle─ Rustle─

It wasn’t just one or two.

White rabbits with white fur started to emerge from the bushes.

That’s when Yuni realized.

White Rabbit: Not very strong individually but highly reproductive.

Hunts in groups.

Requires caution when faced alone.

Those were the words from the Bestiary.

Dozens of White Rabbits surrounded Yuni.

“Grrr… Grrr…”

The White Rabbits made strange noises, as if mocking Yuni.


Yuni looked around nonchalantly and then smirked.

“Missing one score brought many more at once? Is this the ‘blessing in disguise’ Rudy talked about?”

Yuni waved her hand in the air.

Strong static electricity formed around her, gathering in her hand.

With a satisfied smile, Yuni said,

“Chain Lightning.”

After arriving at the mountain, I looked around.

Surprisingly, the surroundings were quiet.

Unusually quiet.

Firstly, I scanned the area.

I needed to decide quickly where to move.

This evaluation was to last for three days and two nights.

During this time, I would have to camp in the mountains.

And that too, under the threat of enemies lurking around…

Surely there were those planning to earn points through surprise attacks.

For some, it was more advantageous to face people than magical beasts.

Take Yeniel, for example.

Having lived the life of an assassin, Yeniel would likely opt for such a tactic.

Therefore, finding a base was essential.

A place where I could easily protect myself at night.

A cave would be good, or even an open area.

I was confident in a fair fight, no matter the opponent.

“More importantly…”

I looked up at the trees around me.

I could feel manas moving above the trees.

Were the instructors monitoring?

I didn't notice it in my first year, but lately, I've become more sensitive to mana.

It made sense, considering even a Red Dragon Hatchling could appear.

If even one student were to lose their life, it would cause an uproar…

Lost in these thoughts, I was about to move when I heard it.

“…Rudy Astria.”

I heard my name being called.

A man appeared before me.

“…Who are you?”

I looked puzzled at the unfamiliar man.

It was absurd that someone I didn’t know was calling my name as if waiting for me.

“I’m Rockefeller, the eldest son of the Count of Tronia!”

The man proudly declared his lineage.

But even with his declaration, I didn’t recognize him.

How could I remember every student in the Academy?

I had trouble remembering the names of those helping the student council.

“So what? Is this some kind of introduction?”

I frowned and spoke.

“Well… Ah…! Fine, let's assume that.”

Rockefeller, as he introduced himself, extended his hand toward me.

“Join our team, Rudy Astria.”


“You know it’s advantageous to form teams with people nearby, right?”

Hearing this, I understood the situation.

I guessed why it had been so quiet around.

“If I don’t join your team?”

Rockefeller smiled as if he had anticipated my response.

“Then we’ll have to take your points.”

As he spoke, I felt mana around us.

Some of the manas I had felt earlier flickered.

It seemed odd that there was so much mana, but it appeared that many were lying in ambush.

“Being the second-ranked in the individual evaluation… your points must be quite valuable.”


They were waiting where the carriages dropped us off, planning to ambush anyone who wouldn’t join their team.

The carriage route into the mountain was limited.

So, waiting at that spot meant they could ambush students without a team.

They had found a loophole in the rules.

It was ridiculous.

"Hey, I have a question."


"What were you thinking, waiting until the last to be here? You knew who would be on the last carriage, didn't you?"

The last to leave the Academy.

That included me, Evan, Rie, and others among the top second-year students.

"Do you really think you stand a chance?"

If it were a battle among the top-ranked students, maybe.

But not a single one of us would fall to these small fry.

"Instead of scheming like this, you should have hunted more magical beasts."

I manipulated my mana.

"Or, you should have ambushed without talking."

As I said this, the guy started to backpedal.

Then he shouted.

"Everybody, attack!"

"Too late, idiot."

I channeled mana into my feet and stomped on the ground.

In an instant, I reached Rockefeller.

"Starting with you, then?"

I smiled and raised my hand.

The mana stone on my glove twinkled.

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