Academy’s Second Seat
Chapter 268 Table of contents

"Well, I'm not sure if I'll do well, but now that it's decided, I'll give it a try."

The blonde girl standing on the podium said in an arrogant tone.

The students below buzzed at her words.

"Is that right...?"

"A princess saying something like that..."

All the murmuring came from the first-year students.

They were puzzled by the speech, having heard from the seniors that she was a good person, but then seeing her behave like this after becoming president.

However, the reaction from the second-year students was different.

"That's just how she is."

"She may talk like that, but she does her job properly."

The opinion among the second years was very positive.

The atmosphere was that she was much better than those who only talk big.

"That was Yuni Von Ristonia."

The student council elections at the academy had ended, and Yuni had ultimately taken the president's seat.

Yuni was able to sit in the president's seat thanks to the active support of the second years.

When Rudy was at the academy, Yuni followed him around and did various tasks, from errands in Gracie's lab to student council work, without discriminating.

Despite being a princess, her willingness to do such menial tasks in the past had earned her a very good reputation among the second years, resulting in her taking the president's seat.

Yuni finished her speech and slowly stepped down from the podium.


A slight smile formed on Yuni's face.

"She's happy about becoming president; she'll do well, right?"


The students took comfort in Yuni's smile.

None of them had seen Yuni naturally smile like that before.

Seeing her smile like that because she became president made them think she must have been ambitious about the position and that she would work hard.

However, Yuni's smile was not because she was happy to become president.

'I won, senior.'

The bet she had with Rudy.

If she became president, he would grant her a wish.

Yuni was happier about winning the bet with Rudy than the fact that she became president.

'So... I should go back to my room and tell Rudy...'

"Yuni, where are you going?"

Kuhn called out to Yuni as she was about to head back to her room.

"Oh~. Isn't it our vice president?"

Kuhn was serving as the vice president in Yuni's student council.

He had no intention of doing student council work again, but he felt anxious when he heard Yuni was becoming president.

Kuhn knew the original personality of Yuni.

Until now, Rudy had been there to control Yuni, but now Rudy was not present.

They had to lead the academy with the people here.

So, Kuhn reluctantly decided to play the role of restraining Yuni.

"So, where are you going?"

"…To the dorm?"

"Aren't you going to do student council work?"


Kuhn grabbed the back of Yuni's neck.

"Thinking of slacking off on the first day?"

"No, what work on the first day? On the first day, there's..."

"No time to relax. We're swamped with work."

"Oh, no. Just for a moment!"

"What moment. Hurry up and follow me."

Thus, Yuni was dragged to the student council room by Kuhn, her neck firmly in his grasp.

"Ugh, I'm exhausted."

Dragging my weary body, I returned to the capital and back to the mansion.

Having barely slept properly for days and wandering through strange mountains, it was only natural to feel exhausted.

Still, one task had been completed.

We had caught one of the rebel leaders, and the battle for succession...

"Oh? Has Young Master Rudy returned?"

A maid welcomed me as I entered the mansion.

All the maids who had been on leave had returned.

I smiled and waved at them.

"Nothing happened to you all, right?"

My casual greeting caused the maids' expressions to harden.


"Was there a problem?"

"Oh, not with us, but... there was a problem in the capital."

"In the capital?"

As I tilted my head, the maid continued.

"Chancellor Ophillius has disappeared."

"Chancellor Ophillius?"

My eyes widened.

That he had disappeared.

A chill went down my spine.

"How long has he been missing?"

"It's been four days now. He disappeared right after you and Ian left."

I frowned.

He had suddenly made a move?

Jason Ophillius.

The Empire's Chancellor.

I had suspected him of being a time magic user.

My suspicion began in earnest after learning that the royal head wizard was not a time magic user.

Considering the evidence and the incident, I suspected Chancellor Ophillius might be the time magic user.

Of course, there were so many other things that I couldn't delve into it properly...

"What is the Empire doing about it?"

"For now, they're spreading wanted posters everywhere and searching. The Chancellor is old and not a wizard..."

To the public, Chancellor Ophillius was known merely as a civilian exceptional in administrative tasks.

He had never been seen using magic, nor was he a swordsman.

"Alright, I understand. I'll go in and rest."

"Understood. I'll prepare a bath for you."

As I headed to my room, I stroked my chin in thought.

My first thought was whether Chancellor Ophillius had joined the rebels.

If so, why join the rebels now?

If the Chancellor had been with the rebels from the beginning, their power would have been much greater.

Chancellor Ophillius, though not skilled in magic or swordsmanship, was recognized solely for his administrative capabilities.

He was a hero to the common people, practically the spirit of the Empire.

If such a person claimed the Empire was corrupt and headed to the rebels, the people's hearts would have completely turned.

Nothing remains in a place that has lost the support of its people.

If the rebels managed to occupy some land and establish a new state, all commoners would surely turn to them.

Yet, he had not done so.

Had he now gone to the rebels?

Without even declaring his intentions?

It's unlikely he would do something so inefficient.


I looked out the window towards the Royal Palace.

The next day, Ian entered the capital.

As soon as I heard the news, I headed to where the Royal army was stationed, assuming Ian would have gone there first.

Upon arriving, I stared blankly ahead.


There was Rie.

"Rudy Astria. Good timing. Take this guy off our hands."

Astina, the deputy commander of the Royal army, sighed and spoke. It made sense for Astina to be here, but why Rie?

I asked Rie with a puzzled look, "Why are you here?"

"If Ian returned, I figured you would come."

"...So you came to see me? A personal matter?"

Rie shook her head at my question.

"Not entirely personal. There is a personal reason, of course."

Ian sighed at this exchange.

"I'm tired of this. Everyone out."

"Yes, yes. As if we wouldn't leave on our own."

Rie glared at Ian as she spoke.

"Anyway, what brings you here?"

"Chancellor Ophillius."

My expression hardened at Rie's words, as did Astina's and Ian's.

"Have you found Chancellor Ophillius?"

"What do you mean? Has something happened to Chancellor Ophillius?"

Rie narrowed her eyes and glared at both Ian and Astina.

"Now you ask for cooperation after not offering any?"

Astina sighed.

"If you had started with that, we wouldn't have acted this way."

Rie slowly walked over and casually sat down in a chair.

"Anyway, no time for jokes, I'll get straight to it. It seems Chancellor Ophillius was attacked."

I silently nodded, the conclusion I had reached alone yesterday matched.

Astina asked, "Attacked? Any evidence?"

"The lack of evidence is the evidence itself. Would Chancellor Ophillius suddenly disappear? Where could a perfectly healthy person have collapsed? Or, could he have joined the rebels?"

"That's what I think."

At my words, Astina furrowed her brows.

"What are you talking about, Rudy Astria?"

"If he was attacked, what method would leave no evidence?"

Astina tilted her head at my words.

"Attacked without leaving evidence..."

"No, it's not that no evidence was left."

Rie grinned broadly.

"Exactly, my husband. You caught on quickly."



At Astina's reaction, I coughed and looked at Rie.

"You're asking me to check if time magic was used?"

"Yes. Since you're a spatial magic user, you might find some traces."

I nodded.

"Then let's go right away. Can we go now?"

"Yeah, with me here, we don't need special permission."


"I'll come too."

"I'm also going."

As Rie and I were about to leave, Astina and Ian also rose from their seats.

"…What are you two coming for? Ian Astria, didn't you say you were tired?"

"If it's about using spatial magic, I might be more helpful, right?"

"I'm going as the deputy commander of the Royal army. If the rebels really did attack the Chancellor, we need to respond accordingly."

Their reasons had their own logic.

I turned my head to look at Rie.


"…Alright. Let's all go together."

We followed Rie.

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