Academy’s Second Seat
Chapter 210 Table of contents

We entered the mansion and took our seats in the dining room.

"Have you been doing well at the academy?"

Ian asked me while we were eating.

"Thanks to your concern, I've been managing,"

I replied to Ian with a subtle expression.

Although I was hungry, the dining situation was too uncomfortable to hide my expression.

Why did this guy suddenly set up such a meal?

Eating alone with Ian would be uncomfortable enough...

The nobles seated around me.

About a dozen nobles were joining Ian and me at our dining table.

Even a cursory glance at their faces was enough to recognize who was who.

Maybe it was due to studying about nobles at the academy, but their presence was hard to ignore.

Ian put down his food and looked at me with a smile.

"Now that I think of it, I heard you've finally become the top student this time."

I grimaced internally.

There was an edge to his words, 'this time.'

As if he had always been the top student, but now it was finally my turn.

Was he trying to embarrass me by calling me here?

Still, I held back.

"It's my fault for realizing things late, but I plan to graduate as the top student, so don't worry."

"Well, make sure you don't bring shame to the name of Astria,"

Ian said.

I gritted my teeth at his words and looked around.

Seeing me hold back, the nobles looked at me with faces of surprise.

Yes, it would be better to show these nobles my changed self.

As I scanned the faces, one person caught my eye.

Count Mayer.

The man I had heard about from the coachman.

He was a middle-aged man with sharp features and black hair.

Despite his age, his robust appearance showed he was a warrior.

The Mayer family was famous for their swordsmanship.

Once called the Sword of the Empire, they were a prestigious family, but lately, their influence had waned.

It wasn't just because the empire heavily supported magic, but also because the Mayer family had not produced any remarkable talents.

The head of the family was getting old and couldn't show the prowess of his prime, and his heirs couldn't match his skill, leading to their inevitable decline.

Thus, to survive, the Mayer family had attached itself to the noble Astria family.

It seemed they had judged that they wouldn't survive if they remained neutral as before.

Considering this situation, it was an excellent opportunity to bring them to my side.

They were not originally related to the Astria family but joined them for political survival.

Though I might be seen as a less stable ally compared to Ian, the Mayer family would surely be deeply considering it, thinking of the honor they could regain if they succeed.

Currently, I have no close allies, so the rewards when I secure that position will be immense.

I closely observed Count Mayer before turning my head away.

It seemed better to speak with him separately later, rather than initiating conversation now.

Turning towards Ian, I opened my mouth.

"Speaking of which, shouldn't you be managing the Royal army?"

"I stopped by briefly for a family meal. With Astina here, there shouldn't be any problems."

I was startled at the mention of Astina's name.

Ian didn't miss my reaction.

"Weren't you somewhat close to Astina? I remember you two being together when I visited the academy."

"Yes, I helped Astina when she was the council president."

"Oh, I heard about that. Astina said she was indebted to you."

"How is Astina doing?"

"She's fine. The Royal army is still in the preparatory stage, so it's not too busy."

At that, my eyes sparkled.

"Then, may I visit you sometime?"

"To see me?"

"I'm curious about the state of the Royal army and would like to observe."

In truth, my visit wasn't to see Ian but Astina.

I wanted to ask about her plans and see her face to check if she was okay.

Additionally, I was curious about whether the Royal army could counter the rebels.

Ian responded firmly to my request.

"That might be difficult. Given the situation, we're maintaining strict security."

"I see."

I swallowed my disappointment.

If not now, perhaps there would be an opportunity later.

With that hope, I held back my words.

Thus, our meal continued.

It was a quiet dinner, devoid of significant conversation.

As time passed, the uneasy meal concluded.

The nobles and I followed Ian as we rose from our seats.

Ian seemed ready to leave, heading towards the courtyard.

"Rudy, it's good to see you after such a long time. We may not meet often, but let's have meals together occasionally."

"Yes, if you wish, Brother..."

The meal ended without much else said.

Why did he invite me for a meal when there was no particular reason?

I wasn't keen on such pointless gatherings.

Despite his apparent dislike for me, why did Ian arrange this meal?

As I pondered, Ian spoke up.

"Ah, and keep next week free."


As I looked puzzled, Ian continued.

"Next week, Father intends to teach you spatial magic. I wanted to pass on that message."


I remembered the scroll I had received from the royal family.

The inheritance of spatial magic.

Hearing those words unexpectedly lifted my spirits.

The food that had been stuck in my throat until the meal seemed to go down smoothly now.

"Understood. Thank you,"

I replied to Ian with a broad smile.

If Ian had come just to convey this message, I wondered how bitter he must feel inside.

So, I smiled even wider, as if to tease him.

"Well, I should be going now,"

Ian said, offering his farewell before climbing into his carriage.

As Ian left, the other nobles also bid me goodbye and started boarding their carriages.

I turned away from the nobles and began to walk.

"Spatial magic..."

I had already witnessed the power of spatial magic with my own eyes.

The spatial magic used by my future self.

Its power was beyond imagination.

However, I was uncertain if I could wield that ability properly.

"If my future self could use it properly, it means I should be able to use it too,"

I mused, talking to myself as I headed towards my room.


A female voice called out from behind me.

Turning around, I saw a woman with black hair in armor, looking chaste and gazing at me with warm eyes.

Her armored appearance gave her the air of a knight.

Who is she?

I asked, tilting my head in curiosity.

"Who might you be?"

I knew it was impolite to ask such a question to someone I might know, but it was better than pretending to recognize her.

It's ruder to be caught faking familiarity.

"You are Rudy, aren't you!"

Despite my rude question, the woman smiled even brighter.

"Yes, it's me! Karen Mayer."

Her voice was laced with excitement.

It was surprising to see her act this way.

Surely she must have known the previous Rudy Astria.

Why would she show such an attitude?

I was astonished that someone who got along well with the notorious Rudy existed.

No, more than that, her use of the Mayer family name implied she was a lady of the Mayer family.

I quickly assessed the situation.

If she already harbored a fondness for me, it would be easier to draw the Mayer family to my side.

I needed to befriend this person.

"Ah, my apologies. I had completely forgotten. I offer my apologies to the lady."

I bowed my head, apologizing formally.

I executed the etiquette I had learned at the academy flawlessly.

As I raised my head, pleased with my response, the expression on Lady Mayer had turned cold.

Her face now bore the sharp and icy impression similar to Count Mayer's I had seen earlier.

The warm gaze from moments ago was nowhere to be found.


Did I make a mistake?

Confused by Lady Mayer's sudden change of expression, I felt bewildered.

It was certainly proper etiquette.

Yet, her expression had changed abruptly despite no unusual action from my side.

I couldn't fathom what might have caused it.

'Did I make some mistake...?'


Just as I was about to ask Lady Mayer, Count Mayer appeared behind us.

Count Mayer's eyes widened upon seeing me.

"Ah, you were with Rudy. I hope my daughter hasn't caused any trouble."

"...No, nothing at all. Did you enjoy your meal?"

"Yes, thank you."

The Count responded briefly to my routine question.

It didn't feel like he deliberately kept it short.

He seemed naturally unaccustomed to making smooth, diplomatic remarks.

"Then, I shall take my leave."

Count Mayer bowed his head to me and gestured to Karen.

Karen, however, continued to glare at me despite her father's presence.


"...Yes, Father. I'm coming."

Only after Count Mayer repeated himself did she finally move.

I could breathe easier only after Count Mayer and his daughter were out of sight.

"It feels like something has gone wrong..."

What exactly was the original Rudy Astria's relationship with them?

I grasped my head in confusion.

Karen Mayer and Count Mayer boarded the carriage together.

"We're departing now,"

The coachman announced, and as the carriage started to move, Count Mayer spoke.

"It's been a while since you met Rudy, hasn't it?"


Count Mayer noticed Karen's less than enthusiastic response and tilted his head curiously.

He continued,

"I've been thinking."

Count Mayer believed he knew Rudy well, especially since his daughter Karen had spent time with Rudy from a young age.

"The current Rudy Astria seems trustworthy. He has completely changed from what the rumors suggested."

The Rudy he knew before was the epitome of a troublemaker.

In fact, he had wanted to prevent his daughter from associating with Rudy, but he let it be due to the wishes of Karen and the Astria family head.

But now, Rudy was entirely different.

He knew how to show respect, keep his temper, and had reportedly achieved good grades at the academy.

Such behavior was unimaginable for the Rudy Count Mayer knew.

'That troublemaker turned into a decent person. Or perhaps, he's just grown up.'

Count Mayer looked sternly at Karen.

"As you wish─"

"He's changed..."

Karen interrupted Count Mayer.

"He's not the Rudy Astria I knew before."

Karen's eyes sharpened as she spoke to the Count.

Count Mayer nodded at her words.

"Yes, he's changed..."

"That's not the Rudy I know!!!"


Count Mayer looked incredulous.

"The Rudy I knew wasn't like that! The Rudy I know! Rudy is!!"

Karen, tears welling in her eyes, was agitated.

Count Mayer wondered what she was talking about.

"My dear... calm down first."

"How can I be calm! Rudy is!!!"

"Well, we can't be sure he's changed. We haven’t had a proper conversation yet."

The commanding presence Count Mayer exhibited at the Astria estate was absent.

Instead, he appeared as a father unable to sway his daughter.

At Count Mayer's words, Karen stopped her outburst.

"Maybe... maybe he's just acting..."

"Yes, dear. The carriage is shaking; please sit down."


Count Mayer cleared his throat and spoke again.

"Then what you mentioned earlier..."

"I'll put it on hold for now. If Rudy has changed, it all becomes meaningless."

Count Mayer sighed at Karen's response.

"What are you planning to do then?"

"...I will meet Rudy myself."

Karen's sharp eyes gleamed.

"I need to see it with my own eyes."

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