Academy’s Second Seat
Chapter 253 Table of contents

Robert looked at Rudy.

The moment for decision had come.

"You're not a kid, what's with the whining?"

Robert patted Rudy's head.

'I believe in this guy.'

Robert didn't want to make Rudy like himself.

Or perhaps, it was for his own sake.

To avoid any more regrets, Robert had come here.

Robert was an orphan.

He barely survived after being abandoned in the capital.

To avoid starving, he begged; to survive, he clung to adults.

Fortunately, being abandoned in the capital was a blessing in disguise.

Near the capital was Ephomos.

It overflowed with orphans like him, and there were people willing to take care of them.

Though "taking care of" might sound kind, in reality, these people exploited the orphans.

They made them pickpocket to line their own pockets, providing the orphans with just enough bread to live on.

While living day by day through pickpocketing, he encountered magic.


It was a magic that orphans in Ephomos could easily come across.

The very people who made the orphans pickpocket were necromancers.

They used the money the orphans made from pickpocketing for their research.

Every day, as Robert pickpocketed and contributed to them, he learned magic by watching from the corner of his eye.

He learned the basics of magic this way and practiced it.

Though young enough to survive through pickpocketing, he thought that learning necromancy was essential for surviving the future.

He lived by pickpocketing in the morning and learning magic in the evening.

During such a life.

"What are you doing?"

"Excuse me?"

"My wallet. Give it back."

He encountered Levian, a middle-aged man.

"Ugh... Wind Blaster!"

Robert used magic to try and escape from Levian.


Levian was impressed that a child who was pickpocketing could use magic properly.

"What do you do?"

"I'm a wizard."


Despite trying to escape with magic, Robert couldn't get away from Levian, who was an accomplished wizard at the time.

Levian smiled and approached Robert.

"How about learning magic from me?"

Levian saw potential in Robert.

It was unthinkable that a child living off the streets and pickpocketing could have learned proper magic on his own.

Yet, since Robert had used magic, Levian believed that with proper instruction, he could become an even greater wizard.

Thus, Levian took Robert back to the capital, kept him nearby, and observed him for several days.

Confirming his initial judgment was correct, Levian made an offer to Robert.

"You should enter the academy."

"...The academy?"

"If you go there, you'll be able to learn a lot. About magic, about being human, and even what it means to have friends."

With a smile, Robert responded.

"I refuse."

Robert was aware of the academy.

He knew it was a place for nobles, where attending cost a fortune.

He'd rather save that money to live on his own.

"Haha, such a bold one. But,"

Levian said with a broad smile to Robert.

"Did I give you a choice?"

Robert was then captured by Levian's magic and sent to the academy.

Tied up with ropes, he was loaded onto a carriage and sent to the academy with just a letter.


"...What's this?"

"A letter from Levian."

[Turn this one into a proper person. Professor McDowell.]


Robert was thus left in the care of Professor McDowell at the time.

Given Levian was a royal wizard, Professor McDowell couldn't possibly refuse his request.

"What's your name?"

Professor McDowell asked as he untied Robert.

"...Puhah! Who are you?"

"McDowell. Call me Professor McDowell."

"Professor? Anyway, send me back to the capital. If there's any money Levian paid, please return it."


"This academy's expensive, isn't it? So, Levian must have paid for my tuition. Please give that money back."

"There's no such thing."


"If there's no money, I can't attend, can I?"

"Why ask me? I wouldn't know."

Levian had not given any money to Robert.

If he had provided tuition fees, Robert could have taken the money and run away or come back with it.

To prevent this, Levian didn't support any tuition or fees.

Professor McDowell, understanding the situation somewhat, said,

"That doesn't mean there's no way."

"There's a way?"

"The academy has a very good scholarship system. There's an entrance exam the day after tomorrow. Score well on it, and you won't need to pay anything."

"...I have a question."

"What is it?"

"If I get the money, can I run away?"


After some thought, Professor McDowell spoke,

"Alright. If you top the exams, I'll give you the money. But if you score anything less, you're staying at the academy."

"Top the exams..."

Robert thus took the entrance exam for the academy.

His goal was the money.

He planned to top the academy, receive the scholarship, and then run away.

Robert was confident he could top the exams.

After all, the academy was filled with nothing but noble brats.

He couldn't possibly lose to them, having learned magic the hard way.

However, that was a misconception.


Charles Cromwell 2. Robert 3. Elena 4. George Mcguire




Robert secured second place.

He scored higher than anyone in practical magic, but his weakness in theory placed him second.

1Charles Cromwell 2. Robert 3. Elena 4. George Mcguire

So, it was impossible for him to secure the first place.


McDowell thought his heart would sink.

Especially since Robert, expected to rank low, had managed to secure second place.

"Did you say McDowell?"

"Call me Professor McDowell."

"Whatever the title. I have a question."


"That Cromwell bastard. Who the hell is he?"

That was the first encounter between Robert and Cromwell.

The first defeat Robert felt.

Whether noble or commoner, he simply beat them in magic skill.

Robert had thought himself the best in magic among his peers.

After all, his abilities were recognized by Levian, a royal wizard.

Yet, he couldn't believe he had lost.

"...What the f*ck are you doing?"

"I should be asking you. Who are you? Coming out of nowhere, swearing at me."

Robert went straight to Cromwell to pick a fight.

Then, a woman intervened between the two.

"Don't fight, you two!"

"...And who is this?"

"I'm Elena... But, regardless, you two should get along! Stop fighting!"

She was Elena, a commoner like himself who had proudly secured third place.

Robert looked at Elena curiously.

After looking at Elena, Robert turned back to Cromwell and shouted.

"Just so you know, first place is mine."

"Ha! Struggle all you want. You won't be taking first place from me."

And so, their rivalry began.

Both of them strove hard to secure first place, improving their skills significantly in the process.

Because of this fight, Robert never thought about returning to the capital again.

He was solely focused on studying to defeat Cromwell.

"The valedictorian spot is mine..."

"That's bullsh*t. I've been first more times than you, how could that be possible?"


"You two, again! It's graduation day, why are you fighting!"

Their rivalry continued until the day of graduation, becoming a well-known spectacle within the academy.

Robert and Cromwell fought, and Elena intervened.

It had become such a routine event that even the professors no longer paid it much mind.

"Elena, just leave them. It's not like it's their first day fighting."

Mcguire, always present, enjoyed watching their quarrels.

These four were always seen together.

The four of them, competing and growing together, were the focus of everyone's attention.

"So, Robert, what will you do after graduation?"

"After graduation? Probably head towards becoming a royal wizard. Levian is there, after all."

"And Cromwell? Professorship?"

"Yeah, there's still a lot I want to research at the academy."

"What about you, Elena?"

"Me...? Hmm... What to do..."

"Elena, how about heading towards being a royal wizard? It's actually the best place for a wizard without a family name."

"Is, is that so? What about you, Mcguire? Where will you go?"

"I'm probably heading towards a professorship. I've always wanted to be a professor since the old days."

As he said this, the corners of Elena's mouth twitched upwards.

"Well, guess I have no choice then!"

"...What do you mean, no choice?"

"I have to take care of Robert! If I don't, he'll just keep getting into fights with others!"

Robert looked at Elena bewilderedly.

"I'm not some brawler. Don't take it so lightly, think about it seriously."

"I was being serious!"

"Elena, you've got your work cut out for you."

"Tell me about it."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Amid their conversation, a loud announcement was made.

"Now, we will announce the valedictorian of the 12th class of Liberion Academy. The valedictorian is... Charles Cromwell. And the salutatorian is Robert. There will be an award for the two of you. Please come forward."

"...Are you kidding me?"

"A fair and wise ranking, indeed."

Robert and Cromwell said simultaneously.

Then, Robert bristled.

"In our third year, my grades were..."

Just as they were about to fight, Mcguire pushed them from behind.

"Go on, both of you. Are you going to keep fighting even on graduation day?"


Grumbling, Robert and Cromwell went forward.


Elena looked at Robert's back with pity.

"Elena, you don't need to worry so much."


"This is actually better for him."

Mcguire said with a smile to Elena.

"Because Cromwell took the top spot, Robert will become stronger. He'll become an even better wizard."


"Just keep watching. By Robert's side."

Elena and Mcguire watched as Robert and Cromwell walked forward.

"Don't get complacent just because you did a bit better in school. I'll soon surpass you as a wizard."

"We'll see about that."

Thus, they bickered back and forth, finishing the graduation ceremony.

Cromwell and Mcguire stayed at the academy, while Robert and Elena headed to the empire's capital.

Becoming royal wizards was quite easy for Robert and Elena with their skills.

Robert was the salutatorian of the academy, and Elena had consistently ranked third.

They supported each other, honing their skills, and both became outstanding wizards.

"Robert, you're getting on in age. Aren't you thinking about marriage?"

"What kind of bullsh*t is that?"

"Hey, even as a royal wizard, should you be using such vulgar language?"

"What does it matter how I speak?"

Robert continued his magic research under Levian as planned.

They got along well, bickering just like when they first met.

"I'd like to see my grandchildren someday, Robert."

"Then ask your own son."

"You know I don't have a son."

"Why are you telling me to get married then? I'm too busy studying magic."

"You have a partner, don't you?"


"Elena is there, isn't she?"


As they were talking, Elena burst into the room.

"Robert!! Let's have dinner together tonight! I've finished my work!"

Elena looked back and forth between the two puzzledly.

"...Is there something going on?"

"No, nothing special..."

"Elena. What do you think about Robert?"

As Levian asked with a pleased smile, Elena tilted her head in confusion.

"Like a good friend... we've spent a lot of time together..."

"No, I mean as a partner."


Elena's face turned crimson red.

"Partner? Partner? As in the partner I'm thinking of... Suddenly?"

"I really dislike beating around the bush."

As Levian said this, Elena fidgeted with her fingers.

"That's... I don't hate the idea..."


Hearing this, Levian pushed Robert's back.

"You two planned to have dinner, right? Off you go then."

"...What? I still have work to do. My research isn't─"

"That can wait. You can ask others for help."

"As if there's a dark wizard among the royal wizards..."

Then, a black hand emerged from Levian's shadow, lifting Robert and Elena out the door.

"Old man!"

"Go enjoy your meal."

Levian smiled, watching them leave, and then closed the door to his study.

Robert looked at the closed door with a bewildered expression.

"Ro, Robert... What should we do...?"

"Let's just go have dinner for now."

And so, they got up and left the Magic Tower.

Levian watched them leave the Tower from his study.

"Good times..."

Levian smiled contentedly.

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