Academy’s Second Seat
Chapter 225 Table of contents

In front of Liberion Academy, at the Tusen Gorge.

Soldiers and professors were present there.

Since the Academy didn't have a lord, the professors themselves had to defend it in times of war.

However, due to not being a combat group, there was a shortage of soldiers and weaponry.

Still, there wasn't a major problem.

Dozens of professors were at the Academy, each an expert in their field.

Not only were these exceptional individuals guarding it, but the surrounding terrain also protected the Academy.

Numerous gorges and mountain ranges surrounded the area.

Originally, this location was chosen to facilitate outdoor training for the students.

This geographical feature turned the Academy into a natural fortress.

It limited the paths for large armies to move and made it advantageous to fight at the chokepoints.

Even with few soldiers and limited weapons, it was still a safe place.

However, it was also a highly coveted location for the enemy.

For the rebels, capturing such a fortress, even at great sacrifice, could turn the tide of war in their favor.

Thus, the professors were in a state of high alert.

Cromwell approached McDowell, who was overlooking the gorge from above.

“Principal McDowell, I've returned.”

“How are the students and civilians?”

“We've sent most of the students back to their homes, and the residents are safely sheltered inside the Academy.”

The Academy had experienced attacks by rebels before.

Hence, they weren't complacent.

Although the army had to pass through the gorge where the professors were, there could be other methods of attack.

Like the previous rebel attack, where they had used Bone Dragons.

If all professors were stationed in the gorge, they couldn't respond to such an attack.

Therefore, they had evacuated the residents of the village in front of the Academy and stationed some professors there for safety.

“What about the message from the Empire?”

“You mean the instruction to go to Persia's domain in case of emergency?”

“Yes, is it feasible?”

“It's possible, but... are you sure you'll be alright, Principal?”

Principal McDowell had lost an arm to Aryandor.

He couldn't display the same authority as before.

“I'll be fine. The Royal army is already heading this way, isn't it?”

Ian's rear guard was currently moving towards the Academy.

Astina's vanguard was guarding the Verdès domain in the south, while Ian's rear guard was responsible for the Academy area, as per the current Royal strategy.

“Honestly, it's not easy. While moving there is possible, what happens after the move is the problem. If the rebels really come to Persia's domain... Depending on who comes, it might be challenging to perform effectively.”

Cromwell recalled Gracie, who had suggested such a plan.

He wasn't too upset about being overestimated, but considering the war situation, it wasn't a good judgment.

"Still, there's no need for great concern. After all, isn't the Empire's head elementalist also there?”


Worrying wouldn't change anything.

It was a decision already made in the meeting, so they had to follow through.

Then, from below, a soldier shouted.

“Principal McDowell! The Royal army is almost here!”

“Understood. Time for us to go and meet them.”

“Yes, let's go.”

Cromwell and McDowell descended to meet the Royal army at the bottom of the gorge.

Verdès Domain, the ramparts.

Astina stood atop them.

From there, she could only see the vast plains, not even an ant in sight.

However, her expression was filled with worry.

“What’s bothering you?”

At that moment, someone approached Astina from behind.

It was Diark Verdès, the only son of the Verdès family.

Astina and Diark weren't originally acquainted, but they had become close surprisingly quickly.

The reason was a shared topic of conversation about Rudy.

Diark, having received help from Rudy during the joint assessment, felt amiable towards Rudy's acquaintances.

He believed in reciprocating the help he received, even if he couldn't repay Rudy directly, he should be kind to those around Rudy.

“How can I not worry when the war is looming so close?”

“Still, thanks to Astina, all preparations are complete, aren’t they?”

“I might have just lit the fuse on a bomb waiting to explode.”


“No matter what anyone says, I am the one who hastened this war.”

Diark was about to speak when Astina cut him off.

“However, many people share this responsibility with me. My close ones are involved too.”

Astina was afraid.

She feared that her actions, taken for her own survival, could harm or even kill those around her.

Could she endure it if such a thing happened?

The thought of surviving at the end, atop a pile of bodies, was revolting to her.

And what if Rudy died in such a situation?

Rudy had assured her that he would come to save her.

At the time, it was a joyous thought, but as time passed, she increasingly hoped he wouldn’t come.

She sometimes wished to die alone rather than involve others.

“Is there something wrong with Rudy?”

Diark's sudden question made Astina's eyes widen.

“What are you talking about? Rudy is in the capital, isn’t he? This place is on the outskirts of the Empire.”

“When you talk about Rudy, there’s a unique expression on your face.”


“You wear the same expression when you think of Rudy.”

Diark laughed happily and said to Astina.

“…Don’t tell others.”

“How can I tell others when I don’t even know what it’s about?”

Astina let out a sigh.

"Rudy is a concern, but not entirely. It was more about the overall worry regarding the war.”

“Then, you might not need to worry about Rudy.”

Diark spoke with confidence.

“What do you mean?”

“From what I’ve observed, Rudy isn't someone we need to worry about.”

“You mean he’s different from us?”

“No, he's one of us, but a real maverick. He’s so intense that it’s almost like venom oozes out of him.”

Diark continued.

“Rudy lives a different kind of day than we do. He sits in the library all day, then goes to the training ground to practice magic alone, and when he returns to his room, the light never seems to go out.”

Diark had been closely observing Rudy at the Academy.

Initially, it was out of curiosity about how a genius lived.

However, watching Rudy’s life led him to a different conclusion.

Rudy was not a genius.

“There’s a saying that most magic is about talent, isn’t there? That it's a field only for geniuses born into the right families with inherent mana and various other factors. But seeing Rudy, I wonder if I’d be in the same position even with the same elements.

He lives a life that would make one sick just by watching. If that’s what it takes to be a genius, I’d rather not be one. Even if I were asked, I couldn’t do it.”

“How does that translate to not worrying about Rudy?”

“If such a person sets out to do something, would they really fail? Would they fall when faced with danger? Rudy has already been preparing tremendously since his time at the Academy. He’s someone who can overcome anything.”

Rudy didn’t have a natural talent for magic.

If he had, his life might have been different from the start.

He could have easily mastered magic without anyone's help, and when he decided to surpass Evan, he might have even become the top student.

But Rudy didn’t do that.

He was just an ordinary person.

However, his efforts were not in vain.

He gained strong abilities and was prepared to overcome any situation.

“So, if we just trust and wait, he’ll surely overcome it on his own.”

Astina thought of Rudy’s face upon hearing Diark’s words.

“…Maybe, trusting and waiting is what I should do.”

Astina smiled to herself as she looked into the distance.

Then, she turned to Diark.

“Where is the Marquis of Verdès now?”

“My father? He should be inside the castle with his staff.”

“Is that so?”

“…? Where are you going?”

“I just remembered somewhere I need to visit.”

“A place you need to visit?”

“Persia Domain.”

Astina smirked.

“I need to go and see the situation there.”

“So, is everything ready now?”

“Yes, it is.”

Daemon responded to Aryandor’s question.

“Tell the soldiers to pull back as there might be a counterattack.”


Daemon handed a prepared scroll to the bat on his shoulder.

"Then, let's be on our way."

Aryandor laughed.

As he did, a massive movement stirred behind him.

The undead with their enormous bodies.

They began to move.

The location where Aryandor and Daemon stood was in front of the mountain range of Perses' domain.

The Royal army was unaware of one crucial fact.

This mountain range was not a place for ordinary people to traverse.

It was too rugged and twisted, making it impossible to navigate carelessly.

However, Aryandor had cunningly exploited this to his advantage.

In fact, he had been preparing for this for quite some time.

Since people didn't travel through here, it was possible to prepare for war.

An undead army created with necromancy.

Daemon's undead army had been hidden in this mountain range.

The treacherous terrain provided ample hiding places for the undead, allowing for the concealment of a large force.


And now, that undead army began to move.

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