Academy’s Second Seat
Chapter 280 Table of contents

"Heh, have you been well?"

"Yes... Nothing much has happened."

"Heh, that's good to hear."

"Prepare a cup of tea for Master Franz."

"Ah, got it."

Franz, the Empire's head Wizard and owner of the Magic Tower, visited the Astria residence.

"What brings you here?"

"Heh, do we need a reason to see each other?"

I frowned at Franz's remark.

Surely, the position of the Empire's head Wizard is too busy for idle visits.

Why would he come without any reason?

More importantly, what is our relationship, to begin with?

No matter how I thought about it, Franz and I weren't particularly close.

"How's your magic training going?"

"Yes, I've actually found something to train on."

After sparring with Astina, I pondered.

I was definitely superior in terms of abilities.

But that didn't mean there was nothing I could learn from Astina.

A new ability.

Astina polished a new ability.

This new ability allowed for considering various scenarios in combat.

The opponent had to think of multiple counters, giving the user the upper hand in attack choices.

This made me realize the need for a new ability.

I slowly thought it through.

Just dealing with spatial magic and fist-fighting seemed lacking.

What came to mind was the dark magic I had been neglecting lately.

Robert is gone now.

There's no teacher for dark magic, but his documents remained.

Thus, I began studying from the materials Robert had left.

Though many were difficult to understand, I researched on my own.

"Dark magic... It's a challenging path, but being Robert's disciple, I believe you'll do well."

"Thank you."

"Young master Rudy, I've brought the tea."

"Ah, thank you."

I brought the tea the maid had served to my lips.

Franz tasted the tea and quietly opened his mouth.

"The tea tastes good."

"It's nothing special."

"Heh, perhaps it tastes better because of the company?"

What the hell did he eat to say that?

Is it senility because of his age?

Why has he been acting like this since the last time?

I didn't voice those thoughts.

I just cursed him with my eyes.

Franz, noticing the look in my eyes, cleared his throat.

"Cough cough, so you've been researching on your own lately?"

"Yes, looks like I've reached the point where I need to study alone."

"Heh, you might not need a teacher anymore, but having someone to assist in research could be beneficial."

"I don't think I particularly need it."

Of course, having help would be nice.

That's why professors at the academy have assistants, after all.

But, what I'm doing is closer to training than researching.

Creating something new wasn't the goal; it was about interpreting and mastering existing materials.

Do I really need someone's help for that?

"Heh, you don't know what you're missing."

"Excuse me?"

"If you were just learning techniques, it might not mean much, but to properly apply those techniques in combat and use them alongside your existing skills, you'll need support from others."

Applying techniques in combat.

That means training is necessary.

Having someone to spar with would definitely make it easier.

Incorporating my spatial magic, Priscilla, and close combat into it...

Having someone to assist with all that would surely be beneficial.

"But it's not like I can just receive help from anyone. And who would help..."

The people around me are busy with their own affairs.

At least, those in the capital are.

Then, an idea struck me.

"I know someone who can be of help!"



Franz jumped up, eyes wide.

I looked at Franz, bewildered.

"Is something wrong?"

Franz cleared his throat and sat back down.

"Ah, no. The person who can help you..."

"There's a guy at the academy just killing time. He could be of help."

"Cough cough. So, a student?"

"Yes, a student, but a capable one at that."

"Ah, so just one person."

I tilted my head.

What does he want?

"That's for a sparring partner. You'll also need people to collaborate with in research. And a place for training."

"…Hmm. You're right."

Currently, I can research at the Astria residence in the capital, but there's no proper place for training.

Haven't they seen me demolish a mountain with my abilities?

Most places can't handle the full extent of my power.

Franz smiled at this.

"How about coming to our Magic Tower?"

"…The Magic Tower?"

Hearing that, I understood Franz's intention.

Is he trying to lure me to the Magic Tower?

"If it's the Magic Tower, we can fully support you. We can provide a proper training facility. Plus, Luna is there too. Being together, you could compete and enhance each other's abilities."

Franz laughed happily.

At that, I lifted the corners of my mouth.

"So, you're saying I could just borrow the facilities?"

"Heh… I really wish I could, but that would mean I'm giving someone special treatment."


"You could join the Magic Tower temporarily. Ha! Now that I think about it, I've brought a contract related to that."

It felt awkward.

Franz had clearly come prepared to lure me in.

"How about becoming a temporary member of the Magic Tower? Since you're not affiliated with any place, there shouldn't be a problem."

Franz pushed the contract towards me.

I smiled and pushed the contract back towards Franz.

"Aren't I still affiliated with the academy? And wouldn't the academy provide a training space if asked?"

"Oh, you plan to go to the academy for training? Once the second semester starts, you'd naturally return there, but shouldn't you enjoy the freedom while you can?"

"Being part of the Magic Tower wouldn't exactly mean being free, would it?"

It was clear he intended to abduct me into the Magic Tower.

I had heard about such cases at the academy.

Some magic groups shove contracts at academy students and bind them in what's essentially slave agreements.

Due to the lack of social experience, many students end up in unfavorable contracts.

Usually, it's the smaller groups that engage in such practices.

You'd think a place like the Royal Magic Tower wouldn't engage in unfair contracts, but for me, even a standard contract was essentially a trap.

Capable of using spatial magic.

Recognized by the royal family.

Son of the Astria family.

Achieved significant accomplishments at the academy.

And so on.

My credentials were unmatched by anyone.

"I can offer you a certain level of autonomy. Can't I provide that much?"

Franz pushed the contract towards me again.

"Does it say that here in the contract?"

"Ah, that's not written here! Didn't I say? This contract was 'just' 'somehow' brought along. Heh."

In other words, he was planning to take advantage of me.

"Then write it down first. Sign it too."

Franz's smile widened.

"Right, right. It should be written down."

Franz pulled the contract towards him and picked up a pen.

Before he could write anything, I spoke up.

"Write it like this. Won't pass off strange research. Will respect personal research. Will provide special rights that no one can infringe upon."


That meant I wouldn't work for the Magic Tower's interests.

I would do the research I wanted, come in when I felt like it, and no one could bother me about what I did.

"Don't like it?"

This would be the kind of contract I'd be happy with.

"Cough cough cough."

Franz hesitated with his pen for a moment.

I looked at the pen and stood up from my seat.

"If you don't like it, there's nothing I can do. Then I'll be going..."

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Didn't I say? I'm going to the academy."

At this moment, I am the superior party, and the Magic Tower is the inferior.

Whatever happens, I have the upper hand.

"Ah, fine. I'll write it."

"Ah, and also provide a personal research lab."

"A personal research lab...?"

"Also... could you hand me the contract for a moment?"

I pulled the contract towards me from in front of Franz.

And then, I flipped the page.

"Increase my salary by about four times, and as I just mentioned, remove this attendance rule. A contract duration of 10 years? That's downright scoundrelly. Let's make it 3 years."

"Ah... Ah..."

Franz was at a loss for words at my statement.

I modified the contract myself.

After making all the changes, I passed the contract back to Franz.

Franz was aghast as he looked over the revised contract.

"You want all of this?"

I nodded and smiled brightly.

"Don't like it?"

"No, it's not that..."

If he didn't like it, too bad.

Franz was the one at a disadvantage.

With trembling hands, Franz tried to sign the contract.

As he was about to sign, he looked up at me.

I smiled with my eyes, watching Franz.

"Is there a problem?"

Hesitating, Franz carefully began to speak.

"Could we add just one clause to the contract?"

"I'll listen and then decide."


"Please, speak."

"Could you make it so that it looks like you approached me for this contract... like you were the one who asked me..."

Franz wanted to save face.

"Is this the place?"

A man walked towards the Magic Tower.

He was sure the letter had directed him here, but he wondered if this was the right place.

Why would he be here?

Despite his questions, the man approached the vicinity of the Magic Tower.

"Please stop for a moment. What's your business here?"

A guard at the Magic Tower questioned the man.

"Good day. I have this..."

The man then pulled out a letter from his pocket.

The letter was from Rudy Astria.

"Ah, a letter from young master Rudy. You may enter. Young master Rudy is waiting for you in Room 202, his personal research lab."

"Personal research lab?"

To get a personal research lab in the Magic Tower, one had to climb to a high rank.

One would typically need to be in their 30s or 40s to even consider getting a personal lab.

It was baffling to hear that Rudy had not only joined the Magic Tower but also acquired a personal research lab without any prior notice.

The man nodded and entered the Magic Tower.

Inside, lavish decorations greeted him.

He made an awkward expression and climbed the stairs.

"Room 202..."

Upon reaching Room 202, as the guard had mentioned, there was a large sign posted.

'Rudy Astria, Senior Researcher.'

It wasn't just a borrowed personal lab; it was indeed his own.

Just a few weeks ago, he had heard that Rudy had renounced his heir position, yet now he was in the position of a Senior Researcher.

Being a Senior Researcher meant a position that required immense effort to attain... a position like a fantasy for wizards.

At that level, it wasn't just a path to success; it was as if he had already achieved it.

The man opened the door with a bewildered expression.

"Oh, Evan. You're here?"

The man was Evan.

Evan, who had been training in magic alone at the academy.

Rudy had predicted Evan would have nothing to do and called him here.

"…What on earth have you been up to?"

"Let's explain that slowly, but you're not busy, right?"

"Well, I guess not."

"Then sign this."

Rudy handed a paper to Evan.

"What's this?"

"It's a contract that temporarily affiliates you with the Magic Tower. If you sign, you can freely come and go as you please within the Magic Tower."

Evan looked incredulously between the contract and Rudy.

"And what am I supposed to do after signing this?"

"Nothing much."

Rudy stood up, stretching his shoulders.

"Time to train."

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